
Healthy Eating

A rich resource of advice to give you food freedom,
greater confidence and lasting weight loss.


Healthy Eating

A rich resource of advice to give you food freedom,
greater confidence and lasting weight loss.

Sugar in ready meals: More than in Coke

MANY people never even think about the amount of sugar in ready meals. So a study just out will shock them – because it found that some supermarket ready meals contain almost twice as much sugar as a can of Coca-Cola. I’ve been saying for years that

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Nuts are healthy and make you live longer

UNLESS you’re a squirrel with an allergy, here’s some great news: eating nuts every day can help you live longer! Just a handful every day could substantially lower the risk of early death, according to research in Holland. It’s been known for a while that eating nuts is good

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Smaller portion sizes thanks to Slimpod

BLOGGER Erin Ek Rush is noticing remarkable differences in her smaller portion sizes and her relationship with food as she enjoys her  Slimpod programme. “One of the first things I noticed about the Slimpod was that my portion size shrunk instantly and effortlessly,” she says. “I

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Salmon parcel recipe: Quick and healthy!

SALMON is such a tasty, healthy fish and it’s so easy to cook in just 20 minutes. Slimpodder Debbie O’Connor has shared this great recipe for a salmon parcel that’s quick, simple and very good for you! Salmon is an excellent source of vitamin B12, vitamin D, and selenium. It also

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Spicy lentil soup created Linda’s way

Slimpodder Linda Warner has come up with a great way to prepare a big batch of lunches all at once, and save herself time in the kitchen. Here is her recipe for Spicy Lentil Soup – this quantity is for batch cooking. I’d be really excited to see your healthy recipes, so drop me a line

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Kate Butler nutrition change with Slimpod

Ease the stress of emotional eating

STRESS and emotional eating have an extraordinary effect on our food habits, and emotional eating brought on by anxiety is a major reason why more and more people are overweight. The more pressurised life becomes, the more people turn to food in a vain attempt

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Why do we keep eating fructose?

RESEARCH into fructose proves the old saying “a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips.” Fructose – a cheap yet powerful sweetener added to so much of our food – makes us put on fat round our waists and many experts consider it is the biggest driver of diabetes

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Official: Butter isn’t bad for you after all

BUTTER has got the health all-clear at last. There’s some things we just know are bad for us: smoking, drinking too much, breathing in traffic fumes. But eating butter? Is that rich creamy delight really a killer? The medical profession has been telling us for 30 years to

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Sugar: Killing the world but who cares?

THERE are no punches pulled about sugar in the film Fed Up, which is causing a storm in America, the land of the free and the land of the obese. “This film unearths the dirty secret of the American food industry,” the trailer states boldly. “Junk food companies

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Custard apple and dragon fruit milkshake

By Lesley Smith, guest blogger. HERE’S a fun and healthy drink you can make with your kids on Food Revolution Day – the custard apple and dragon fruit milkshake. Custard apple? Sounds amazing, doesn’t it – and it is. It’s not really an apple at all actually, but an exotic fruit from South America

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