
Behavioural Science

A rich resource of advice to give you food freedom,
greater confidence and lasting weight loss.


Behavioural Science

A rich resource of advice to give you food freedom,
greater confidence and lasting weight loss.

To climb your personal summit, you must face those fears head-on

Ready to go on stage: This is me at the international conference in Prague I’ve just hit another milestone in my life’s journey – presenting my clinical trials research as a keynote speaker at the International Summit on Public Health and Preventive Medicine in Prague! I’ve spoken about my clinical trials at medical conferences before,

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How does sleep affect weight loss?

How does sleep affect weight loss?

The NHS guidance on sleep is clear: adults need between seven and nine hours of quality sleep each night. Of course, we’ll all experience sleeplessness or a disrupted night from time to time, and if it’s only an occasional occurrence, it’s not going to do us any lasting harm. But when the quality and/or quantity

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Stay healthy and mentally strong with a virus victory goal map

STRESS and anxiety can play havoc with our health and wellness.   I know my Slimpod programme – and specifically the Chillpod – is really helping people at the moment.  But I’m always keen to go that extra mile to help people. So I asked my friend, the creator of the excellent Goalmapping system Brian Mayne,

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Break emotional eating: Three ways to change evening habits

EMOTIONAL eating is a BIG problem for so many people. Recently I’ve been having lots of conversations about how to break emotional eating within our Slimpod community and in my Facebook live chats. So in my vlog this week I’m telling the story of a lovely lady who has struggled with emotional eating in the

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Stop self-sabotage by being positive about your body

SELF-SABOTAGE is one of the biggest obstacles people face. So let’s talk about ways of knocking it on the head through body positivity! The past three weeks of the Summer Challenge have focussed on creating effective goals, healthy eating and exercise – but healthy eating and exercise are no good if you only stick to

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More great healthy habit building strategies

LAST week I gave you three strategies for building new habits.   Make sure you let me know below how you’re doing with them! I also said last week that I’d be building on those and giving you  some more – so here goes! One thing that most people forget about when they’re trying to lose

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Lose weight without
willpower or dieting


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