How Project You can get the very best results from a Slimpod

THERE are two questions we’re often asked: “How do I get the best out of my Slimpod?” and “How long will it take to see results?” Who better to answer those questions than a seasoned Slimpodder and her experience with ‘Project You’!

Abi Jones has been on the programme for more than a year so she knows what can be achieved with a Slimpod. She lost well over four stone (30+ kg) but says her journey – she calls it Project Abi – is about a whole lot more than weight loss.

As well as being a lot slimmer, she’s also healthier, happier, calmer and more confident. She says: “I never thought I could feel like this.”

When I met Abi over Zoom recently she told me her inspiring story and gave me her three great tips for other Slimpodders. Here’s the video we made:

Here’s a summary of the key points:

**  Abi was a yo-yo dieter for years but reached the point where she’d even given up dieting. “I thought nothing works and this is the way it is,” she says. “I didn’t think I deserved investing in.”

**  Slimpod has changed Abi’s relationship with food. “I’m in control of it, it’s not in control of me anymore. From very early days I just didn’t want to snack at all but as I’m now running more, I get hungrier so I do snack occasionally. But when I snack now it’s healthy stuff, grapes and seeds because that’s what my mind tells me it wants.”

**  “I used to be an emotional eater and would eat because I was lonely or bored. Now I don’t get time to eat because I’m always doing stuff like exercise, which has replaced the boredom.”

**  Before Slimpod, Abi used to average as little as 1,000 steps a day. Her daily exercise was walking round a supermarket. Today she averages 13,000 to 14,000 steps a day. “Listening to Slimpod motivated me to get up and do something.”

**   Abi’s about to do her fifth goal map because she finds it’s such an important part of her journey. “The goal map helped with focus. But it was more than that –  It was part of Project Abi and helped me detach emotionally. The benefit of this was I never thought I would fail.”

**  “Trust yourself and the process and see what happens,” says Abi. “If you’re consistent with Slimpod  at first, pretty soon it becomes automatic and you build new habits.”

Please leave a comment below to let Abi know what you think. And let me know how Slimpod is having a positive impact on you.

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You can see me live on our public Facebook page tonight (Tuesday April 5, 2022) talking about the one thing you need to know about your body which could change your life. Go to Thinking Slimmer for Weight Loss at 7.30pm UK time and search #livechat50. 

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20 thoughts on “How Project You can get the very best results from a Slimpod”

  1. Lovely story and great results Abi! Well done you! I would echo your thoughts on making Goal Maps and being consistent being the way to build new habits:-) You will inspire newbies and folk who feel a bit stuck – here’s to the next year of Project Abi whatever it brings is sure to be a success ????

  2. So I’ve lost 2 stone and have kept my weight constant at 8st 3lb – sometimes going up to 8.5 and then down to 8.2. I’m only 4’9”. I like Abi’s idea of project managing herself and am going to look at Goal Mapping to now go for that final leap into the unknown 7st something.

  3. Christine Wright

    Brilliant Abi you look amazing hope I can achieve the same result I am going away in August so keeping that in my mind to lose some weight I can honestly say that I find Slimpod so easy, well done Abi you are a inspiration for all Slimpodders

  4. Hi Just watched interview with Abi. I so related to it. I am only on week 4 and thinking about food and urge to snack has left me after day 1 or 2. WOW. Portions are smaller. And even then I may leave food on plate and not getting hungry or waking hungry. Thinking of eating healthy options. Emotional and eating out of boredom has left me. I have said no thank you to sweet stuff and I Had (past tense yayyyyy) mega sweet tooth. Cannot thank Sandra and her team Enough for what I have achieved (won) in so little time. For me its not my size, I am a 12 but only 5ft. however I have struggled to lose 1.5/2st. It’s about healthy eating and good long Term standard of living. Keep On videoing and inspiring us. ????????????????

  5. I really enjoyed watching this, I got back from work and no one in, made a cup of tea and took this time for myself . Truly inspirational as new to Slimpod this week. Love the idea of project Abi and can’t wait to get a goal map in place. well done on getting your ???? medal and thank you

  6. Can really relate I’m on my third week and this is a great inspiration I look forward to being the same. love the idea of project me! And using project management bits to move forward. Absolutely love this idea.

  7. Carolyn Gleeson

    Well done Abi! Your tips are great. Being consistent, watching Sandra’s lives and goal mapping are devotedly part of my journey. Which will be ‘Project Me’ from now on

  8. Christine Armstrong

    I’ve been in and out of hospital for months and have had to concentrate on just ‘keeping going’. I had stopped listening to the pods and had given up on myself. (I’m 76).
    BUT I received Sandra’s email about Abi’s video today, having come out of hospital only yesterday. I’ve just watched Abi’s video and I am inspired to start project me. Thank you both.

  9. Thank you for sharing your success Abi. I’m on week 3 and have also noticed I’ve stopped snacking. This must be the Slimpod as is a big change in me , so your advice to trust the Slimpod to work is encouraging to me. Congratulations on your run, sorry to hear about your friend and so inspiring that you’ve been able to do this positive thing and not allow the bereavement to lead to giving up/comfort eating. I’m on week 7 of couch to 5K and prior to Slimpod had never been able to get past week6 where it gets hard. I think Slimpod has given me the can do attitude to want to complete it and now you’ve given me the 5 to 10k app for the next goal !

  10. Hi Abi,
    I only signed up to Slimpod yesterday and can relate to how you felt about not bothering to diet because nothing works. So it’s inspiring for me to hear how successful you have been and the confidence in yourself that you have achieved. I hope I can do the same!

  11. Trust the process is something I’ve heard a few times this week, having started with Slimpod 4 days ago. That’s an important message for now and for the tougher days. Thanks Abi for this and so very well done on what you have achieved xx

  12. Really helpful – I am at the beginning of my Slimpod journey and am mostly sedentary as I have breathing difficulties and my feet swell.
    I get out into the garden on good days and want to be able to walk more without being breathless too. Abi is down to earth and very positive and give me hope.

  13. Pattie Roberts

    Loved the interview with Abi – her enthusiasm for life and the benefits of slimpod came shining through very motivating thank you

  14. Abi is so inspirational. I have shied away from goalmap ping but she is testament to it’s power. Lots to think about. Well done Abi.

  15. I think one of the key words from your story that resonates with me, Abi, is control! I’m so excited to be back in control of my body, my mind and what I eat and drink because I am worthy enough to be looked after and I can give my body what it needs! Thank you for sharing your story.

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