Home made spicy Pork Burgers

As the weather continues to get colder, and the days get shorter and shorter, some times you may find yourself with a comfort food craving that won’t go away.

Do you occasionally find yourself fancying a burger?  Well why don’t you do yoursefl a favour and make one from scratch.  That way at least you can be sure of what it contains.

For the most healthy way to eat burgers, follow the example offered by Gourmet Burger Kitchen and serve the burger “naked” with no bun – with lots of salad and coleslaw on the side. But if you must serve it in a bun, then make it a small one, and make it a seeded, rye or granary bread, for extra fibre.

Here is how I made my own pork burgers – you could use a different meat or herbs and spices – whatever takes your fancy. Pork is quite a fatty meat, even though some of the fat is released during cooking.  This recipe would also work nicely with chicken or turkey.

Ingredients for Pork Burgers

  • minced organic pork
  • 2 red onions
  • 1 clove garlic (or garlic puree)
  • 1 tsp sage
  • dash of chili powder (or small, very finely diced chili)
  • dash of soy sauce


  1. Chop up one of the red onions as finely as possible
  2. Combine in a bowl with the minced pork, garlic, chili, sage and soy sauce. mix together and form into a ball. Add a few drops of extra water if the mixture is too dry to form a ball
  3. Divide the ball into burger patties.  I like to use a burger press, which helps them to hang together a bit better but you can just form them manually
  4. Chop the other red onion into rings (if you like fried onions with your burger)
  5. Fry the burgers on a low to medium heat with the onions.  You will not have to add any fat to the pan  – the pork burgers should release more than enough fat to cook them in.  Pay attention to the pork – make sure that it is cooked right through before serving.
  6. If you fancy a slice of cheese with your burgers you may want to lay it on top of each burger for the last minute of cooking, so it starts to melt

Serve the burgers with the fried onions and lots of salad

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Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
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