How Slimpod works:
It's as easy as A-B-C
How Slimpod works:
It's as easy as A-B-C
Let it change how you think and feel about food

Let Slimpod change the way you think and feel about food
Let Slimpod change how you think about food
Slimpod works completely differently to anything you may have tried before, including diets, willpower strategies, and even hypnotherapy. It’s a unique approach that taps into the power of your subconscious mind to make lasting, effortless changes. Let’s explore why this is so important.
From the moment you were born, your eating habits began to form. In your early years, these habits—like how you respond to food, what you eat, and how much you eat—became deeply rooted in your subconscious mind. This is where everything you’ve learned and experienced is stored.
As adults, many of us spend years trying to consciously over-ride these ingrained behaviours with willpower and diets. But here’s the truth: your subconscious mind is far stronger than your conscious effort.
This is why dieting often feels like an uphill battle—and why 95% of people struggle to maintain weight loss long term. It’s not because they lack discipline; it’s because they’re fighting against their own subconscious programming.
And this is where Slimpod is a game-changer.

Natural and effortless, the A-B-C of habit change
Natural and effortless,
the A-B-C of habit change
Slimpod doesn’t rely on willpower. Instead, it works with your subconscious mind to create new, healthier patterns that feel natural and effortless. By rewiring those deeply ingrained habits, Slimpod allows change to happen gently and sustainably. Here’s the A-B-C:
A: It primes your mind to want healthier food more often.
Over time, you’ll notice yourself naturally reaching for better options because you want to, not because you feel pressured to.
B: It helps you hear your full signal.
This allows you to eat less without overthinking or obsessing. Your body naturally guides you to stop when you’re satisfied.
C: It encourages you to move more.
But not in a punishing way! You’ll simply feel more inclined to incorporate small, enjoyable movements into your daily life.
Slimpod works within your limits and at your pace. You won’t suddenly feel compelled to give up your favourite foods unless you’re ready to, and you’re unlikely to start running marathons unless that’s your goal.
It’s about gentle shifts that feel right for you.

Mind and body working in harmony to release the fat
Slimpod isn’t a magic wand. It’s a tool that works in harmony with your subconscious mind. But for it to work effectively, you must commit to change.
If you’re ready to improve your relationship with food and lose weight, Slimpod will guide your subconscious mind to make it happen. When you bring this intention to the Slimpod programme, real transformation takes place.
Your relationship with food changes. Your relationship with yourself improves. And as those shifts occur, your body begins to release the fat it no longer needs.
Sometimes, the body can be resistant at first. This can be for a variety of reasons – hormones, insulin resistance, menopause, or even limiting beliefs about what’s possible.
This is why Slimpod includes pods you listen to plus videos and coaching to help you understand what’s happening and how to address it.
Slimpod isn’t just about weight loss—it’s about self-discovery.
Today is the day you
transform your future
Throughout your Slimpod weight loss journey, you’ll uncover what’s been holding you back and learn how to move forward with confidence and ease.
If you’re an emotional eater, it’s important to approach yourself with kindness and patience. Slimpod helps you address emotional eating by first shifting what you want to eat. This is the foundation.
From there, consistency is key. By listening to your pods regularly, you’ll create new neural pathways in your brain that lead to healthier habits over time.
The voice you hear on a Slimpod is that of Trevor Silvester, one of the world’s leading experts in the use of language to influence behaviour.
You’ll find that listening to his gentle words is soothing and relaxing, with no weird music or sound effects.
All you do is lay back and enjoy, while the Slimpod works away.

You'll just love this journey
You'll just love this journey
The beauty of Slimpod lies in how effortless it feels. You don’t need to overhaul your life or spend hours in the gym. Instead, you listen to your pods, let the words sink in, and allow the repetition to gently rewire your habits. Over time, these small shifts compound into meaningful change.
What could be easier than that?
To sum up, Slimpod helps you stop fighting your own mind. By working with your subconscious, it helps you build a healthier relationship with food and with yourself. Change happens gently, naturally, and at a pace that feels right for you.
Slimpod isn’t just about losing weight—it’s about transforming how you feel, inside and out. It’s a journey, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.
Let’s take this journey together. You’re going to love where it leads.
Special Offer
You’ll pay just THREE monthly instalments of
Nothing more to pay!
Enrol today and save £30 off the original £147 price of our online weight loss programme.
Special Offer
You’ll pay just THREE monthly instalments of
Nothing more to pay!
Enrol today and save £30 off the original £147 price of our online weight loss programme.

NHS nurse Kevin Morris lost 30lbs
Proven in independent
clinical trials
Uniquely, Slimpod has been tested in independent clinical trials, showing amazing results.
Research conducted at City University London demonstrated that 95 PER CENT of Slimpod users in the trial lost weight.
In other words, success with Slimpod is not just achieved by a few lucky people, but by almost everyone who uses it.
As NHS consultant Mr Gideon Felton wrote in his assessment of Slimpod: “I found its effects to be profound and life-changing.”
People just love us on Trustpilot

“After years of obsessing with my weight and trying every diet under the sun I came across Slimpod and can honestly say it’s the only thing that’s changed my relationship with food for the better.”

“The future’s bright now: After listening to the Slimpod just once, I stopped snacking between meals! I have lost weight and I’m confident that the weight will stay off this time. Simply amazing!”

“All of a sudden I’m eating less. I’m giving my partner food. Slimpod is a life changer and a life saver. I’m a 59 year old man and I’ve dieted all my life. Now I have a new relationship with food.”

Slimpod success by numbers
of NHS staff using Slimpod stopped snacking in one hospital
of people lost weight in independent clinical trials at City University
of our Trustpilot reviews are rated either Excellent or Good