Business Tech

How a Slimpod and exercise help lift the dark cloud over Darin

MENTAL health problems and obesity are very much linked . Depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder are common among people with obesity although it must be said that not all overweight people suffer from these issues. However, doctors warn that the stress of being obese in a size-obsessed society can undermine the wellbeing of even the most psychologically-sound minds. […]

How a Slimpod and exercise help lift the dark cloud over Darin Read More »

Jamie Oliver kids junk food Slimpod tweet

Please join the Jamie Oliver kids junk food campaign and save lives

SO why did my favourite celebrity chef send me this tweet about the Jamie Oliver kids junk food campaign the other day? Because he’d like me to ask you for your support with something we’re both passionate about – unhealthy food being marketed to children. Children are heavily influenced by what they see on TV,

Please join the Jamie Oliver kids junk food campaign and save lives Read More »

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