Chicken Filo Parcels with Leek and Herbs
Here is the latest of our tasty, healthy recipes from Simon Smith, the head chef at Tameside hospital. Today he has whipped up some beautiful Chicken Filo Parcels with leek and herbs.
A rich resource of advice to give you food freedom,
greater confidence and lasting weight loss.
A rich resource of advice to give you food freedom,
greater confidence and lasting weight loss.
Here is the latest of our tasty, healthy recipes from Simon Smith, the head chef at Tameside hospital. Today he has whipped up some beautiful Chicken Filo Parcels with leek and herbs.
THIS week we’re talking food – such a HUGE subject and one about which there is so much confusion. Food gets labelled good and bad, naughty or “a treat”, a syn and any number of other things. So It’s no wonder food has all sorts of special meanings for many of us. We give it
Simon Smith, the amazing Head Chef from Tameside NHS Trust in Manchester, is helping you to lose weight by creating a lovely healthy recipe each week. This week he has a lovely variation on an omelette for us. Eggs represent one of nature greatest nutritionally complete food sources. Each egg contains varied amounts of 13
Simon Smith, the amazing Head Chef from Tameside NHS Trust in Manchester, is helping you to lose weight by creating a lovely healthy recipe each week. This one is inspired by Sammie Axton, who has lost five stone on her Slimpod programme. She was addicted to chocolate and is now addicted to healthy smoked mackerel!!!
EATING vegetables reduces stress – especially among women. That’s the positive finding of some new research I’ve been reading about in the British Medical Journal Open. This is great news because it’s not widely known that stress is one of the reasons many people can find it hard to lose weight, as I explain in
If you wish to lose a good bit of weight within a short time-frame, there are extreme weight loss techniques which provide rapid results. These techniques may help you to achieve your desired weight quickly but they could also have adverse health after-effects. If you are desperate to have quick results, here are some extreme
Why do some people want to lose weight in a short period of time without knowing the risk it would bring? Is losing weight rapidly safe and healthy for people who want to look beautiful whatever happens? These are some of the few questions that bother most people on how to lose weight quickly. In
BOOT CAMP Week 4 was inspired by a Public Health England sugar reduction summit I attended at which Jeremy Hunt spoke about the need for people to cut down on sugar because of the damage it’s doing to their health. The Health Secretary said the latest Government survey showed that 92 per cent of people
As the weather continues to get colder, and the days get shorter and shorter, some times you may find yourself with a comfort food craving that won’t go away. Do you occasionally find yourself fancying a burger? Well why don’t you do yoursefl a favour and make one from scratch. That way at least you
In summer it’s easy to inspire yourself to throw together some cold meat or fish out of the fridge with some salad veggies for a quick and easy salmon salad. But somehow at this time of year, that seems less appetising, and when the weather gets chilly like it did this week, it can sometimes
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