Putting on weight on holiday – how to avoid it and enjoy healthy habits

putting on weight on holiday

Putting on weight on holiday is such a major worry for many people.  I know they get anxious about controlling their weight around this time so I’ve created a special video as the Summer break hots up (literally!).

It contains advice on how you can make your holidays happy and stress-free, without letting what you eat and drink spoil the fun.

I’ve just started a weight loss and wellbeing project with a third NHS hospital (the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital in Birmingham) and because the staff there are starting their Slimpod programme at the height of the summer it made made think long and hard about how being on holiday could affect they way they’re thinking about their eating.

For anyone’s who’s tried (and usually failed) to diet through the holidays, Summer can be a time of misery, guilt and a feeling of failure.

Putting on weight on holiday often means their “diet head” takes over and they think that because they’ve fallen off the wagon, they may as well stop trying to resist temptation and blow out big time.

I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve heard people say “I’m a little bit worried about how I’m going to cope with food when I’m on holiday – I usually pig out and I love having a cocktail or two in the evening.”

If you’re already on my Slimpod programme, you’ll know the answer I always give: this isn’t a diet so an ice cream or a cocktail isn’t going to do you any harm.

In my video this week (click below) I go into a lot more detail about what I call “seasonal dieting.” I also have some great advice on how to avoid putting on weight on holiday – and how to do that without missing out on any of the fun.

putting on weight on holiday

In our private Slimpod Club on Facebook we’re about to start a special thread called Happy Habits so join us there! If you’re on Instagram please join in there too. We’re using the hashtag #happyhabits.

And please leave a comment below to let me know if you’re worried about putting on weight on holiday and how you think my tips will help you.

4 thoughts on “Putting on weight on holiday – how to avoid it and enjoy healthy habits”

  1. Margaret Callender

    I am not going on holiday so shan’t be tempted by all those nice things.
    I do worry it won’t last and I would be so disappointed.

  2. Lorraine Farmer

    I know I’m going to put weight on as I’m going on a cruise for my 60 th birthday, but I will try and eat healthy as well as enjoying my holiday, but the packed lunches are usually a tool and cheese and a bottle of water and fruit

  3. I really like this video because it has totally validated my belief in Slimpods. I say this because, while on a week’s holiday in Portugal last month, I wasn’t interested in ice creams (which I invariably was on previous vacations). Then one day we walked passed the most stunning ice cream parlour with fantastic and exciting flavours. I had a cone with ginger flavoured ice cream. It was fantastic. But I didn’t feel guilt. And neither did I have another one the whole holiday. I didn’t even think “I deserve a treat” before ordering. Basically the diet head has gone!! I may still have weight to lose, but this realisation has made me extremely happy!! And the feeling of control is so empowering- Thank you

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
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