Will you ditch sugar for 70 days to celebrate the NHS’s birthday?

JUST over a year ago, I launched my Slimpod programme at Tameside hospital in Manchester with high hopes that it would spark off an eating revolution in the NHS. It has been more successful than I dreamed – and next week, to mark the 70th anniversary of the NHS, the hospital is issuing a challenge to the 250,000 people it serves to Ditch Sugar.

I’m very excited because I’ll be speaking at a symposium in Manchester next week to explain how the Slimpod programme has helped 100 Tameside staff including doctors and nurses to change their eating habits with dramatic results.

I’ll be highlighting the success stories of two of our own long-standing Slimpodders, Darin McCloud and Sammie Axton, and I’m delighted Sammie will be in the audience as living proof of what a Slimpod can do.

Also there will be one of the 20 Tameside nurses who have recently gone on the Slimpod programme as part of the Channel 4 series How To Lose Weight Well.

Sarah Moody is a Gastroenterology Nurse Specialist and lives in Stalybridge with her husband and dog. She’s 46 and weighs almost 19 stones and wants to lose six.

Tameside nurse Sarah Moody, left, with colleagues Angela and Elaine

She says: “I’ve been there so many times. I lose weight only to pile it back on again. I like how I look at 13 stones and my body feels best at that weight. I love a glass of wine after work. This prompts me to eat more. Disaster.”

Leading experts will explain to the 100-strong audience the dangers of sugar in our diets and how we can adopt a sugar-free diet and lifestyle. Among the speakers will be leading cardiologist, health campaigner and author Dr Aseem Malholtra, whose book The Pioppi Diet I am constantly recommending to people.

Will you ditch sugar for 70 days?

Working with the community newspaper and radio station, Tameside hospital will issue a 70-day sugar free challenge – one day for every year of the NHS – a call to arms to the people and organisations of Tameside and Glossop to cut down on sugar and ultra-processed foods with an aim to rapidly improve their health and weight.

Through the borough’s network of over 1,000 voluntary organisations and charities, and local schools and GP surgeries, it will offer advice and support, simple tips and suggestions on healthy alternatives.

I’d love all of you to join the 70-day challenge too. All you have to do is commit right now to seriously reducing the amount of sugar you consume – not just in your tea and coffee but also in sweets, cakes, chocolate, biscuits and importantly, in processed foods such as takeaways and ready meals.

I’m confident you’ll find that after a very short time you’ll be able to Ditch Sugar completely. You’ll be surprised how rapidly the body responds to sugar-reduced eating and how much more energy you have.

Leave a comment below to tell me you’re accepting the challenge – and keep posting regular updates.

By the way, there are still a few tickets available for the symposium at Hyde Town Hall, Manchester, on Wednesday July 4 from 12.30 to 3.30. You can get a ticket here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ditch-sugar-tickets-46679745375

87 thoughts on “Will you ditch sugar for 70 days to celebrate the NHS’s birthday?”

  1. Yes I am up for the 70 day challenge of no sugar , I have reduced it a lot over the last year with slimpod this Will help me reduce even more

  2. This is ultimately what I want and need to do. So I guess there is no time like the present to get started. I will aim to cut right back on refined sugar. 70 days should be enough to establish new habits.

  3. Karen Martindale

    I would love to ditch the sugar, it’s the thing that has a real hold on me I’m an addict. I happy to give it a go.x

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      No harm in starting right now, Debra! We’ll have an official launch in Slimpod Club on Wednesday 🙂

  4. I am 70 in October so I am prepared to give this a try. I have fibromyalgia so I know that refined sugars are not good for me.

  5. I return home from holiday this weekend and plan to start from Wednesday? May the fourth be with us all x

  6. Definitely up for the challenge! I’ve been trying to cut down but this will help motivate me to go sugar free to celebrate our wonderful NHS.

  7. Already reduced sugar intake – but willing to try the 70 day challenge Recently a relative I haven’t seen for many years commented that I didn’t have a ‘sweet tooth’ as I always eat healthy…. She didn’t see me pre slimpod.

  8. Katharine Jubb

    I have read the Pioppi diet book and have been avoiding sugar for the past week. It’s not so difficult and I love the coconut cream in my morning coffee along with the square of dark chocolate! My clothes already feel looser and I feel so much better for it.

  9. Hi Sandra
    I will give the challenge a go as I am really struggling as I fall asleep so quick I don’t get to listen to my Slimpod. Does it work if you listen earlier

  10. Cindy Sharpe-Faal

    Yes I have been decreasing my sugar. I never have it in coffee, or on cereal etc and haven’t for over 40 years. I now check sugar content on everything and try to have 0 or under 5%. What is the best advice for best amount %sugar in products and what about natural sugars in foods. All help, advice or signposting appreciated.

  11. I’m in. I eat very little sugar but there is always room for improvement.
    I’m starting now, having just has salmon and salad for dinner.
    I’m going to a wedding inSeptember , so this is just what I need to motivate me.

  12. Novelyn Jackson

    Yes! I will give it a go. I would love to cut it out all together. When does this start and does this includes all products with added sugar?

  13. Bernie moughan

    Will certainly try to keep going not had a ready meal takeaway choc or cookies or crisp since starting wine is my downfall

  14. Edwina Greenwood

    Count me in for the 70 day challenge and have booked for the symposium as well. Really looking forward to it!

  15. I have been struggling for ages now, so hopefully by making this commitment it will get me back on track.
    So yes I am in

  16. Caroline Lockie

    Great idea Sandra. I have very little sugar I my diet now after 6 months Slimpodding. Don’t think I can give up my 70% chocolate drops though, but will try.

  17. Elizabeth Aylott

    I’m in! I think this is the motivation I need and the NHS has played a hugely important part in our lives in recent years.

  18. Christina Miles

    Hello Sandra I gave up having sugar in my tea and coffee about 6 years ago. I don’t have any ready meals as I cook from scratch. However I do eat a small square of chocolate every day and eat biscuits at the weekend, so I think I will give it a go. Thank you

  19. I will accept the challenge and ensure I reduce my sugar intake further I have already removed processed food

  20. Mariana Carballo

    Happy to try. I am trying to reduce sugary food from my diet. However, it is hard. I still fail sometimes and the sugar craving is happening a lot. So this challenge will help me to keep on track.

  21. Two things: One, what are the rules? Cut out or cut down? Is pasta allowed? Fruit? And Two, this sounds like a diet plan, which I thought Slimpod was against i.e. once you get through the 70 days of denying yourself sweet treats, you will rush back to bad habits and put back all the weight on plus more?

  22. I’m in. Will give this a try and hope to cut out the sugar. I have managed to give up fizzy drinks and juices so far. Hope that I call maintain this.

  23. We have been ditching more and more processed foods in the last few months as the dreaded middle age spread has caught up with us. Happy to join in and find new ways to ditch even more. Will be looking into the book you recommended also. Thanks Sandra x

  24. Yes I’m up for the challenge I’ve been reducing my sugar intake and it will take me that step further

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      Natural sugar from five-a-day fruit and veg is good – so long as you don’t consume added processed sugar as well. Be careful with bananas, pineapple (especially tinned) and raisins, which are all very high in sugar content.

  25. Fiona Chambers

    Willing to give this a go, I think it will be difficult but if I can manage 70 days then hopefully I won’t go back!

  26. Yvonne Mitchell

    I’ve never actually taken sugar in drinks or added it to food myself. So for me it would be hard. But I’m willing to give it a go. I’m going to have to add some extra time for shopping for reading all the ingredients labels. My glass of wine will be the hardest to ditch

  27. Shona Newbigging

    I am happy to give it a go. Not been podding for the last two months as I have been unwell but back on the pod last night, I will certainly give it a go.

  28. This is a great idea. I am going to join this challenge. I have been trying but not that successful as I have been on holiday.

  29. I’m up for it. Have already stopped sweets but some processed foods also need to go and I think I have become a bit lax about that.

  30. Catherine Hamilton

    Yes I will accept the challenge Sandra. I have been eating more sweets lately and I need to cut down.

  31. Hi when do we start the 70 day challenge? Thank you
    Also I have gone off track this last month, should I start again? Thank you

  32. This is a challenge, for anyone! Have cut down in that I use only real food–no processed meals etc. HOWEVER, I still have a sweet tooth that catches me off guard—need to do this along with daily listening to my sliimpod. 70 days. Let’s go!

  33. I decided to give it a go yesterday. Could you please clarify what the rules are. Very few things are sugar free so should we be aiming for less than x grammes of sugar per 100g and steering clear of things with added sugar?

  34. Hi Sandra I’m really nervous about whether I’m going to be able to do this, but I’m going to give it a try. My issue is that I travel all the time for my job, have an Allium allergy which means I can’t eat garlic, onions, chives etc., which is really challenging to manage. I don’t eat readymeals as they all contain it, but when travelling I have to eat what I can. I’m not a great planner as so busy/forgetful so any tips much appreciated!

  35. Great idea – i’m a sugar addict but find since starting slimpod last week, have cut down enormously – am on for this challenge too – well done!

  36. Hi Sandra, thank you for the invitation to join the Ditch Sugar campaign and yes I would love to join it. I need to cut down on the cakes etc

  37. This will give me the kick I need to keep going! I have already stopped eating sugar as in sweets and having read the Pioppi diet book, I’m ready to go the whole hog now. Bring it on!!

  38. Hi Sandra

    I would love to try this. I don’t eat a lot of sweet things but do have it in tea, coffee and cereal, although have reduced it a lot since the Slimpod. Would love to give it up if I can. It will be good motivation for me!

  39. I already follow Dr Aseem Malholtra and have read his book. I have been doing LCHF for a month now and it works great! This diet originated from a Dr Unwin a southport GP, who has been successfully reversing type2 diabetes and pre diabetes for many years now. Sugar and carbs, (potatoes, rice, pasta, and bread) are the culprits!

    1. Hello Caroline, Thanks for your interest. Sadly, this challenge was to celebrate 70 years of the NHS so it ended a couple of years back.

  40. I stopped drinking alcohol after Xmas, but now can’t resist sugary things! I want some help to cut down.

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
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