
Healthy Eating

A rich resource of advice to give you food freedom,
greater confidence and lasting weight loss.


Healthy Eating

A rich resource of advice to give you food freedom,
greater confidence and lasting weight loss.

Stop winter comfort eating in its tracks – mini-series, part one

AS autumn’s falling leaves turn into winter’s dark early nights, do you find you’re eating more and your habits are changing? Do you seek comfort in food and lose control? There’s a really good reason this happens and I’ve created a four-week mini-series of video coaching to help you understand more about what’s going in

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Three easy tasks to help you drop a size in just 21 days

THIS WEEK we’re continuing our mission to drop a size in four weeks and the Slimpod #SummerChallenge is focusing on food! What’s your relationship with it? Is it your friend or foe? Do you use it for fuelling your mind and body to give its best or does food have a whole host of other

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Healthy eat to lose fat video

Boot Camp 2: How to eat to lose fat, by Dale the Medicinal Chef

HI THERE, Boot Campers! I’m so happy you’re taking part in the four week challenge!  Following on from last week and the work we did creating our Goalmaps, in week 2 we get down to business!  The food!! Obviously Slimpod motivates us to automatically make healthier food choices, which is key,  but I know there’s a lot

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Dale Pinnock Medicinal Chef healthy recipe

Change one thing at a time for major wellness benefits, says Dale

AS I excitedly announced a couple of days ago, I’ve teamed up with the Medicinal Chef, Dale Pinnock, the leading nutritionist, author of 14 books and a TV regular. When I met Dale at a conference in the United States a couple of weeks ago, it was obvious our values were aligned. We’re both passionate about helping people

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Medicinal Chef Dale will reveal which foods make us healthier

YOU’VE probably seen Dale Pinnock, the Medicinal Chef, on TV or read one of his 14 books. He’s been on Lorraine, the Alan Titchmarsh Show and the series Eat, Shop and Save explaining the science of how food can make us healthier. Well, here’s the exciting news: Dale is teaming up with me to give Slimpodders expert

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