Don’t let negativity and self-sabotage hold you hostage

THE thing I’ve noticed most during over a decade of helping people to lose weight is that after a few weeks of beginning the latest “new thing,” the excitement and buzz wear off and fear and panic set in.

The destructive little voice in your head starts up again: “You’ll never succeed” or “You always fail, what’s so different this time?” or “What if I don’t lose weight?” or “What will people think if I fail again?”

Well, if this happens to you, I can tell you that you’re not alone. This is such a common thing and it CAN be stopped. That’s what I’m helping you with today.

My new video below, Don’t Let Negativity Hold You Hostage, explains how negativity and self-sabotage can be such a problem.

We’re in week four of the Mindset Reset challenge and it’s around this time in any weight loss exercise that motivation can hit the brakes and our efforts come to a grinding halt.

I’ve seen this SO often over the past 10 years and it causes so many problems.

Of course, sometimes life just gets in the way and we struggle to continue with our new habits and healthy regimes.

But for so many people, self-sabotage is involved and the destructive little voice in your head takes over!

My aim in life is to help you succeed and to inject you with the motivation to overcome the obstacles in your life.


Self-sabotage comes in many forms and I’ll be discussing this on my FB and Instagram live chats in more detail this week – so join me then (scroll down for full details).

Many of the beliefs we have about our body image have started in childhood or during teenage years, and they create an idea that over time becomes an ingrained self-limiting belief.  This also sows the seeds of self-doubt.

Our thoughts really matter because our minds and bodies are linked.

We need to give ourselves kind messages and be nice to ourselves because otherwise we’ll find ourselves going round and round in circles and getting nowhere fast.

You must change the script of your life right now so that the soap opera in your mind isn’t on repeat all your life.

This is about believing in yourself.  Trusting yourself and having faith that you can bash through the self-doubt and knock down that negative voice in your head!

Have the courage and you will reap the reward.

Your final challenge!

Continue to listen to your Slimpod.

Continue to write your wins.

Be aware when your brain is being hijacked by negativity and reframe the thoughts.

Treat these negative moments as obstacles in life’s journey, keep calm and carry on!

Watch my Lives this week

Please join my Lives this week: tomorrow (Tuesday Sept 29) on the Slimpod public Facebook page at 7.30pm UK time, in our private Slimpod Club on Wednesday at 8pm, on our Instagram page on Thursday at 7pm and back on the Slimpod public page at 7.30.

Subscribe to my YouTube channel

On the Slimpod Channel on YouTube  I have 80 videos about weight loss and wellbeing. They’re a great FREE resource for you. Subscribe to the channel and you’ll get priority notification every time a new video goes up. And make sure you smash those Like and Share buttons for me!

How’s the challenge going?

Please let me know by leaving a comment below. I read all of them – although I can’t always answer many –  and they help me to create new and valuable content for you.

New to my Mindset Challenge?

If you’re one of the hundreds of people who’ve joined the Slimpod Community in the past few weeks, then a big welcome! There’s still time to join my Reset Your Mindset challenge – you can catch up here:

Week One: Improve your health from the inside out

Week Two: Supercharge your weight loss

Week Three: 5 tips to reduce your drinking

9 thoughts on “Don’t let negativity and self-sabotage hold you hostage”

  1. Hello Sandra, I really like how almost the moment I have the thought an appropriate email/blog seems to come through. I am nervous about sugar pod as recent podders have had side effects. However I am committed to the process and will see where my journey takes me.

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      Don’t be nervous about the sugar pod. So many people have positive results with it and if it does cause some issues just look at it as a positive thing because you’re unravelling something that’s been holding you back! You just got to bash through with courage!

  2. Hello I love the way your email pops into my inbox at a time when I most need it !
    I have stopped listening to the pods and keep telling myself to get back into the routine …. I want the weight loss – I keep doing well for a couple of weeks and then have a bad few days so I’m probably maintaining rather than losing !!
    I believe in the programme so I just need some staying power !! Any advice to keep me from straying off the path ? Xx

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      There’s a huge number of resources on my blog to help you bash through limiting beliefs and be positive. I would first start with the ‘why’ – if that’s not strong then you’ll have issues with motivation. Do a goal map! Join me on my lives this week and I’ll discuss your question. 🙂

  3. Hi Sandra, I’m on week 5 now and am eating healthier, Exercising more and feeling quite positive at the moment. I’ve only listened to the weight loss pod as I’m a bit worried about the sugar pod as I’ve read so many negative comments about it and scared it will ruin what I have achieved so far. Do I have to listen to the sugar pod ?

  4. Hi Sandra, I have followed the Slimpod programme for 12 weeks & haven’t had any change in my size & I’m at least 4 stone overweight.
    I don’t think starting the Slimpod Extra is my next stage. Maybe I should start at the beginning again & see if I can achieve any change?

  5. Hi Sandra, I’m just about to start phase 3. Have had an eat as much sweet stuff as possible week, since my birthday a week ago. Still listening to the pods & watching your videos. Really am trying to get back on track today as I’ve got a huge amount of weight to lose. Your self sabotage message came just at the right time…. here goes…

  6. The great thing about this is it hasn’t felt like a challenge, more of a journey. Thanks for helping my brain rewire X

  7. Hi Sandra ! From the moment I started the 10 day free trial I knew something just clicked. It’s been soo enjoyable and educational too, in many ways! I feel like you are always there with me saying the right thing at the right time. This has helped keep me focused and supported through my weight loss journey so far. I simply can’t say anything negative about slim pod and will continue to recommend to others. Big thanks so far

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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