WE all have an inner picture of ourselves: the way we are, the way the want to be – and the way we’re afraid we can never be. That self-limiting belief means many of us never try to change because we have a fear of failure.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can face your fears and take action, you can be who you want to be.
The secret is to know how to set goals in a way that works by priming your subconscious mind and commanding it to succeed.
Goalmapping is an important part of the neuroscience process that we use in the Slimpod programme. By using words and pictures to direct your mind in the direction you want to go (weight loss, better health, improved wellbeing, greater happiness), you can harness the power of your whole brain to make most things possible.
Last week in Slimpod Club I had a one-hour masterclass with the creator of goalmapping, my friend Brian Mayne, and what he talked about was so valuable I just have to share it with everyone who wasn’t able to see us live.
Here’s the video I’ve made of our time together:
Brian, who has been teaching goalmapping around the world for 26 years, says it’s vital to make the belief that you can succeed much stronger than the belief that you can’t.
It’s also important to make our goals believable. “We can be our own worst enemy because we don’t change the inner picture of ourselves,” he says.
“Don’t let false beliefs become a barrier to your future. Command your subconscious mind – your autopilot – to succeed. And it will!”
That’s why Slimpod is so effective, he says. “Slimpod supercharges your subconscious and helps you to power through and achieve your intentions.”
Brian talks openly about his many personal goalmaps – health, family, weight, finance, business – and shows you how he uses them to direct his life.
Tell me what you think
If you’re using a goalmap, please do leave a comment below and tell me all about it. Your comments are so helpful for others.
Please note that all comments are monitored by my team, so it may take a little while before yours appears.
Join me for a live chat
Join me on my Facebook live chat on our main Slimpod for weight loss page tonight (Tuesday January 11) at 8pm UK time. You’ll find me on #livechat40
I’ll also be live in Slimpod Club tomorrow evening at 8pm for more guidance and advice.
And if you’re not following me on Instagram then come and say hello – I’m on @sandraroycroftdavis
8 thoughts on “How to overcome fear of failure and make your weight loss a success”
Excellent video. I have revised my goal map to make sure it’s in the present not the future and I’ve identified some of my passions in life abs how my goals link. I have signed the map now and it’s on view in my lounge. Thank you
Thanks for sharing your insights Brian. It was lovely to hear your story with all the ups and downs.
I’m new to Slimpod world. Is there a video explaining Goal Mapping I could view?
The Real Person!
There’s a video telling you more about goalmapping and goalsetting in week 2 of the programme.
Thank you for sending and sharing this video, it would be my first step in my creating my own goal map whilst on SlimPod , Brian’s website gives you access to the free template and you can sign up with step by step instructions to create your own map. I did mine tonight, and even printed! BIG WIN ???? for me ! I just wish it would fit on a single A4 , it had to go in my wall! Thank you again, Sandra ????
What an inspirational man, I am going to start this tonight. Thank you Sandra and Brian.
Brian has a free masterclass next Tuesday evening 18th January that I’ve signed up for, I’ve already done my goal map, but I find this process absolutely fascinating and am eager to learn more!
I need help in getting My CHolestarol down
The Real Person!
Hello Willie, For obvious reasons we can’t give medical advice. You’d need to see a doctor for that. However, the NHS guidance on cholesterol says this: Eating foods that contain unsaturated fat instead of saturated fat can actually help reduce cholesterol levels. Try to replace foods containing saturated fats with small amounts of foods high in unsaturated fats, such as: oily fish – such as mackerel and salmon. nuts – such as almonds and cashews. Your doctor will be able to explain the benefits of losing weight, exercising and reducing alcohol intake – all of which are benefits that many Slimpodders report. Hope this helps.