PEOPLE are always saying that the best thing about Slimpod is not just the weight loss – but the greater confidence it gives them, the inspiration to do extraordinary things and the feeling of liberation they get.
Here’s living proof. At the weekend, a whole host of Podders took part in the 25th London Moonwalk to raise awareness of breast cancer and money to fund life-saving research.
I’m so proud of them all! Not only am I really pleased to congratulate them for walking 26 miles (that’s the same as a marathon) in their fancy bras, I also want to share their success with everyone because I’m sure you will find it inspiring.

The Moonwalk Podders are rightly proud of their achievement
One of the Slimpod groups was organised by the wonderful Amanda, better known in Slimpod Club as Loopy Lou. She told back in January how listening to Slimpod had convinced her that “walking through the streets of London in the middle of the night in my bra, with a few other barmy Podders” was a good idea.
Before Slimpod, she said, she had never shown her tummy to the world, never worn a bikini, never had the confidence to be outgoing. Now she’s a Moonwalk star!

Jumping with joy: Slimpodding twins Louise Harlow and Emma Walton
Some of the Moonwalkers have posted stories and pictures in Slimpod Club. Tammy Snow says: “ I am amazed, I have done 20 miles in under six hours. I feel like I can take on the world. Last November I was in agony, I spent my birthday being investigated for cancer unable to move because of a pain that I had.
“In December I found Slimpod; the changes have been unbelievable – regardless of my weight loss.” She says her next plan is to trek to Everest base camp with some of the Moonwalk ladies – and do you know what, I think she’s serious.
Twins Louise Harlow and Emma Walton were all smiles when they completed the course and threw their arms up in joy at their sense of achievement.
Emma says: “I can’t believe that I walked around in a bra with all my flabby bits in display and I DIDN’T CARE – my body is amazing and Slimpod has given me that back.”

Sparkly nurse Jen O’Sullivan admires her Moonwalk medal
NHS nurse Jen O’Sullivan, who’s a wonderful ambassador for Slimpod, says: “Oh Slimpod. I’ll be forever grateful to you. Over two years of Podding and now I’ve done a full marathon (walking). Thank you doesn’t begin to cover it.”

Well done ladies! Every single one of you is extra special
There are so many inspiring stories to tell from the Moonwalk Podders and I’ll be sharing more of them over the coming weeks.
Please leave a comment below to let them know how well they’ve done. Comments are monitored by the Slimpod team so yours may take a little while before it appears.
By the way, every day I share helpful motivational tips and weight loss advice on Instagram and I’d love you to follow my page @sandraroycroftdavis
47 thoughts on “Shining brightly, the Moonwalk Podders are so inspiring”
Well done ladies – I will definitely join you next year!
Well done , I may join you next year x
It’s in writing, so it’s official… getting out of it ?….I’ll post on Slimpod Club over next few days with how to join our team for 2024!
Hi I’m interested in doing the moon walk, could you give me more details please
Hello Sue, You’ll find all the info you need on this website:
They are all amazing – fab, fab, and even fabber!!
Well done ladies, I hope to do it next year
Absolutely wonderful
……….well done to all of you!
Congratulations ? Ladies Awesome ? Well Done ? xx
Incredible work & inspiration.
Caring for people you mightn’t know.
Dedication to overcome obstacles
Shining bright, like superstars
Good evening all, well done ladies what an achievement. Could you email me please as to how to join the Moonwalk. Many thanks and well done.
Here’s where you can sign up for 2024, Emma:
What an amazing achievement you all should be so proud!! Well done ????
Well done! Such a great effort for a fantastic cause!
? what an achievement
Well done- I’ll commit to next year!
Brilliant-well done to everyone
Very inspirational .. might join you next year x
This made me smile so much – what a lovely thing to do all together. It’s taking the support and kindness you show in the Facebook group through to special friendships. What a delight! x
You’re all amazing and inspirational, I would love to join next year ☺️
What an achievement ladies! ??
Wow! Amazing ladies. ?
Well done ladies great achievement for a very good cause
Well done ladies – it looks such fun and in a great cause. I’d love to join you all next year. I’ll happily travel from Ireland to take part.
Inspirational!!!!Well done ladies xx
Well done. Would love to join next year!
Fantastic achievement, interested in joining next year
Amazing!! incredible achievement ladies.. super proud of you all.. Next year I want to be joining in !
Well done girls!
Amazing – well done to you all ?
You have all inspired me to try next year. Congratulations to each and every one of you whether you completed it or not. You are all amazing!!
Bra illiant!!! Congratulations and well done. Thank you for being so inspiring.
Fantastic job ladies! Cant wait to see what you do next..,,
Well done ladies!! Fantastic effort! I may join you next year, I hope!!
Well done – superstars! I have done it twice and loved it – last time on 10th anniversary. Would love to do it again and be prouder of my wonky body -had breast cancer 4 years ago.
Fabulous ladies. Well done to all of you. You are amazing
Amazing! Well done to all who took part, You have inspired me, I am going to set a target to take part next year! xx
OMG…that was me. I can’t believe I did it, can’t believe that I walk around in a bra with all my flabby bits in display and I DIDN’T CARE….my body is amazing and Slimpod has given me that back…finally, at the age of 53. I am amazing and so are ALL the ladies who did the Moonwalk or Half Moonwalk. xxx
Well done Slimpodders! What a wonderful achievement. It’s good to hear that Slimpodding has had such a positive effect on so many people, in so many ways. I’m just a few weeks into my journey, but am already noticing a positive effect on my outlook and energy levels, and some weight loss! This year, before Slimpod, I did a short walk for Blood Cancer (I’m in remission from Lymphoma), so who knows what I may manage next year! Again, well done!
Well done! Sounds brilliant would love to join next year!
Inspirational, So proud of all of you ?
It’s a great cause, and it’s brilliant to see the confidence that these women have gained. Well done!!
Well done ladies, you are AWESOME.
Well done everyone. ??
Amazing achievement ladies really well done what an inspiration you all are!
Wonderful can people join en route as I don’t think I could walk 26 miles but would love to join in ,I ran London marathon once many years ago
Well done girls, very inspiring 🩷
Well done ladies you’re all an inspiration