
Success Gallery

A rich resource of advice to give you food freedom,
greater confidence and lasting weight loss.


Success Gallery

A rich resource of advice to give you food freedom,
greater confidence and lasting weight loss.

Grilled pork escalope

So proud of our Marathon Slimpodders

STANDING in the pouring rain outside Buckingham Palace today, waiting for the Thinking Slimmer Marathon runners to come past convinced me I have the best job in the world. Being able to help people like Darin, Becca and Dawn is so rewarding.

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Dreams really can come true, you see

HERE’S proof that dreams can come true. I just love this picture! Debbie Cox and Becca Jones have come so far with their Slimpods and seeing them both together in this picture made me very emotional! Last Sunday was the Brighton Half Marathon

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Jenni Murray another failed diet statistic

I WAS really saddened to read today that after losing 5 stone on the Dukan Diet, Woman’s Hour presenter Jenni Murray has gone the way of 95% of dieters and put the weight back on. I was moved by Jenni’s article in the Mail’s Femail section where

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