

A rich resource of advice to give you food freedom,
greater confidence and lasting weight loss.



A rich resource of advice to give you food freedom,
greater confidence and lasting weight loss.

Lifestyle around Menopausal Weight Gain

How to prevent menopause weight gain

I know that menopause weight gain is a real issue for so many women, so recently I asked the Slimpod Facebook community a question: ‘In three words, what does the menopause mean to you?’ To say I was flabbergasted by the reaction is an understatement! I’ve never had such an overwhelming response to a question

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Why you must be patient if your weight loss hits the plateau

Something I often hear from members of my Slimpod community is this:  “I’ve been doing so well with my weight loss but now I’m panicking because I’ve not lost anything for a while’.  So today on the blog it’s all about the dreaded plateau. We’re all familiar with the story if we’ve ever been on

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Winning the day will keep your weight loss moving!

I DON’T know about you but I’m finding this lockdown the hardest one yet.  So many people are saying the same – even the most positive of people who are used to winning the day are finding it a struggle getting out of bed some days.  It’s literally groundhog day every day. I spoke to

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Don’t let negativity and self-sabotage hold you hostage

THE thing I’ve noticed most during over a decade of helping people to lose weight is that after a few weeks of beginning the latest “new thing,” the excitement and buzz wear off and fear and panic set in. The destructive little voice in your head starts up again: “You’ll never succeed” or “You always

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