When Slimpod was asked to conduct a special project for 100 staff at Tameside NHS hospital in Manchester, to change their eating habits and help them lose weight, it produced spectacular results.
- 87% of the staff lost weight while listening to the Slimpod over the three month project.
- 97% reported behavioural change and said that they had stopped snacking – and most of them had lost interest in sugar completely.
Thanks to the trailblazing work of Slimpod founder Sandra Roycroft-Davis, the hospital’s chief executive was inspired to transform their work environment and create the first-ever sugar-free hospital restaurant in the whole of the NHS.

Here are some of the success stories from Tameside NHS
hospital. We’re very proud of each and every one of them!

Slimpod helps hospital
win NHS award
Our work at Tameside hospital helped it to win a coveted NHS Sustainability Award. First the hospital restaurant provided a Slimpod Special healthy menu choice (no sugar and low carb). This was a roaring success. The staff loved it! This was then extended and the head chef Simon Smith severely reduced the unhealthy food on offer.
The desserts disappeared from the menu for a trial period of three months and Simon says no one missed them. They’ve now gone for good. Finally, confectionery and sugary fizzy drinks have also disappeared for both staff and visitors.
Tam Fry, Chair of the National Obesity Forum, said the initiative was “trailblazing” and should be spread across the whole of the NHS. Karen James, Chief Executive of the hospital trust (pictured), said: “As a result of the programme, many staff say their behaviour towards food has changed.”
The weight loss project was a huge success. Staff lost weight but even more importantly they’re feeling healthier and happier. Even better, the Tameside staff were featured on Channel 4’s How To Lose Weight Well series in January 2019.
We’ve since set up health and wellbeing projects with Fairfield Hospital, Manchester, the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital in Birmingham and the Millgate Healthcare Practice in Denton, Manchester.

We’re very proud that the clinically-proven Slimpod programme helped Tameside hospital in Manchester to win a coveted NHS award for its contribution to the health and wellness of its staff.

My uniform’s dropped 2 sizes
I’ve tried to lose weight many times but always piled it back on. Working long shifts as I do there’s a tendency to eat convenience food or wait until I get home and then pig out. My vices are bread and wine. Since Slimpod I’ve not wanted so much bread and have noticed I’m drinking less too! It’s been effortless.
“I’m planning my meals and now take healthier options into work with me. And I’m going to the gym after work as I find I have more energy than ever – even after a 12-hour shift! In 13 weeks since I began Slimpod I’ve lost 20 pounds, and by the end of March next year I want to be three stone lighter and I know I can do it because it’s so easy!
” I’ve already dropped a dress size and a half and I’m wearing a smaller uniform and soon will have to replace it with an even smaller one. My colleagues have been very supportive and even a couple of patients have commented how good I’m looking.“
- Urgent Care Nurse Luan Walton, 38

LOST 28 lbs with ease

Now I’m eating healthily!
Look at the size of my old uniform! My problem was cake and chocolate and lots of it. I could be giving advice to my patients about healthy eating with my pockets stuffed with chocolate bars. I wasn’t sure if Slimpod would be for me but when I lost interest in chocolate during the first few days of listening I couldn’t believe it.
“I was more motivated, keener to exercise and generally feeling great. My job can be stressful but very rewarding and I feel that I’m now practising what I preach. I feel really happy! I’ve lost 21 lbs and now I’m a size 10 – and did it all without willpower! I feel I’ve reached my optimum weight and I know maintaining it will be easy.
- Macmillan cancer nurse Stephanie Ridgway

LOST 21 lbs with ease

Smaller portions, no snacking
Since I married my hubby in Antigua last year I’ve put on three stones. I work 10-hour days so I always bring food into work. Trouble is I was always snacking too – until Slimpod that is. Now I’ve cut down on my portions – I’ve done it without really thinking about it.
“I’ve lost 16 lbs but just as important as the weight loss I feel more relaxed and happier in myself. I recently went for another job at the hospital – Normally I’d have got stressed and anxious, but I was relaxed – and got the job. I’m wearing clothes I thought I’d never get back in to. My hubby is happy for me and he’s even started to eat healthier and exercise more and now he’s lost a stone too. I want to lose more, and I will. There’s no way I would give this up.
- Palliative Care nurse Annemarie Thompson, 51

LOST 16 lbs with ease

People praise my new shape
Turning 60 was an important time in my life. It made me take stock of what I really wanted for myself and I wanted to feel less bloated, more motivated and I really wanted to lose weight. I volunteered for the Slimpod project not really knowing what to expect, but it couldn’t have been easier. In fact, I’m amazed at just how easy it’s been.
“In three months I’ve lost 24 lbs and I’ve dropped two dress sizes – I’m now a comfortable 14. I’m eating better and I have a lot more energy for my job and my grandchildren. Lots of people have complimented me on my new shape, which has boosted my self-confidence no end. Although Paul and I have been married for 26 years we’ve started having date nights – and we walk to the restaurant.
- Sheila Benns, 62, Community Team Administrator

LOST 24 lbs with ease

Five sizes down in 5 months
“I joined the Slimpod trial to improve my health after being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2013. I made small changes like taking the stairs and cutting down on snacking and eventually dropped five sizes in trousers and two sizes in tops over five months. I’m now exercising regularly, happier, and have more confidence. My doctor may take me off medication by February because my blood sugar levels have improved. I’m confident the weight will stay off because my lifestyle has changed.”
- Angela Brierley, 53, head of the hospital’s Transformation Services

LOST 20 lbs with ease

My snacking habit’s gone!
“My weight has yoyo-ed up and down over many years by as much as six stone. Safe to say I was sceptical. How could listening to something for nine minutes help you lose weight? It sounded too good to be true. I was wrong. It’s had such a dramatic effect. Three days in I couldn’t eat a full meal, which isn’t like me. My snacking habit has gone and my sweet tooth has disappeared. I’ve lost three stone so far. It’s been so easy!”
- John Fletcher, 58, Acting Director of Quality and Governance

LOST 29 lbs with ease

People just love us on Trustpilot

“After years of obsessing with my weight and trying every diet under the sun I came across Slimpod and can honestly say it’s the only thing that’s changed my relationship with food for the better.”

“The future’s bright now: After listening to the Slimpod just once, I stopped snacking between meals! I have lost weight and I’m confident that the weight will stay off this time. Simply amazing!”

“All of a sudden I’m eating less. I’m giving my partner food. Slimpod is a life changer and a life saver. I’m a 59 year old man and I’ve dieted all my life. Now I have a new relationship with food.”