It’s time to focus on improving your health from the inside out

IT feels like the last six months have been all over the place and the focus has been on everything and everybody else rather than our own health.  So let’s press the reset button in our minds and head for success right now!

Most of us have been out of our usual routine, with some bad habits creeping back in again. These habits are very sneaky and they find ways to get back into your life when you least expect them to!

This four-week Reset For Success Challenge is all about your health and wellbeing. It’s about your mindset, your food and your exercise working together. And it’s crucially important to achieve consistency over the next 28 days.

So make the focus of your goal about improving your health from the inside out. When you think about things differently it will bypass all the insecurities about what the scales say.

For so many people the obstacle to lasting weight loss IS the scales. So if this is you, for the next four weeks take the focus off the scales and put it on to your health and your daily routine.

Click below to watch the video (and while you’re on my YouTube channel please hit the Like, Share and Subscribe buttons so I can spread the word to others!):

The important points to remember:

*  This is all about motivation, intention and commitment for 28 days!  It’s about moving towards success not being paralysed by limiting beliefs and fear.

* Get rid of the voice that says “I Can’t” and replace it with the one that says “I Can.”

* If size goals fill you with fear,  reset for success by setting a health goal rather than a scales goal. Let’s kick the scales out of this challenge!


* However, if a size goal motivates you – happy days – use that.

* It’s all about working out what works best for you so you can achieve the healthiest outcome both mentally and physically.

* Let’s power up and smash our goals in September!

Make sure you join my Lives this week:  Tuesday 7,30 on our FB public page (Slimpod for weight loss);  Wednesday 8pm (Slimpod Club) Thursday 7pm Instagram and 7.30 FB public page.

And please let me know if you’re going to take up the challenge and why. I love reading all your comments.

99 thoughts on “It’s time to focus on improving your health from the inside out”

  1. vivienne penhallurick forster

    I will be taking the challenge but I don’t need to reset as I am on it. Never felt better or more motivated. Inches are moving and I’m sure I’m lighter. I don’t publish much. I know I should!

  2. Yes I’m definitely on board! I think the need to balance mindset, food and exercise is a great target in itself.
    I aim to get myself down a dress size in the 4 week period. There…. I’ve said it!!

    1. I’m definitely in. I’m putting the scales in the garage and focusing on getting more exercise, drinking more water and herbal teas.

  3. I am so looking forward to this new challenge. Thank you. Since my revelation to Sandra about my early life ( which I might add I had never uttered to another living soul) I have been confused about where/what to do next, so this challenge will hopefully get me focused.

  4. I will definitely be taking up this challenge.Thank you Sandra. I have set a health goal to trim down my waist measurement by at least 2 inches with exercise this month.

  5. I will take up the challenge as I need to restart listening to the pods everyday as I have let this lapse over the last few weeks.I also need to get into a fitness programme that I am happy with instead of just walking for exercise.

  6. My problem is self-sabotaging my sleep. So my reset is about resetting my bedtime to a healthy one with the aim of building a new habit.

  7. I wish to start the reset im a health care worker and worked all through lockdown my eating has become erratic i need to restart my weight loss x

  8. I’m totally up for this. I’ve been podding for a couple of months but I feel this is my start. Back to school for kids and myself. Back to the gym too!
    Here’s to looser trousers

  9. My 28 day challenge:
    To avoid sugar& check all labels
    To drink 2 litres water every day
    To reduce fat% and increase muscle%
    To do LWR or Leslie Sansone daily
    To walk every day

  10. Brilliant couldn’t have come at a better time, I am 100% up for this. It is like you read my mind. My GP wants me to have a blood test in a couple of months as my sugar levels are a bit high (not diabetic) but if I don’t address it now I could be.

  11. My 28 day challenge is nailing some HIT exercise. As an exercise phoebe for whatever reason, I am going to ensure I do the HIT exercises as detailed in week 11 I think even I can fit in 3 lots of 20 seconds of intense running on the spot!! No excuses, I am going to smash it 🙂 This is my favourite month, a time of change and its my birthday month so I am going to make extra special effort and aim to do the exercise 5 days a week.
    Excellent daily motivational emails too, loving the changes I have noticed so far too, it is a miracle!

  12. I’m all up for the challenge. I need to take my health and well being seriously and this is a good way to start been accountable for it

  13. I will take up the challenge. I am new to Slimpod but after watching your video I will focus on my health instead of my weight. I suffer from a number of conditions including arthritis, fybromyalgia, and high blood pressure. I know weight loss will help but in the past have just focused on weight not my health. I am positive this will help me more. Thank you xx

  14. Hi Sandra,
    Yes! I’m up for the challenge. I should be coming to the end of my 12 week Slimpod Gold programme but I’ve been ill with a nasty chest infection for the past 5 weeks and barely able to get out of bed for four of those weeks (linked, I am sure to a lengthy bout of Covid back in March & April and made worse by my BMI of 42 – the reason I signed up to Slimpod in the first place!) SO..I’m a bit behind on the videos but not panicking as life/illness happens and I’m fine now. BUT I love the idea of a reset for the next 28 days, after which I plan to sign up for Slimpod Extra. My subconscious is playing all sorts of games with me and refusing to let go of ANY of the extra weight I’m carrying. Don’t know why but I WILL get there. There have been other changes, however – more energy, more walking, much more positive. I’ve ordered my wall calendar and some sticky stars to record my new good habits (that’s where I’m up to on your videos): a walk/a Youtube exercise session/a swim/no sugar/no alcohol/no wheat – these are the habits I want to form and each one will get a star. I commit to doing this for the next 28 days. WHY? Because I’m fed up getting these chest infections/because I want to wear my size 20 teal blue trouser suit that’s hanging on the wardrobe door/because I want to lower my cholesterol and improve my flexibility. Let’s go!

  15. I’m going to join. I am that person who bought Slimpod, played it but didn’t have a goal so nothing really happened. This isn’t a reset, it’s day zero to learn how to get on it. My goal is simply to see Slimpod working by doing it properly.

  16. I think a reset, will be good for me as I have suffered with my health and been in hospital since starting the program ( Covid related) and am struggling at the moment and not listened to the pods for a couple of days but back on them today. So please count me in

  17. Although I’m very much following the programme (Week 8 at the moment) and feeling so much healthier etc I’m happy to follow the challenge 🙂

  18. Yes I will be taking part in the challenge.
    I need to incorporate exercise and get over the sugar monster who appears every now and again!

  19. Excellent I have had a very bad week and it has all gone out of the window.
    I did listen to my slimpod last night but need to get back on track

  20. I will do this challenge but after the month I want to reset to start again with Slimpod as I’ve been disappointed so far

  21. I’m kinda already on it I’m into my third week of twelve ,I don’t comment like i should im sure,but i do get hope from the comment from others.mabe I’ll be a bit braver soon,it is working I’m not snacking or eating as much,so my goal for September is to keep going as I am

  22. Yes, I’m up for this. The last two weeks have been a bit of a roller coaster and I need to get back to where I was. Challenge is not just about weight or the girth tape. More about being positive again.

  23. Hilary Wainwright

    Yes I’m up for it . I’m in a positive state mentally , emotionally but inches not moving much . So maybe a reset necessary to push myself so that I see some physical results . Not weighing myself though for another month – am away without scales. Last time my BMI was 28.5 . Still overweight / not healthy and waist 1 inch above healthy.. so clear targets for the reset: healthy BMI, healthy waist measurement

  24. I am on week 8, concentrating on the messages and information I receive there. If i join in this challenge as well, it may take my focus of learning the basics; and the focus i have on the goals i have set only a few weeks ago away. It all sounds a bit too much for me at the moment

  25. I’m definitely in Feeling I’m losing battle over last week even though had great first 8 weeks Seems a distant memory now

  26. I will be joining you and all the lovely podders for a reset! I have lost some weight and some inches but there is always room for improvement!

  27. Pam Ley September 7th 2020.
    I’m very new to the programme and though feeling a little overwhelmed by all the information I must be doing some thing right as nolonger snacking in the evenings and have made improvements to my food choices so bring it on ! Anything that helps me to take some time to look after my own health can only be a good thing

  28. I’m in! I need this to refocus. Wine is my downfall, it then kick starts the crisps, cheese etc! Gotta kick.that habit cos otherwise, I’m doing great! Thanks everyone xx

  29. Hello I am in – I really need to reset my mindset as I feel the ‘can’t’ creeping back in and also feel very emotional with life events at the moment which is not helping.

  30. I am going to take up the challenge!
    The past month has been VERY hard for me. I lost my Nannie on the 17th August (96-old age) and then I lost a friend who I had been caring for at home 18th August (terminal throat & Lung cancer) I’m now feeling a little lost in the world & needless to say my good friends Chocolate & cakes have popped by nightly after my tea (which is a very healthy tea I must add) and sometimes during the day, who am I kidding, that’s also daily. So I am ready to reset, regroup & get “Helen” back

  31. I am going to give it a go, I am floundering at the moment.
    I must keep going for my health, I have high blood pressure and am diabetic.
    So my gaol is to be healthy as possible.

  32. Rosemarie O’Malley

    I will take the challenge but I’m very much on it anyway, I will aim to lose a dress size in the month xxx

  33. i will be taking this challenge because over the past few weeks I’ve been struggling with over eating during the evening again. i wish to stop this again.

  34. I’m going to give it a go! I’ve stalled a bit in lockdown etc but not put weight on. I need a challenge to get me going.

  35. I will be joining and will try very hard to stick with it. I have let life get on top of me for about 6 months and have slipped straight back into bad habits and have been very much lacking the motivation to do anything about it. Baby steps and fingers crossed.

  36. i am up for the challenge don’t need the reset as only in week 3 feel great, but like the motivation towards health is my wealth and not a number on the scales. looking to fit in my scrubs which are a bit tight.

  37. I definitely need to reset my mind … after successfully doing the 12-week programme last summer, losing weight and feeling so much happier with myself, I was challenged with the stress of starting a new job at the beginning of this year followed by lockdown where I have literally eaten-myself-silly … I’ve been back to the depths of feeling I’m a hopeless case – I’m definitely going to give the 28-day challenge a-go, as I know that what I need to do more than anything is reset my mind and start to believe again that i can do it, and I can control my own life/destiny. I never used the facebook group or live sessions last time, so am going to use these to find the support and encouragement of others

  38. I’m in! I am still repeatedly self sabotaging I’m hoping now that we’re back in school, with new safety precautions and routines in place, I will feel more settled emotionally. I want to commit to exercising more to strengthen my muscles, to help me cope with my Fibromyalgia.

  39. Ok I’m in.
    My goals will be to get to bed by 11.00 every night, halve my alcohol intake, double my water intake and do some exercise at the weekends. (I’m already moderately active during the week but tend to slob about at weekends.)

  40. Finished Gold and started on Extra about three weeks ago, loved the Gold Programme. Feel I need a push to move forward.

  41. I will take on challenge but happy with how things are going. Slow but sure. Definite difference in how I am with food. My mindset so much better. Happier in myself. Can feel a difference in my clothes too. Delighted.

  42. I am nearly two weeks on slim pod and can feel a difference already, my trousers are looser around my waist and it’s like a switch has been activated and my whole thinking has changed about food. I’m doing it already but count me in!

  43. I never take up challenges because I don’t believe I can commit to doing it but I you mentioned people like me in your video so I’m going to do it.

  44. I need a focus and a reset. Sumer has been positive however a few changes by the end of September will be good start for winter. Love team work ❤️

  45. Going to do it, I’ve had a hard time recently , my Vit B12 became insufficient and all I could do most days was sleep, I’m having a B12 injection today and hope it will get me moving again. I do wonder if anyone else is Vit B12 compromised, as I can cause many problems. I may request a restart too

  46. I have done really well with my weight loss goals and eating habits since starting Slimpod in May but I welcome some extra support and I am delighted to join in with this 28 day reset. I can get bogged down with the intention of losing weight instead of focusing on being healthy and this is what I feel I need to do for my weight to change….change my mindset.

  47. Barbara Richardson

    Hi Sandra
    Definitely going to join the 28 day challenge as your daily inspiration will be a definite plus in keeping me more focused, I’m on week six of the 12 week programme I did lose weight the first two weeks though nothing since,that doesn’t bother me as there are so many pluses that I’m positive the weight will move. My habits have definitely changed my fight with food has completely changed it’s just sometimes I don’t seem to stay as focused as I should from one week to the next I no longer pick
    or crave which is huge. Just I have a lot going on in my life and know that I’m very stressed at the moment and that’s nothing to do with Corvid so having daily challenges I think would help me stay focused a lot x

  48. Alyson Smith-Brookes

    I’m up for it, I’m struggling to focus, but i need to do it for health reasons, sore knees and back which my weight isn’t helping.

  49. I will be joining you. I’m just starting week 4 but every little bit of encouragement helps. I’m so impressed with the Slimpod organisation and all the support that is given on this plan. Can’t say I’ve noticed much weight loss yet but my habits are definitely changing. Thank you Sandra.

  50. I am delighted to receive this email ( just picked up) I am so up for a reset.
    I have struggled with not being able to see family (I live in Spain)
    I bought slimpod early this year and have not really committed to it.
    Now I will.

  51. Really need this. I’ve lost the ability to focus and am constantly comfort eating. Turning 60 in a couple of months and I so want to be healthy and looking my best.

  52. Hi im up for this challenge because depression has derailed me at the moment and ive been in a bad place but onwards and upwards now to a happier me.

  53. Yep I’m up for it lockdown has been a total nightmare especially trying to keep kids amused and home schooling lol

  54. I really need this. I had been doing so well, not fixated on what I should and shouldn’t eat for the first time in a lot of years. I need to reset and move forward. I can and I will. Thank you

  55. I will be joining. Am putting scales in my garage , increasing the amount of water and herbal tea that I drink and focusing on daily exercise.

  56. Thanks for this Sandra. I accept the challenge as I reset Slimpod completely. My start this week is to get back into the exercise routine I had before a complete stop a month ago and to drink water before each meal.

  57. Thanks Sandra have had a good first week of the challenge been watching your, just wrote my big win in FB for this week, thank you

  58. Definitely going to try this – I’m 9 weeks into plan and have found myself lapsing a bit over last couple of weeks – am going through a stressful time but need to get my head right!

  59. I’m really enjoying my journey with Slim pod . Iv only done a week and already feeling more positive about my relationship with food . No counting but thinking and feeling and reasoning first xx

  60. Please can you tell me how to reset Slimpod Gold from the start? I signed up at a time when I had too much else going on and though I got off to a good start I’ve been hugely distracted and now with only four weeks to go on the original twelve weeks I find I have the time and head space to start afresh. Is this possible?

    1. Hello June, I’ll ask someone in Customer Services to restart you from Day One.Give it an hour or so and it should be done.

  61. I’m new to Slimpod and one of those for whom it’s not going to be a quick fix. An emotional eater and use alcohol too much for those feel-good moments. So setting myself a positive challenge seems a good thing to do right now while I contemplate patience!

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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