Anna eats smaller portions thanks to this really simple idea

WHEN I saw Anna Clark’s post in our Facebook Group I just knew I had to share it. Her story is something SO many people will resonate with because I know a lot of people are in a similar situation.  

Anna’s self-worth was attached to food. In her childhood, she formed a belief that  if you had a small plate of food it would mean you were unimportant and undervalued. 

So at some point, again in her childhood, she decided she would always make sure she had a big portion of food in front of her because she was worth it. 

But of course, this is no good when you want to lose weight, and a big inner conflict developed when she started the Slimpod Programme, because she was being nudged to want smaller portions. 

Watch the video below and you’ll discover how Anna got around the problem of smaller portions, lost over 10.5kg (23lbs) and this year got into the suit she wore for her wedding 25 years ago! 



Do you have  self-limiting beliefs which are causing you an inner conflict? 

Maybe you have just started to realise this is happening since you’ve been on the Slimpod programme? 

Do they cause you to overeat or perhaps mean you don’t sleep well? So many people have limiting beliefs which prevent them from sleeping.  Crazy but true!   

But when you start unravelling these beliefs and dealing with them, it’s life-changing! 


Smaller portions: Read Anna’s story 

“I have always loved food too much to deny myself.

I have mostly controlled my weight through exercise, but it is always the first thing to go when life gets too hard, so my weight has fluctuated and overall increased.

I got even fatter, thinking Covid was temporary and that we needed food treats to get through lockdown. I was shocked to find out how big I’d become when my husband had to do a BMI test for his work and thought it would be ‘fun’ if we both did it.

The test said I was obese, so more at risk of Covid, which I found terrifying. I started a meal replacement programme and did lose weight, but knew it wasn’t sustainable.

That was when I came across Slimpod. I liked the clinical trials, 10 days free and money back guarantee, and that Sandra is properly accessible and accountable not some remote figurehead.

Although I’m reasonably active with dog walking and cycling, I’ve found it hard to up the exercise with Slimpod.

I’ve decided that’s okay because what I need to do is learn to eat differently.

Slimpod is helping me unpick my relationship with food, but it’s very complex. Food is delicious and celebratory but also a weapon of control.

When I was a child, my mum always took the smallest portion, so I mistakenly thought her portion size was a reflection of her worth rather than her nutritional needs.

It made me never want to be like that.

I wanted an equal (or even the biggest) share, or the portion of dessert with the cherry on top, or the slice of pizza with the most cheese.

But I live with two growing teenage sons and my husband, and it’s not appropriate for me to eat the same amount as them. I needed smaller portions!

My childhood has always made me want to taste everything and I was terrified of missing out. I hated being at a restaurant and seeing someone else eat a meal that was more delicious than mine.

I have spent most of my adult life not enjoying Christmas (in fact most organised celebrations) because of negative associations.

Slimpod helped me reclaim Christmas.

I’m not even sure how the pods made me realise there might be another way to think about Christmas and to have the courage to ask the group for advice.

Lynn really made it happen for me by suggesting a simple affirmation.

I have lost 10.5 kg and made my Slimpod goal, to fit into my wedding suit on my silver wedding anniversary.

Anna’s wedding day

Anna 25 years on

Through the programme I have reduced snacking. I’m very attached to my breakfast of a smoothie with kefir, fruit, seeds, oats and now spinach and broccoli.

So I have that for my lunch instead.

I feel very relaxed about food through the day, but I still have a bit of weight to lose and portion size at evening family meals is my biggest challenge.

When I spoke to Sandra about the trigger of evening meals, she suggested I needed a reminder about what is an appropriate portion size for me, maybe a post-it note (she hasn’t been to my house to know that a post-it would get lost in the chaos).

I decided to treat myself to a really special place setting with little plates. This reminds me that I am special, but special enough to have a portion size that’s right for me.

Now and again on Slimpod, someone says something that gives me a lightbulb moment.

Sandra told me she was proud to have the smallest portion in her family, and now I feel proud every time I manage to have a smaller portion.

PLEASE leave a comment below to tell Anna what you think of her success and to tell me how you’re getting on. Note that all comments are moderated before being published so may not appear straight away.

176 thoughts on “Anna eats smaller portions thanks to this really simple idea”

  1. Janice Cowburn

    Thanks for sharing your story Anna – what I found really interesting was the association of your mother taking the smaller portion, and you reading into that, that she was less worthy. When I was small, there were 7 of us in the family and most ‘treats’ in the form of cake slices or biscuit bars came in a pack of 6, so my mum used to do without, and I’m wondering now if somewhere deep in my psyche, I have a similar association – food for thought, pardon the pun!

    1. Dorothy Gormley

      I was always a skinny child and could eat what I wanted until I got married and my husband and his family had huge portions and filled my plate too. I was told all sorts of negative things about being too thin which has stayed with me all these years. I now have a smaller plate and only half of it has food on it I’m doing it my way now not what they think but it’s taken a long time to get to this stage.

      1. Lorraine Gantley Austin

        Well done Dorothy, I would have loved to have seen your before the weight loss photo…I have 36lbs to lose and your story is an inspiration to me to maybe look at why I crave food and feel more hungry at certain times

        1. Rebecca Decker

          what a beautiful woman you are :). thanks for sharing your story, I can relate to so much of it. I always felt the challenge of eating as much as everyone else. My mum used to give us very small portions however, and we often left the table wanting more. The more came in the form of things that she would never give us, a rebellion it would seem. she was also a lousy cook so we went for the tasty treats! what a great idea to make your plate size feel special :). You must feel so proud to be able to ‘get Christmas back’. Congratulations!

      2. Started using a side plate a couple of weeks ago. Immediately got the sense of plate being overfull, so cut down portion size since…Win Win!

      3. Thinking outside the box! It’s fascinating to hear stories of why we overeat. I now realise my chocolate addiction was a way of ‘self medicating’ sadness and confusion, due to hidden family dramas that I picked up on but didn’t understand. Chocolate was also a reward for hard work or a consolation after handling challenges and difficult experiences. It’s only now that I’m beginning to make sense of it ….and that’s liberating in itself! 😊 Well done for your creative thinking!

  2. That is a very interesting and inspiring story. So many of our limiting beliefs and drivers for unhelpful behaviours are hidden away in our unconscious. I sometimes feel there are two versions of me in the same body. My rational mind has made these sound decisions about what is good for me to eat and drink and I am proud of myself for making good decisions about my health. But one evening I will be outside of myself watching aghast as the rebel self walks to the shop and buys a 70 cls bottle of red wine and a family bag of cheese and onion crisps. 1/2 bottle of wine and an empty bag of crisps later, I’ll have a word with myself.
    I’m on a good vibe with Slimpod. I am not feeling the urge and when I did have cocktails out with friends I enjoyed it and didn’t use it as an excuse to go and buy wine and crisps in the following days. I love the idea of a beautiful small place setting, I am going to get one.

  3. I do identify with this on some level. I grew up with a very skinny big brother (6 years older) who always got bigger portions than me, and I wanted the same as him, or else it wasn’t fair! I was a chunky child, very possibly as a result, but, looking back nearly 60 years(!), I think I had other food issues too that have continued all my life.
    I’m delighted for you, Anna, that you’ve found what works for you!

  4. What a good idea to make a fuss of the place setting for the smaller plate taking the focus off piling the plate with food. I will try that I am already using a smaller plate I just need not to pile it high with food particularly pasta.

  5. Clare Partridge

    I love that idea and also adopted a similar thing. We have wide bowls for most meals and I treated us to some lovely cutlery which makes every meal feel special. Simple things make a difference ????

    1. Wow haven’t you done brilliantly, I’ve only been doing this for about 3 weeks and I seem to do ok some days and not others. I totally understand your portion size thinking, I had that at home a bit and definitely at my mother in law’s when the men would be given the larger portions and served first! I definitely have a greedy gene too which seems to come in fits and starts at the moment.. a bit of FOMO perhaps.

  6. Thank you Anna, and other Podders.
    Good advice, I plan to use a smaller plate.
    My slim mother always had similar portions to us, but she never snacked between meals, my downfall.

  7. Mags Somerville

    That’s a great idea, going to try that! I grew up as one of six in my family too, reading your story I can relate my mum done the same or basically ate on the go! Can’t recall her sitting down to anything like the meals she dished up for us as kids, psychological roots there somewhere I think, Thanks for the tip????

  8. Food portion size is a real issue for me. I think a smaller plate size sounds a good idea to try.
    How much smaller is the plate you are using now??
    Is it a side plate size?? Or is there an in between size I don’t know about??
    Thank you for your thoughts
    Much love
    Linda ????

    1. Margaret Thompson

      Linda the plates we used up until 2 years ago were 10″ plates. We changed to 9″ plates. You wouldn’t believe the difference it makes. Our plates also have 1″ /1.5″ of an edge which I try not to fill.

    2. I have a large 8’ side plate and a smaller 7’ one. I also have a tiny cake plate from the 1950s. It’s 5’ across and just shows you what a portion was like in those days.

    3. Hi Linda I use smaller dinner plates made by luminarc which are a bit smaller. I also have some smaller plastic plates and paper plates.

  9. Wow, that’s been a bit of a lightbulb for me! Coming from a family of 4 children it’s probably why I go for the biggest bit of everything (until recently)! Thank you for sharing! I’ve got some more exploring to do! ❤️

  10. Food as a child varied in amount and quality, dependent on finance and my mom’s health. I have lost weight with several groups but regained quickly. I even tried to convince myself that I am naturally a size 18!

  11. What an amazing story and one I can relate to . My husband is a very tall active man with a rather large appetite and it’s so true I eat what he eats . No longer, slimpod is helping me too with portion control. What a lovely idea about treating yourself to a small place setting , think I will maybe do the same. Well done on your journey and so pleased you are back into your suit you look lovely . Keep up the good work I’m really enjoying it.

  12. Thank you, this has really helped me. I moved to Canada from Ireland in 2015 and back home again in 2019. In Canada, I worked in the film industry and found a complete lifestyle change, long hours, stress, catered food and long commutes to work meaning I couldn’t cycle which I used to in Ireland. I started piling on the pound I became depressed from long hours and my body changing which caused me to eat more. I’m now getting better but when my job here in Ireland becomes stressful and long hours it triggers me to eat more. This has helped because I do exercise but the reason I’m not losing weight is my relationship with food. Hearing Anna’s story has prompted me this morning to eat well and be mindful of my portions etc. Thanks and best of luck with your journey Anna.

  13. Anna looks great!! She has made me think about why I over eat and struggle to lose weight. I realise I grew up with 4 older siblings in poor family and if I didn’t eat quickly and as much as I could or try and get to the kitchen first the food would run out and I’d be left with least amount of food or nothing at all.
    I also have self sabotaging thoughts that I don’t deserve to lose weight and if I do I’m trying to show off. Not sure where that’s come from yet but I’m trying to work it out. So thank you Anna your story has inspired me to dig deeper and find my ‘why’

  14. I am trying to make portions a little smaller. The small plates is a good idea. I think a small spoon may help. I have been reducing my snacking, if I snack I try and reduce the amount. I have a long way to go. I have visceral fat in my mid region, to the point I look pregnant and have had many people comment on ” when is it due”. I am almost 58!!

    1. Get a check up ultrasound. My daughter in law looked pregnant for six years after son was born. Turned out she had a giant ovarian cyst. Look after yourself.

  15. Well done, what an inspiring story. I did notice myself not wanting to miss out on family meals, so reaching for smaller plates/portions. We can do this.

  16. Thanks for sharing Anna, and I can relate, I’m one of 6 and my petite mum ate like a mouse and never snacked. We used to go to my Grandma’s every Sunday for lunch or tea, we did it in shifts as Grandma had 8 children, so a lot of families to feed every weekend! On one of those Sunday lunches I was tucking into my dinner and Grandad said “you always eat one tatty more than a pig” and everyone laughed.. I wasn’t sure at the time if it was an insult or compliment, Mum said just take no notice when I asked, but its stuck with me, I love potatoes and used to have a lot of guilt relating to eating more than a pig. Now I naturally rebel (my Mum told me that the only way she could get me to do anything was to say no etc) so my mind was saying don’t eat as many potatoes but my rebel self was saying ‘get them down you’ and this is one of my battles. On a positive note I have smaller portions most of the time and I’m reducing my snacking, the weight not moving yet but I will get there as I’ve made myself a promise that I will xx

  17. Hi Anna
    Your story around food & reward really resonated with me & the fabulous small plates & Queen Bee place mat are fantastic ideas. I intend trying these for myself, so thank you so much for being brave enough to share your story.

  18. I have the opposite – mum would take herself of to her bedroom most afternoons and have a lay down and eat a chocolate bar as her reward (eight kids), so I see eating food in bed as the treat.

  19. Great story and how you overcame the obstacles in your way . As a child we all had to clear are plates no food to be not eaten my dad was very strict wasn’t the nicest guy however he left when I was 7 I have never seen him since I am now 38 but what happened after he left food became a way to fight emotions I have comfort eaten for years really hoping Slimpod helps me overcome the bad friendships I have with food x

  20. Thanks Anna and Slimpod team. What an interesting and thought provoking share and comments. I am youngest of 6 kids and felt I better eat as much as I can for fear of not knowing when my next
    Meal would be and being hungry. It never came to that. In life it has manifested that I would stock up on a car journeys with sweets ad chocolate when all
    I needed was water! I use a
    Side plate much smaller than dinner plate. Just watched Sandra’s video with Dale Pinnock Medicinal Chef and will be more Mindful the plate has a balanced meal. Thanks again

  21. Gill Tunnicliffe

    I also have deep seated problems with food and portions. I think Anna has been brave to admit that she has a problem with it. I am also hoping that in time in can confront the problems that I have as I tend to shovel the food down and have huge portions. Everything has to come in twos. Two big packets of chocolate buttons, two cream cakes, you get the picture! I now have severe sleep apnea which scares me. I hope Anna continues to progress. I will take hope from your story Anna, Thank you.

  22. This is an amazing story and you must be so pleased with your progress, Anna!
    I too struggle with portion sizes. My fiance and I are both huge food lovers which means we just keep going to the point of not moving when we go out to eat! Also started happening at home too for dinner… I am learning my full signal though and I will get there, I know I will :).

  23. This is a really interesting story. I think I overeat because I was not the favourite child. A big appetite was something I got praise for which was the only time I got recognition. I have only realised how different my treatment was since having my own children.

  24. Thanks for sharing your story Anna. It is really helpful to think about our upbringing and how this affects our eating habits. I have really got into using small pretty plates for my meals and enjoy prepping my food lately. I am 4 weeks into Slimpod and have a lot more awareness about my emotional eating. The day I found out about Slimpod I cried to my partner about how I needed help with eating and didn’t know what to do as I was exercising but not getting anywhere with overeating when stressed. But I can definitely see positive changes already and appreciate this programme and community very much. Good luck to everyone.

  25. We’ll done Anna ??❤️ I read your story and it reminded me of my childhood eating habits although different from yours mine was the sweet stuff which we were never really allowed to have, well it’s a bit more complex than that actually, we (my brother and I) got sweet stuff but not the “good” sweet stuff i.e. we got say custard cream biscuits or the cheapest ones my mum could find but every day in the fridge there would be a fresh cream cake and chocolate, even chocolate biscuits but we couldn’t have those “they’re your dads” and on top of that we’d get the cheapest, nastiest food but mum and dad got the better stuff, although “better” wasn’t great as my mum was THE worst cook ever lol. Since I’ve been on Slimpod I’m learning more about my relationship with sweet stuff as I, like Anna want the biggest, juiciest piece of cake there is and top grade chocolate or peanut biscuits (nuts we’re another luxury but they were mums) and I don’t like to deprive myself from having ice cream or cake or anything scrumptious ?. I hate food and eat very small portions but I can go all day long without food or even thinking about it and because I’m poorly and in pain most day I don’t exercise so I’ve gone rather big, I used to be 11stone ish, when I was working (a very busy legal secretary) but under or a bit over and I thought I was fat until now when I’m 14stone and some pounds too but I’m still fat as I don’t eat enough, few veggies, no salads and very bland food as I’ve no taste, been like that since pre-covid but it’s way worse now so I have to try very hard to eat/walk (I’ve had a new partial knee in Jan 21 but there’s something wrong with it but the waiting times are horrendous as I’m sure everyone knows). Anyway I’m still new to slimpods and on the first or second stage (I also have the WORST brain fog ?‍?️ or fibrofog as they call it, having rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia too) so I forget a lot of things, but I listen to my slimpod for weight loss every night and I’m looking forward to listening to the sugar slimpods as that’s my downfall. So thank you Anna for sharing and helping me think about my childhood food issues too and I hope one day soon to be up there with you with your extraordinary weight loss, you’re a superstar ?⭐️✨??

    1. Fibro is a b****y nuisance..! combine it with EDS and Osteoarthritis,and it’s a nightmare, fibro and EDS both cause Costochronditis and Chronic Fatigue which can make doing things hard.. I’ve not had an issue with over-large portions, I won’t finish something if I feel full., My issue is emotional eating, crisps, chocolate etc, but I’ve not been eating them recently..

      1. I can sympathise there with you Sharon, I too have Fibromyalgia/ arthritis. Sometimes I feel in so much pain the only thing to cheer me up, unfortunately, is food. I think 9 out of 10 people who have food issues can relate it back to childhood. I was an only child (who seemed to get in the way a lot) & my plate was the same size as my dad’s. I think the love was the food I received. Struggled all my life with one diet or another. Been following Slimpod about 3-4 weeks but still having the odd binge, really hoping they eventually stop as it takes me to diet mode/ fell off wagon so need to start again. Good luck everyone x

  26. Gwyndolyn McClellan

    Thanks for sharing….I always get HOPE just reading about other people and their success stories.

  27. Thanks Anna for sharing your story. I can relate to it for a very different reason. I grew up with an older sister who suffered very badly with anorexia. This put a lot of stress on everyone, especially my mother. Trying to be the ‘good’ daughter I went the other way and ate everything, usually in large portions, putting on more and more weight. Fortunately after 40+ years my sister has now mainly maintained a healthy weight but I am still far too large. I will certainly try using a smaller plate. Thanks for your story.

  28. This is so me! Day 18 and still not got my portion size right! I’m gonna get a smaller plate and I think Anna has hit the nail on head making herself realise she is worthy x

  29. I love the ‘dainty place setting’ idea. I might edit it for myself by setting all the meat and vegetables out on dishes on the table so we can help ourselves. Rather than serve it already on plates . Hmm. Thanks!

  30. I am going to the shops to get a nice decorative small plate. I am going to make this a symbol of my new eating habits which I am still fighting with my bad habits at the moment. I think this will help, thank you for sharing your story. You look good in the suit all them years ago and now, so great. Portion control is a massive issue for me so the small plate should definately help.

  31. I have always had a problem with portion control so this has given me the incentive to get it under control. I have started to lose the weight using Slimpod and have a lot to go this advice is going to help me

  32. Anna you are such an inspiration, and thank you for sharing your story. I have had problems with portion size for most of my married life. As a child, we didn’t have a lot but my mum and dad saw to it that none of us went hungry, even if it was just a slice of toast and jam. My mum was never a big eater but she always seemed “cuddly”. She was only 4ft 10 in. I’m 4ft 11 so I suppose I always put my excess weight down to taking after my mum. Having read Anna’s story, I have just realised why I eat large portions. I think it’s because for many years I have had to go without a lot in my marriage. My husband isn’t one to spend money if he can help it. Except food, which he enjoys! He is more or less the same slim size he was when I met him 50years ago. My habit is emotional and I believe now, deprivational. Thank you Anna. I have never stopped to think “why” until I read this. What a wonderful wake up call for mr. Thank you and good luck

  33. I also am struggling with portion size’s although I am only 3 weeks into the program. I am taking on board the idea of a special place setting at the meal table. I am going to treat myself to a beautiful smaller plate. Thank you to Anna.

  34. I hear what you are saying Anna. Many eating problems start in childhood. As a child I always had to eat everything on my plate and not waste food. My parents lived through the depression so I understand why they made that rule. Unfortunately it was one reason why I continued to over eat through my adult years. My mother admitted that when she was stressed she sat down with a cuppa and had a biscuit or 2 to relax. I used this excuse for myself so when stressed, out came the biscuits or cake or chocolates far more than what my mother had but I managed to justify it. I am so grateful I stumbled across slimpod so now I am retraining myself and feel positive about a healthier AND SLIMMER future.

  35. My issue is the opposite of yours in a way, but it’s made me think that maybe I can find a way out of my mind set. As I child I always left food on my plate but I was made to feel guilty about leaving anything on my plate. I’m sure some of you have heard the criticism- it’s a waste of food or there are people in the world starving and would give anything to eat that. Well somewhere over the years I lost the ability to leave food on my plate – I would feel guilty if I did and so I’d clear my plate so I didn’t throw anything away. So now I need to find a way forward- I even do it with a drink I have to drink the last drop in the cup. I hope that the program will help with that and my nighttime snacking when I can’t sleep.

  36. Hi Anna
    I have recently joined the slimpod family and I am becoming a lot more active and doing housework much more productivity and it’s helping me with my depressed state of mind greatly, I have definitely stopped stuffing myself with food in the day, however I don’t feel slimmer and I do still overeat in the evenings.
    After reading your story I was thinking that hopefully this will also become less of a challenge for me and I do use a smaller plate now .
    Thanks for sharing

  37. Thank you Anna. Firstly, just wow! This has triggered some memories for me (not identical but similar) so will definitely be posting about that on the group x

  38. Truly amazing progress! I am very impressed at what she has achieved and take inspiration from it.
    My progress: I too believe that I have issues of self-worth and I’m hopeful that the consistency of the programme will help with this. I’ve already been more consistent with this programme than I have with any other method of weight control. I am the person who always sees a fat person in the mirror looking back at him- even when I was 18 years old and in fantastic shape. Doing martial arts over 30 years gave me the excuse to eat and drink whatever I liked, as I just burned it off. The training sessions were hard though- perhaps they would have been easier if I wasn’t abusing my body?
    I know that I comfort-eat and despite the programme helping me to reduce snacking and feeling fuller, I still feel the magnetic draw to the kitchen cupboard or fridge. I tend not to buy things that I know I would demolish when I have cravings. I tend to feel these cravings on an evening when I’ve got nothing to do/no purpose, so I have taken up hobbies to try and distract myself. I also try to get out of the house for the same reason, although recently diagnosed with hip dysplasia, my favourite activities of racquet sports and long distance walks are now things of the past.
    There is so much more that I can talk about Sandra, but I’m sure you don’t want an essay!

  39. Anna’s story is inspirational and gives us much to think about. I too have had portion sizes that were large and that came about from mum trying to make me big and strong. Now I eat smaller portions but need to reduce them further I think. I already use a smaller plate but always clear my plate in accordance with parental instruction as a child, so I need to lose that mind set now. Thanks Anna for your thoughts.

  40. For me it’s about not leaving food. My Mum and Dad had me late in life, my Dad had been a WWII prisoner of war and so never leave food was a huge thing. Until I started being more aware of feeling full and eating more than I needed I hadn’t made this link. So now I’m making smaller portions or freezing extra meals

  41. Anna I think your story is amazing!I Iam 3 weeks into slimpod and still trying to navigate my way round it. Reading your story has inspired me and given me a light bulb moment ❤

  42. An interesting story Anna. I agree with other postees that seeing my mother have the smaller portion made me think she was unworthy. I always made sure that my family had all the same because of that. Emotional eating is my problem I think and I’ve tried every diet, lost 5st twice but my story isn’t new, most people can relate to that.
    But now as an older woman weight loss is a struggle. My husband has had further operations on his mouth (this has been going on since 2020) and has to be on an enriched diet to keep his weight up! So I’ve been feeling that life is conspiring against me and that I just wouldn’t bother anymore but something in your post interested me – the smaller plate. If I do nothing else I can have a smaller plate. A small step I feel but it it’s all I can cope with at the moment.

  43. Thank you Anna, and congratulations on your ongoing success. I have only been on Slimpod for 3 weeks, however I have noticed a difference but at the moment I find it hard to define. I have felt much more positive this week but am finding it hard to ditch my scales. I am however, not allowing myself on the scales more that twice a week which is a big difference from every morning…Again, very well done and congratulations on your 25th. wedding anniversary.

  44. Thank you for sharing. It’s so wild the way we associate value and self-worth to food. I didn’t realise I did it at all until I read your story and it was like a spotlight was shone on my childhood food associations. Quite a confronting revelation. Xxx

  45. You have found a way to make it work for you and im going to take on board breakfast (very similar to yours( and have it lunch time. I like the idea of being proud at habing the smallest portion. Well done

  46. Well done Anna. I to have a problem with portion size and the special plates are something I am going to give a try. A great, but simple idea

  47. In addition to Anna’s fantastic journey, what jumped out at me was that “Now and again on Slimpod, someone says something that gives me a lightbulb moment”. I agree and enjoy how everyone’s experience is different but we can all learn from each other.

  48. So much of this resonated with me. From my mother leaving us unattended for days, where we hunted for food, eating thins like oxo cubes and tomato sauce on bread, or raw flour and bisto, I very soon developed an obsession with food. That was counteracted with neighbours and a granny who would ‘feed us up’ so food soon had very positive and negative connotations. A stepmother used to sit us down at the table with my father, a huge portion in front of him, and tell him that we had all eaten prior to him arriving home. She would eat a small portion and was obsessed with her weight, often citing weight as the most important thing in attracting a man. As a child this does unimaginable damage. It wasn’t until decades later, when my sister and I were eating out with a friend, who asked ‘so what triggered both of your food issues?’ That we literally looked at each other as the penny dropped. My sister had always been addicted to bingeing and laxatives. We wondered how it was so obvious to a friend we hadn’t seen for years. She told us she was anorexic and while we weren’t, recognised certain things in what we said and how we behaved when faced with a menu and people eating around us. My late husband was a feeder- because he believed that if I was fat, no one else would find me attractive. It felt like I was at the bottom of a pit with no way out, with other people shovelling in soil that was going to bury me alive. Even a stroke did not lift me out of the hole. I have grandchildren now, and I don’t want them ever to feel the hole in their lives that the death of my granny left in mine. When I read this story I immediately saw my stepmother sitting with her tea-plate of food, picking at it, a memory I hadn’t had for fifty years! No one is ever going to have control over my food again. I have Trevor. I talk to him. When I put away crisps bought for the grandchildren-that would never have survived a day- I find I’m talking to Trevor while I do it ?. I feel for the first time in my life people understand. I read stories and think ‘ I totally get that’. My mindset has changed and I’m looking forward to the next pods and the future.

  49. Caroline French

    I Hope to find the strength you have as I want to reduce my portion size but not really succeeding. I can miss a meal no problem. When I was young we was always told to clear our plates as we get no pudding otherwise so I did.

  50. Food was the only constant in my life from toddling onwards. It was my reward,my reassurance,my friend and comfort throughout the break up of my family and all the negative comments about the absent parent . The bullying from my brother and the self loathing of being fat and having no control in my life. I don’t think I have felt hunger pangs for decades, I would just eat when it was mealtimes even if I didn’t feel hungry. It is a revelation to have that hungry feeling back again and even my tummy rumbling has given me a smile. It has only been a few weeks but this is huge for me and I am really looking forward to good physical results on top of my totally changed outlook. Thank you slimpod.

  51. Hmm … thank you for your post. My Dad had issues with food. He’d tantrum if he didn’t get tasty food. Mum would sometimes give Dad a steak when we got mince. Messaging you’re special if you get the better food. Dad got the chocolate in the fridge. I’d sneak pieces of it. Sunday lunch after church with a roast and sponge cake made us ‘happy’ as a family. No fighting or tension. Messaging: Not having some foods causes tension and stress. In the past I always take a snack in case I get stuck without food. Messaging If I have tasty foods I’m special. I want to be special. In restaurants I in the past have struggled to choose the ‘right’ dish. I used to often get a ‘dud’ and be upset (like Dad was). I’m now gluten free (no coeliac) just intolerant, and nightshades are irritants to my system too – so choices eating out can be limited. Which triggers (mind) tantrums about there not being enough choices. Exacerbating my not feeling ‘special’ enough. I think there is a lot for me to unpack. Your thoughts are welcome. I live with a man who has NEVER dieted in his life arghhh. My dream is to live like he does, eating with freedom and enjoyment.

    I love the idea of a ‘special’ (in my thinking celebratory) plate to eat a smaller portion. Success is a series of actions, failure is a series of actions (Sandra). I am committed to making a series of actions which demonstrate success.

  52. Anna,
    I have had an unhealthy relationship with food since I was a child too.
    I’m new to Slimpod and I’m hopeful that it will help to re set my thought process and obsession with food.
    You look wonderful in your wedding suit!

  53. A special place-setting – what a great idea for portion control and feeling positively special! Thanks for sharing ?

  54. Rebecca Hartnell

    That’s my light bulb moment! I feel shame when my husband who does all the cooking gives me bigger portions than him. I used the excuse that he has a hiatus hernia but the truth is, he a feeder and I can’t say no. But this last week he has noticed I am leaving more, and saying no to ‘treats’. I am worth smaller portions, and the self love that I have been denying myself. Thanks Anna!

  55. What a great idea! I will try that too. Thank you Anna, for sharing your success. Congratulations on the 10.5kg. You look great in the wedding suit, both pics.

  56. Linda Ferguson

    Great goal and great win Anna! Understanding how we got here really helps us get out of old unhealthy habits. I know there’s more to my ‘not wasting’ food, fear of hunger, and big portions than simply the horror of starving Biafrans when I was very little. I’ll keep working on unpacking it.

  57. Anna, that sounds remarkably similar to my experience. I love food, and don’t seem to have an “off-switch”. But I do have control over my portion sizes now. I just need to use it to reduce what I eat. Congratulations on your success. You look wonderful.

  58. Thank you for sharing this story.
    My partner of 28 years is 6’ 6” with a good solid frame and a manual job.
    I am 5’ 6” with a medium frame and, until fairly recently, a sedentary desk job, although I did walk a fair bit.
    Why, oh why would I think I could eat and drink the same amount (if not more!) as my partner and not gain weight?? It’s definitely a wake up call!

  59. What an open and honest story providing some great tips on how you overcome portion size challenges.
    Really insightful and making me think about my own challenges around unhealthy processed foods.

  60. Thanks for sharing Anna. The portion size idea, of a pretty place setting, is fantastic. I am starting to realize that my portions are to big for me, so I’ve started using a smaller plate. But I think I may have to buy a special place setting now ? Keep up the good work x

  61. I went out yesterday and bought myself a lovely new, smaller plate for this very reason. Well done Anna.

  62. Rosemary Houston

    I love the idea of being “special enough to have a portion size that’s right for me”. It’s quite powerful and I’m going to keep that in mind as I go through the rest of the programme.

  63. Melanie Aldridge

    Thanks Anna for sharing your story. It helped unlock my emotional need for treats. I have a fear of missing out or not getting my fair share of treats. Not sure how to deal with it yet but at least I now know what part of the problem is. I like the idea of having my own pretty plates to eat off to help control portion size. That’s something I can act on today. Wishing you continued success on your Slimpod journey, Melanie xx

  64. Well done Anna, you look great in the suit and I bet your husband and sons think you are ‘very special’. My downfall isn’t meal size, it’s in between meals. The problem started when I gave up smoking (50 years ago). If I couldn’t have a ciggie I’d have a biscuit, or two, or three. I’m just starting, trying hard very motivated by all the comments. Thanks everyone.

  65. 33 years ago when I met my hubby, I always gave him half of my dinner because he would visit me straight from work and his Mum never saved his any supper.
    I am now in week 3 of Slimpod and it’s lovely that I have started doing the same thing again…. Hubby loves it too !! ??

  66. Thank you for sharing your story Anna. My mum showed love mostly with food and used food to quieten our emotions as children because she couldn’t deal with them. Years later I know I use food to manage anxiety, to celebrate, when I’ve had a bad day, when I’ve had a good day, when I am busy, when I am tired, when I am bored. I wrap this up in the idea of taking care of myself but know this isn’t true. Just knowing is the first step to change and I feel panicky if I don’t eat so I’m going to get a smaller plate so I can manage the feelings for a while as I am reducing portion size. I am absolutely loving Slimpods. I haven’t lost any weight yet on week 3 and that’s okay, I am finding compassion for myself as I make positive changes at a pace my inner child can cope with.

  67. Janice Fehribach

    Just thinking reading this made me stop. My diet head tells me to use a smaller plate and I’ve been doing it for years. But my diet head has also taught me that I can eat more of certain foods to fill up. Last night I noticed I had almost twice as much food on my plate as my husband and I ate it in half the time! I’ve never associated portion sizes with my own worth, but with getting as much for my WW “points” as I could. Fear of hunger. Always needing to be full. Time to rethink this.

  68. Very helpful post. My late mother was a brisk Irish lady and not given to being particularly huggy. She showed her love through food, and by rejecting or not eating a second huge portion, you were effectively rejecting ‘her’. Luckily my sister and I were very skinny as children but she was constantly on a diet. She would cook wonderful meals for us and the fridge was full of grim packets of meal replacements for her. I’ve only put on weight recently and deep down I still think of food in terms of ‘reward’. I’m now learning to find other ways to be kind to myself. You look great in the suit by the way!

  69. As a child I was taught to eat everything on my plate. I have realised that I continued that with my children and now my grandchildren. Only recently I have allowed them to leave some.
    I am still conditioned to eating everything on my plate so I think giving myself a smaller plate maybe a brilliant idea.

  70. Hi Anna
    I have just read through your article . This really makes sense to me . I am starting to have smaller portions & less inclined to snack .. I’m off to buy a nice smaller plate and keep that for my main meal .

  71. Well done on achieving your wedding suit milestone! Thank you for sharing the lovely photos of you wearing it.
    I also have a childhood connection to wanting the bigger portion (I guess because I was the youngest by some margin so always had the smallest portion). I hadn’t really thought objectively about this before.
    I do find a smaller bowl at breakfast helps me a lot. Dinners are generally split evenly as we get meal boxes so if I give my partner more, he’d end up leaving it, and I’d eat his left overs! (We also grew up poor and you don’t waste food!)

  72. You look amazing, it’s funny how little things change without even noticing it, as you say it slimpod changes more than weight I am seeing a difference in my confidence and what I’m eating I’m excited to see the changes

  73. Christine Edwards

    It’s strange how our families can influence our reaction to food. I was born towards the end of WW2 so with rationing food became a treat for us children. Also the men always got the biggest portions. When I married I had three sons and so I felt in competition with them and my husband. Congratulations on how you are succeeding with disconnecting with your attitudes and I am trying to do the same about mine. You have inspired me to keep trying.?

  74. Some interesting insights here Anna, thank you. I don’t remember noticing portion sizes at home when growing up, but I do clearly remember that my Mother in law used to give me a much smaller portion of food when I visited their home in comparison to what was served to my husband and his Dad. I took it as a sign of her viewing the men in the house as higher status, or that I was somehow less than. Your experience helps to reframe that, and indeed there may be similar experiences from my own growing up that I have forgotten. Love the special china!

  75. Thank you Anna and Sandra. I struggle with portion size too. I know it’s linked to my childhood, sibling rivalry, worries about money and the risk of there not being enough and the long cultivated belief that food is for pleasure, is a reward, is a consolation, is social activity – finally I am realising that none of these things are about food being fuel – and for health! Knowing something and actually realising it properly deep down are two very different things.

    I’m on week 4 of Slimpod and have just listened to Sandra’s video about week 4 wobbles which I’m glad I did, as I’d already noticed, with some concern, that I’m feeing hungrier again. And I’d be very disappointed in myself if I started to lose control now after starting so well and eating more healthily and less. I can tell I’ve lost weight but have a long way to go so don’t want to fall off that non-existent wagon (!) now!

    I have also been worrying that the pod is ‘wearing out’ or that Trevor’s words are losing their magic. I need that not to happen!

    So I will work on portion size. I know I’m still prone to dishing up too much and/or taking too large a pack lunch (even tho my choices are now much better options). I have powerful demons telling me more is better.. I need to work on silencing them. At least I’m now aware of them!

  76. Wow who would have thought such a small action would make such a difference. Well done. I also need to work on portion sizes so that has been inspiring to read x

  77. Fiona H. Brownhill

    Well done on reaching your goal Anna. I am on week 3 and have noticed a change in my habits. I’m eating more healthy foods and trying to stop eating rubbish. I’ve always been slim until probably the last 10 years, I’m 62, and 13 stone but want to be a size 14 again. I’ve never dieted and always loved exercise. It’s taking me a while to get into the swing but I will persevere. The last few times I’ve been out for a meal I’m only having a main course and at home I’m watching portion size.

  78. Thank you for such an inspiring story, Anna. It must have been a real challenge growing up in a predominantly male household; I certainly can relate to feeling that if I gave myself a smaller portion, then I was somehow admitting I was ‘less’! That one took a lit of unpicking!

  79. Shirley Robinson

    This is a really inspiring post and has given me an idea to buy a smaller plate but a nice decorated one because all of our plates are just plain white. Then I will feel special. Thank you Anna and Sandra for this programme and so many inspiring people. I am only at week four but loving it. xxx

  80. Patricia Vancoevorden

    That’s a great thing to do ! I have plates with quite a wide edge/rim to them so I’ve been trying to use only the centre part to make my portion smaller as I think that’s a big problem for me not so much what I eat as the amount so I mustn’t go over onto the edge! I’m also trying not to weigh myself so don’t know if I’ve lost weight but my clothing seems a bit looser!

  81. Anna, I’ve never thought of myself in terms of “value” being related to what’s on my plate before.
    Just saying that makes me feel a whole host of emotions and it’s clear there’s only one word powerful enough to do this.
    Wishing you continued validation on your Slimpod journey ?

  82. Anna, thank you so much for sharing this. I am having the same problem – portion size and have spent my life not being able to enjoy celebratory food. I will try your method of using smaller tableware starting today.

  83. Thats a good result Anna ..thank you for sharing .. definitely resonate with food being a control weapon as a child ..I was left very anxious about all things food as my father nearly died from heart disease so food was strictly controlled for all of us and we had to finish our plates …it was conflict and stress and I wanted to not eat at all ! But did and over are to be good ! So much psychology to all of this. I’m new to slimpod and understand it will take me time to achieve my goals ..

  84. Well done Anna!, you seem to know yourself and the reasons behind your overeating. You look lovely in your anniversary photo.
    I wish I had managed to figure out my reasons! I have been on the program since end of June, not doing too badly got weighed then but not since, my trousers feel looser around my waist, belly and thighs though.
    I have set my goals, healthier, slimmer, happier, confident and outgoing! But I have problems with visualising and recognising wins. I think my mum having a breakdown after loosing her mum when I was nine affected me! Also, her belief was it’s better in your belly than on your back. Feel a bit lost emotionally, always feel as if I ate too much to fill a hole. Don’t know why, I have been married 48yrs, my husband is always there for me, 2 lovely sons and 4 beautiful grandsons. Don’t understand what hole I’m trying to fill.

  85. Marian Donovan

    Well done I am on week 3 and doing ok and getting that defating feeling like Sharon said could happen as you can’t be on a high all the time but I am using the tools to keep on track but I am going to do the smaller portion plate but I am snacking way less since starting slimpod and you look amazing xx

  86. Delighted for Anna. portion size is obviously really important. having spent a considerable number of years with weight watchers when young the 30g and 60g habit are installed on auto recognition.

  87. Thank you Anna for being brave enough to share.
    My issues with food started in childhood like so many people. I had to stay at my grandparents’/aunt and uncle’s house each weekend so my mum could go to work (her third job of the week) as it wasn’t safe to leave me and my brother with my dad.
    Two things were common at their house- firstly, eat everything on your plate so you could have a pudding; and lots of sweet treats (including sugar butties!) which explains my reliance on sugary foods.
    Secondly, was sneaking sweets after my uncle “visited me” in my bedroom as a reward to myself for being a good girl and not telling anyone. He used to leave the sweets in the bedside table for me.
    Consequently, I see food as both a reward and something to eat when no one else is around so that I can have as much as I want.
    Reading your story made me feel that I can make the change to a smaller plate- I’m going to go to the vintage market and look for a beautiful china one that’s just for me so using it will be my reward- not the food that’s on it. I’m also going to make the effort to only eat if someone else is around as a way of not “secret eating” which should also help me with portion control.

  88. Thank you Anna you have really inspired me x I love the idea of a special plate and setting I will definitely try this. What an inspiration you are and how beautiful you looked in your suit

  89. When I first met my mother in law She gave me a meal portion much smaller than my boyfriend (now husband). I took this as her not liking me that much, but actually, as the naturally slim person she is, she probably just recognised that i needed less than him as I’m 5’4 and he’s 6’4. It’s taken 20 years for the penny to drop. Maybe she does like me after all ?.

  90. Hi Anna ,I have treated myself to a beautiful bowl rather than a large plate, so that it’s a pleasure to eat from , and it helps to adjust to a smaller portion and you don’t realize you are doing it.I ?
    You look great , we’ll done, I am just starting out with slimpod and love it so far?

  91. Hi Anna, you story resonates with me. I always wait in restaurant to see what other people order before I make my decision in case they are having something better than me. I too want the portion of pizza or whatever with the most cheese. When I cook for my husband and I, I usually divide the dish in two portions but of course I don’t really need the same size portion as my husband, so your story has highlighted this for me. Lightbulb moment! Thank you for bring the obvious to my attention. You look fabulous in your ‘wedding’ suit. Congratulations on your achievement so far. x

  92. Such an inspiring story Anna ! And well done! It has given me the boost I need. Hopefully one day my story will be worth telling, i will mention it was you that gave me the boost I need ! Good luck for the future my dear and happy days. You are more than worth it !! X

  93. That sounds brilliant , I have type 1 diabetes and doing it for that. I do go to a slimming club and have lost just over 1..1/2 stone but I’ve lost my mojo , I seem to be coping with this and I’m 60 next year and really want to lose to get to my target by then. I’m on my second wave now and since I’ve joined you, all I have lost 4lb , I don’t lose weight quickly so hopefully this will keep going .

  94. Thanks for sharing your story, Anna. I do remember as a child being always told to finish everything on my plate and constantly being given warnings about starving children in the world. It got to the point where I could never leave any food on my
    plate, no matter how full up I was. !
    Thanks again,

    1. Smiling, at how unintentionally our grown ups can cause problems, and how deeply embedded these early ‘warnings’ are.
      No idea where the need for this advice came from, and I was an early post war baby, but my Mum used to say, “Always leave a little for Mr. Manners.” In this case, helpful!😄

  95. Absolutely wonderful. And so good to share, so that others may find their light bulb moment, continuing a chain of positivity.

  96. Eye opening video of Anna. I now realise I do the same, biggest slice of cake, the nicer looking slice of pizza etc. I have stopped snacking relatively easily so smaller portions is my next mission. Thank you.

  97. Well done Anna, that’s a massive achievement, you must be proud of yourself.

    My weight has increased over the last 18 months, due mainly to lack of exercise prior to and following surgery, I also have a sweet tooth which I have found much easier to control since joining Slimpod three weeks ago, not sure I’ve lost any weight yet but it’s early days and reading stories like yours gives me inspiration. So, thank you and enjoy your success

  98. Thanks Anna, this has made me realise that I also had food portion envy in my first relationship which has carried over to current times. I was adamant that everything should be equal including food portions which is ridiculous when you’re living with a man a foot taller who does manual work!! Lightbulb moment for me – thanks again 🙂

  99. Well done Anna. Fear of missing out FOMO with food is very real! Retraining your brain to think that a smaller portion is your privileged position in order to achieve your goal rather than punishment of not having enough is a gem.

  100. Thankyou for sharing your story, a massive well done, I am fairly new to slimpod but already I’m starting to notice a difference in my eating, not feeling hungry like other times, I feel sometimes I should be eating but don’t feel hungry so something is changing, the negative thing is when people notice I’m not filling my plate or have smaller plate and they comment ‘oh on another diet then’ , I really can’t be bothered to comment back as I’ve had this for years , so I try ignore and think of the picture I see of myself being healthy and happy, and not letting food rule my life, !!

  101. Well done Anna. I have struggled since a child and have at one time lost 75lbs but put quite a bit on. Your story is inspring. I have been listening for 2 weeks and an beginning to feel hopeful even tho I put on 4 lbs to start with. I’m encouraged by your story

  102. Wow Anna, that’s so inspiring! I can relate so much with the ‘missing out’ mindset. I was the youngest of four growing up and money was tight so I always had to finish what was on my plate at the dinner table. Like so many other people, this encouraged a habit of overeating. I’m finally learning that it’s ok to leave food on my plate and recognising when I’ve had enough. Thank you SlimPod!

  103. Hi Anna. I just watched your video. Oh my goodness i think we are twins – I also have 2 6’4’’ hungry sons and a husband. I grew up with 2 big hungry brothers and have always worried that im not getting enough grub, it’s unfair or im being treated differently. We definitly relate to the “greedy gene” idea. I have always been a bit chubbier than i would like but post 50 its really frustrating. I Just love your small plates idea and following your example as a bit of a potter, im going to make myself a special set. Thanks so much xx Lorna

  104. It’s taken me a while to realise my portion sizes were far too big for my height and build and that average daily calorie intake doesn’t have any bearing on me as a individual.
    My mantra is small person ,small portions. I say this to myself every day

  105. Wow, there’s such a lot that resonates withe here, from already being quite active, to living with a family of men and eating the same portions, to enjoying my food and feeling like I’m missing out. I’m also unable to easily leave anything uneaten on my plate. I know this goes back to my childhood when I was a naturally picky eater with a normal weight but had it forced out of me by my grandmother who, as part of that postwar era, overfed me and insisted I finish everything on my plate. That, combined with teenage insecurity, led to years of binge eating in between bouts of normality. Now, I’m mostly normal, but am still prone to emotional eating. I love the idea of being proud to have the smallest portions. It chimes with Trevor’s advice in the Christmas Pod to be proud of and enjoy your limitations, which was a watch word of my Christmas day. From now on, I’m going to be proud of my smaller plates and portions.

  106. Great email to open this morning. I’ve not thought about why I want to have large portions because I generally feel that is what I require to make the hunger subside. So after reading the story I thought about my childhood….You had to finish everything on your plate to be rewarded verbally and to receive a dessert. I don’t eat desserts now, but I do eat afterwards in the evening with crisps and snacks maybe that’s why I feel I can because I’m rewarding myself subconsciously. I’m making a real effort to slim portions down and stop snacking. It helps to know why I do it.

  107. Well done Anna you have done so well. I have not long started and used to eating big meals but now using a smaller plate and find that I am quite satisfied with the amount that I eat.

  108. Lots of relatable issues here for me Anna. Your post is very thought provoking as well as inspiring. When I was young, we ate very well as a family. My mother gave us only home cooked food with the occasional chippy tea. We were all skinny despite the massive portions we had. A very different lifestyle then! However, when I left home at 17 to pursue my career, the massive food portions continued but the food choices changed, and alcohol joined the mix. The result was instant weight gain and I’ve struggled ever since. I’m in my 70’s now and need to lose another 70lb (I lost 20lb before I joined Slimpod). So far, my mindset is definitely changing about food portions. Food and portion envy is fading fast. I will look to your example. Thank you for sharing.

  109. I was always told to clear my plate as a child or I couldn’t have dessert (although that was only ever fruit or a yoghurt!) so I have been working on my portion size too and it really helps – I love the idea of small place setting!

  110. Anna is an inspiration. She looks absolutely beautiful in her wedding suit and it made me wonder if I could maybe work towards getting into my wedding dress one day. I am approx 4 weeks in to Slimpod. I have good days and bad days. Hate the bad days as I feel like I am a lost cause. Love the good days as I have significant wins. Last two days have been bad. I didn’t log my wins for first time since I started. I am reading everything, doing the pods every night, trying really hard to put the effort in that Sandra reminded us the other day is needed. Thinking I may need a buddy. Not giving up whatever

    1. Hi Amanda, so sorry you’re struggling, I hope you’ve had more good days than bad since you posted. We’re about matched on weeks I think. I’m doing it with my sister but I’ve read a few posts on the facebook group too and there is some really helpful posts to tap into. Please don’t feel bad and be upset with what you feel was a bad day, I get the feeling you’ve got a lot going on cut yourself some slack, as long as you keep listening to the pod each day your not failing. Hang in there give your body time to adjust and you’ll get there ♥️

  111. That was something that really resonated with me Anna. I have always wanted big portions & that need to feel very full! Still haven’t worked out what that’s about. Well done & I found your story very inspiring

  112. Hi Anna, you’re doing amazing, it’s so hard when we come through childhood with issues. My mum never had enough food so she decided to treat my sister and me all the time. I feel my sister got it worse than I did cause she came first, I rebelled but became an emotional eater in my teens. I’ve always struggled with portion size but I was always an extreme exerciser so I managed to keep the weight down on the most part. Now I can’t exercise so the last few years have been hard and I’ve tried everything but always been so hungry, looking back I have become my mother, constantly on one diet or another looking for the next one that would work. It’s scary but I’ve cut a string and let go with slimpod and it’s the best thing I could have done, I’ve stopped trying to eat less and just slowed down my eating to give my brain chance to catch up with my stomach and gradually my portions have reduced and the snacking has stopped, I’ve a way to go, much more than you but I focus on how I feel rather than worrying about food and I feel happier than I have in years. Trust yourself and slimpod forgive yourself and others for your past feelings around food and go enjoy everything else life has to offer, have a great week ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  113. I really like the idea of a smaller plate for servings. Thankyou for the heads up. I grew up with a mother that heaped food onto a plate and heaven help. Me if I didn’t eat it all. It was reheated and served up the next night along with that nights dinner as well. Hard to deal with when you’re a small child . Thankyou for sharing I appreciate your words!

  114. As you say, resetting the last fifty odd years of food choices and sizes almost needs a bulldozer to dislodge the stuck in mud thinking. In addition to all that we have that many years of tangled emotional experiences and feelings. Some of us have medical disorders to deal with, as I do and that in itself disfigures our quality of life. Being bound by an illness compounds a ‘normal’ daily routine in so many ways that others would never understand so there in itself is a miriad of frustrations and losses which we know will never change because, like myself, there is no cure for Restless Legs Syndrome. I do want to learn so much more through your program Sandra and because we are so individual some may step sideways at times before taking another step in the right direction. Thank you so much. Kaye

  115. Anna’s story really resonates and I will now dig out some unused plates which will be perfect, and just for me!

  116. I can relate, when I serve up dinner I think ‘why should my husband get more of this yummy food than me? I deserve it aa much as him’ so we always have equal portions.

  117. I love this and am going to try the ‘proud to have the smallest portion’. My mother did this all her life and was very slender and I think we teased her (because she said she wished as a teenager she could have a pill rather than food as she has been forced to eat food she didn’t want and to clear her plate as a child – post war so no waste). So I then went bigger as a result and I know I wanted to eat as much as my brothers (who were very tall) so I wasn’t left out or someone inferior to them – which I have only just realised while reading your story and writing this! So thank you for sharing. Really really helpful. xxxx

  118. Thank you so much for sharing. I think my problem was the opposite to yours but leading to the same thing and Slimpod is for all of us. My mum, bless her, constantly had me on a diet from my earliest memories- probably around four years old. That was in the 1960s and she thought she was doing the right thing as I was always a ‘fat kid’. My portions were smaller- although perfectly adequate- to help me lose weight. Unfortunately, I have craved food ever since and it has had total power over me. We never had sweets incase I ate any – again, mum thought she was helping. Reading your post has made me look at my problems from an opposite point of view. Well done you and very good luck for the future xx

  119. Thank you for sharing your story Anna. I was brought up in a family where you didn’t leave the table until you’d eaten everything on your plate and that treats were in the form of food eg ice cream, sweets etc, which I guess is quite common.
    I love the idea of having your own special plate and may well do the same ❤️
    I’m at the beginning of my journey to change my relationship with food and your story has given me a spark.
    Jane x

  120. Thanks for sharing. I too have some childhood memories that still affect my food choices and Im 65. Well done for overcoming it I think these are the hardest challenges!

  121. This is lovely and inspiring to read. My mother also had a smaller portion than everyone else, due to there not being much to go round – but I was made to eat every last bit. I had to sit at the table until I had cleared the plate – something that tends to stay with me unfortunately. My mother could only show love through gifts and food, and even as an adult when I visited her I was almost force-fed cakes and ‘treats’. I hope to get a better positive thought process like you have. A special plate is an excellent idea. You look lovely in your suit.

  122. I think that was an excellent idea. And the fact that it worked. We are all important and deserve the best… Well done…

  123. Well done Anna I to have changed my plate sizes . And thanks to slimpod really take my time eating my dinner . I also half fill my smaller plate with salad or fresh vegetables before any other food goes on . Between slimpod and a 2 week bootcamp I have lost 7kg . I am still a little concerned as my visceral fat is to high but by lowering my saturated fat intake it’s coming down so very hopeful for the future

  124. What an amazing success story, Anna, you looks fabulous in your suit in both pictures! Bravo.
    I’m getting on well with the programme, and slowly I feel like I’m breaking old habits and forming a newer, more healthy attitude to eating/exercising and looking after myself. I must remember it takes time, and have relegated the scales to the loft.

  125. Hi Anna – thank you, your story really resonated with me. My Mum had a very difficult relationship with food, sometimes celebratory, sometimes not but missing a meal was akin to a famine. Now I’m learning to enjoy food again – and miss meals if I’m not hungry x

  126. Well done Anna. I am trying the smaller portion approach too. I was brought up in a very loving family where good food was the norm and food was also treats… think sweets, cake etc. And you always ckeared your plate, my family were the post war rationing generation so food was a luxury. Food was always given from a place of love but oh boy has that messed with my food relationship. Well done you!

  127. Well done Anna. I was brought up to eat everything on my plate as there were kids starving in the world. I gradually increased my portion sizes and here I am. Now I’m enjoying smaller portions like you and I leave food when my full signal strikes. Hurray for us! X

  128. This has really resonated with me.
    As a child I always saw my dad get the biggest portion and always wanted more on my plate, also in primary school at lunch times I also wanted more and looked forward to the day that I was head of the table and could put a little more on my plate. I think the idea of a special plate is lovely and I will try this out.
    Thank you for sharing your story.

  129. I’m acknowledging (I did already “know” this but chose to ignore), that it IS the smaller portions that is key to great health. Moreover, I’m feeling positive about my new self-challenge to stop first and then ask myself: “do I REALLY want this right now?” I’m beginning to be hear myself answer, “Umm…nah.”

  130. Anne-Louise Sibley

    Firstly, well done you for getting back in your wedding suit! I’d love to get my wedding dress on again, but that’s a long way off for now.
    I have also recently realised that I was eating too much… serving myself the same size portion as my husband and then wondering why I weigh the same (or more) as him. I love your idea of special plates, but for me personally, I like to see the space around my smaller portion on a big plate… that makes me feel like I’m winning. Same feeling, different solution!

  131. Thank you for sharing Anna. When I was young we had to “clean our plates” and would have to sit at the table until everything was eaten. I have had a hard time stopping doing this, even at restaurants where they serve large portions. I think that is why I no longer have the full feeling. I am so hopeful to get it back with Slimpod!!

  132. Very Inspiring that you have been able to come to terms with that childhood belief and conquer it. I use small plates and I love the idea of having and even smaller portion on that plate. Thank you for sharing….you look fabulous…you must be so pleased with not just the weight loss but shedding those childhood beliefs that held you back. Wow

  133. I totally get where you are coming from . Well done in unlocking reasons why, I’m yet to discover why I over eat but I’m sure over time it will be unlocked. Keep going

  134. Really enjoyed reading Anna’s advise I use my grandaughters small breakfast bowls to measure my breakfast and seems to be working , thank you Anna for inspirational story .

  135. Hi Anna. I think I have a very similar mindset as you from childhood. I think your special place setting is a brilliant idea and I’m going to give it a go too – thank you, and I look forward to hearing you’ve reached your goal – the suit looks fabulous by the way! 😊 xx

  136. Wendy milligan

    Wow its these things you have pointed out that have become a habit to me too,
    Thank you for that!!
    I’m not the only 1.
    I’m on week 4 and still picking on a night time, however not during the day, sometimes I’m thinking is this really helping me or not?
    I’m sticking with it as I’m desperate to change bad habits for life,
    You are doing amazing, well done x

  137. Amanda Westaway

    Well done Anna, like you I have discovered that my portion sizes can be controlled by using smaller plates!

  138. Yvonne Collins

    I can see this completely, I always wanted the biggest portion too. when asked why I couldn’t have a bigger portion my mum would say ” because your father paid for it he gets more”.
    So when I started earning I decided because I paid for it I could just eat more. that’s the rule isn’t it ?
    also I joined the Royal Navy where you could eat as much as you liked. we even had competitions to see who could get as much as possible on your plate. Of course you eat what’s there. not sure I’ll do the plate thing but I do now understand ‘me’ a bit more. So thank you 👍

  139. Alison Brassington

    Congratulations!!!! And This is so inspiring … and so true to everlasting happiness with food relationships What are your thoughts on the plates that help with portion sizes protein/carbs/veg? Are they effective ?

  140. When I first listened to your story I didn’t think I could relate. But then it hit me. My dad always got the biggest portion in our house and I have unknowingly associated it with being the most important and most special person in the house. Light bulb moment. This is definitely something I need to work on now. Thank you so much for sharing your story and giving me my light bulb moment.

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Founder of Thinking Slimmer
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