June 2021

Break the hold food and stress have over your life in lockdown

FOOD and stress are inextricably linked in a remarkable way that most people would never imagine. This is especially relevant right now because lockdown has been super-stressful for most of us. We’ve just been through the double whammy of winter AND a pandemic. Work lives have changed for lots of people, and we’ve been cut off

Break the hold food and stress have over your life in lockdown Read More »

Denise’s amazing online brainwave boosts her Slimpod success

GOAL-SETTING is such an important part of the Slimpod programme because it’s proven to contribute considerably  towards your success.  I frequently talk about it on my live chats and I know a lot of people don’t attempt to set goals because they trigger all sorts of fears and anxieties about previous attempts to lose weight.

Denise’s amazing online brainwave boosts her Slimpod success Read More »

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