

A rich resource of advice to give you food freedom,
greater confidence and lasting weight loss.



A rich resource of advice to give you food freedom,
greater confidence and lasting weight loss.

Mighty Hike

Conquering the Mighty Hike: From self-doubt to triumph

Before discovering Slimpod, Loopy Lou, as we know her in Slimpod Club, was battling some significant challenges. She was a heavy drinker, struggling with deep unhappiness and a lack of desire to exercise.  The weight of feeling “too old” to change her exercise habits hung heavily over her.  But everything shifted when she joined Slimpod.

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To climb your personal summit, you must face those fears head-on

Ready to go on stage: This is me at the international conference in Prague I’ve just hit another milestone in my life’s journey – presenting my clinical trials research as a keynote speaker at the International Summit on Public Health and Preventive Medicine in Prague! I’ve spoken about my clinical trials at medical conferences before,

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face up to your fears

Face up to your fears and you’ll discover they aren’t real

LAST week marked another milestone in my life’s journey – presenting my clinical trials research at the prestigious International Public Health conference in Milan! Although I’ve come a long way since my first large audience presentation in Dubai in March, the revelation that I would be the opening speaker brought familiar fears rushing back. Up

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overcome weight loss fears

Overcome weight loss fears that are holding you back

DO your comfort zone and your fears stop you from doing the things which are important to you – including reaching your weight loss goals? Last week I presented our Slimpod clinical trial results to an international health conference in Dubai and it helped me to overcome one of my biggest fears – public speaking. 

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Break the hold food and stress have over your life in lockdown

FOOD and stress are inextricably linked in a remarkable way that most people would never imagine. This is especially relevant right now because lockdown has been super-stressful for most of us. We’ve just been through the double whammy of winter AND a pandemic. Work lives have changed for lots of people, and we’ve been cut off

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Think positively in the pandemic and you’ll feel in control

THINK positively! That’s today’s message. With lockdown in full swing again, I felt it was time to really ramp up some positivity. So I asked my friend Brian Mayne, the author, international speaker and creator of, to join me on a Zoom to inspire and add some much-needed light to our lives right now.

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Lose weight without
willpower or dieting


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