If summer’s put you in panic mode, just try my Mindset Challenge


IT’S been a summer like no other hasn’t it?  Staycations, social distancing, kids at home for months and of course, if you’re in the UK, we’ve had Eat Out to Help Out and we’ve all had money off our restaurant bills!  Now September is here and normality is returning.  So it’s time to get back on track.

Many of us have been eating and drinking far more than we do during the rest of the year (with the obvious exception of Christmas!).

I know from the emails you send me and the posts in Slimpod Club that quite a few of you have gone into panic mode, which is perfectly understandable – but totally unnecessary.

If you’re struggling to stay on track, it’s important to realise two things right away:

ONE: You’re not alone!

TWO: It’s normal behaviour.

I know exactly how you’re feeling because (as you’ll know if you follow me on Facebook) August is a crazy month for me. It’s always full of birthdays, anniversaries, cake and alcohol.

Every year when September arrives I breathe a sigh of relief that things are about to go back to normal. Within the next day or two my eating routine and exercise habits will reset themselves and with the right mindset my clothes will soon start to feel a little bit looser once again.

The secret is that I prepare for summer. I realise that there are going to be obstacles in my way (like husband’s birthday on August 13, our wedding anniversary on August 20 and my birthday on August 27) which will mean I’m not eating the same things I usually do and I’m having a few more glasses of fizz than normal.

By building this into my mindset, I don’t worry. I enjoy myself because that’s what life should be all about.

And when September rolls around, I take a few simple steps to get back on course.

I know that those extra pounds will disappear as quickly as they appeared. I’m totally confident that in 30 days’ time I’ll fit into everything in my wardrobe.


Now, because I KNOW you’ll probably be in a similar place to me (even if you’ve not had birthday celebrations etc) I thought I’d help get some motivation going and kick off a free September Mindset Reset Challenge next week!

I’ll be telling you more about this on my live chat in Slimpod Club tomorrow (Wednesday Sept 2) at 8pm UK time and I’ll post another blog next Monday kicking it off, so watch out for that too!

It will go on for the month of September and all it needs is your commitment – easy!

Let me know below how your Summer’s going and whether you’d like to get motivated to get back on track in September!

Would love you to join me so make sure you look out for my blog next Monday!

If you haven’t got yourself a Slimpod yet – now’s the BEST opportunity to grab yourself a free 10-day trial and take advantage of the extra motivation the challenge will give you!  What’s not to like!

This page tells you all about the 10-day trial

29 thoughts on “If summer’s put you in panic mode, just try my Mindset Challenge”

  1. Caroline Chittleburgh

    I have just completed week 4 – have listened to the pod at least once a day – on occasion on repeat overnight. I have listened to/watched all your lessons and have completed the tasks. I have not always managed to find three wins but have tried.
    Instead of loosing weight I have put on 7lbs. I plan to stick with it but if the September reset will help in any way I am up for it.

  2. Oh my goodness, it’s amazing to know we all go through the same motions in life! For me too, August especially, is the hard one, birthday after birthday, after BBQ and picnic. Plus I spent a month on a holiday visiting my family, where food is a way of showing love and appreciation. I am so excited for this September challenge! Bring it on!

  3. Perfect timing – everything feeling a bit tight after a month of visitors and having wine back on the menu when I had given up alcohol altogether . Definitely time for a reset!

  4. Definitely mindset reset needed for September! I’ve let things slip over the summer. I can never seem to join the lives as it is the only time in the day I get to spend with my teenager, so will look out for and look forward to the blog next Monday. I’m mostly motivated but will be happy for extra motivation!

    1. If you’re a member of Slimpod Club, watch for Sandra’s live thread which she will post up at 8pm tonight. If you’re not a member, email Customer Services and they’ll help.

  5. I would love to get back on track I’ve seemed to of gone off the track so getting back in it sounds great to me,
    I had my deceased dad’s anniversary and his birthday at the end of August so I need to get motivated again please.

  6. I’ll try it! I’m in week 3, making healthy choices and I think I’m eating less, but not noticing any physical change yet

  7. I certainly need some motivation. The summer binges need to go away now.
    So a mindset reset will be more than welcome

  8. Can’t wait for this….just what I need. Back to work … back to a routine and hoping slimpod will help make ME time and get into a exercise routine and not turn to food when all those plates start spinning again and the stress and anxiety level kick back in.

  9. Yes I like a challenge, on week 3 and definitely eating healthier. Not around for live session tonight due to training, .can it be watched retrospectively?

  10. I think it’s a good idea. I am having a laporoscopy tomorrow (ensometriosis)and will be going back to work after a week. I work shifts with autistic teenagers and will also have to work a few long days to make up for it financially (7-10). Mindset definitely required.

  11. September is my Birthday and wedding anniversary plus my holiday. It is definately going to be harder but I am up for your challenge. I am a slimpod member and hope to join the live chat this evening for some extra inspiration!

  12. I was disappointed that I hadn’t lost weight over the last 3 weeks of consistent listening to Slimpod and writing positives and careful eating, but maybe I did well to maintain the weight loss already made

  13. Pam Ley
    Hi I would really like to join the live session this evening I have watched tfe face book communtlity video and sent answers to the question asked on the face book page but the status still says pending . Can anyone help please ? Many thanks in anticipation

  14. On week 10 of Slimpod, mentality wise brilliant but physical changes no. So up for this challenge going away with all the family next weekend big birthday for the hubby 60 so will have to work that into the challenge. Back minding my 2 grandkids so that will get me out of the house so more of a routine

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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