
Here’s the most uplifting Slimpod story I’ve seen in a long time

SOMEONE emailed the other day to ask what we meant on our website when we described the Slimpod as being about “holistic wellbeing.” Surely, it’s just a way of losing weight, she wrote. And that made me think of Slimpodder Chris Archer, a fabulous lady who at the age of 70 is thrilled that Slimpod

Here’s the most uplifting Slimpod story I’ve seen in a long time Read More »

Are you sucked into the pleasure trap by food that isn’t food at all?

SUGAR is such an emotive subject.  Whenever I post a blog or host a live chat about the dangers of sugar it promotes huge conversation about whether it should be cut down or cut out. This then Instantly promotes more discussion with people saying “But if you cut down on sugar or cut it out, that’s

Are you sucked into the pleasure trap by food that isn’t food at all? Read More »

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