Trevor Silvester: Is it too good to be true?

Trevor Silvester is one of the world’s leading experts in changing behaviour through the use of words and is the Voice of the Slimpods. One of the questions Trevor Silvester is asked most often is: “Can a Slimpod really work in 21 days?” His honest answer is: “It depends.” Here’s his advice: The idea that it takes 21 days to break a habit has been around in psychology for a long time – and eating badly is a habit – so in that regard it can definitely work: listen every night and by the end of that period you could be well on your way to establishing a new relationship to food.

Does that mean you’ll hit your Thinking Slimmer weight loss target by then? Well, of course the answer is very much “it depends.” If you just want to drop a dress size then it’s perfectly possible, if you have more to lose it’s going to take longer. But, you see, in a way it’s missing the point.

There are any number of ways of starting the process of losing a lot of weight in 21 days, there’s nothing new about that. We’re hunting bigger fish. With a Slimpod, we want you to lose weight, and keep losing it until you’re where you want to be – then keep it off forever. That’s the point: this is about permanent change, not helping you stick to a diet for a short time – it’s about installing a habit of eating in a way that supports you in being the size you want to be.

Taken as a system, signing the Thinking Slimmer contract with yourself and displaying it where people can see it has been shown to make goal setting more successful. Keeping a success log focuses your mind on what you want, not what you don’t want, and listening to me, Trevor Silvester, every night reinforces the messages contained in the Slimpod – messages that guide your unconscious to choose exactly how you’re going to achieve what you want to achieve.

Nobody telling you what to do – just you telling your unconscious what you want its help with, and then watching the changes that brings. That probably means you’re going to be listening for longer than 21 days, maybe a lot longer. But if you’re losing weight, 10 minutes a night isn’t a lot to ask, is it?

So, too good to be true? Actually, just true enough to be good.

– Trevor Silvester

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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