Take these simple steps and start thinking like a slimmer person

Happy New Year and a very warm welcome to my new year Boot Camp!  Yes, it’s time to shake off the cobwebs and get 2020 off to a great start!  And here’s the thing:  This Boot Camp is different.  It’s like nothing you’ve done before because we don’t just focus on food and exercise. Living a healthy life and achieving sustainable weight loss are more of a mental challenge than just a physical one.  So we focus on getting your mind in a place to enable lasting change. This Boot Camp will be full of valuable tips to empower you to think like a slimmer person, because this is the life-changing bit!  No more falling off the wagon – how good will that feel?! Here’s the first video – enjoy! 

Key points

** The three pillars of this programme are listening, watching and noting the all important wins .  Daily repetition is the key to success. ** The extra very important task is to work on your goal.  What do you REALLY want to achieve in 2020?  Think deeply about this and make it meaningful. ** Create your own goal map with my friend Brian Mayne’s free goalmapping system ** Avoid using the scales as your measure of success.  Take yourself out to the future – to next Christmas – how do you want to feel?  What size clothes would you like to be in? ** Think about your health, especially if you have diabetes or other conditions.  What would you like to achieve? ** Above all – think LONG TERM!  This is crucial because we’re all about long term success here, and a major shift in the way you think about yourself.  This is what brings contentment and sustainable weight loss.

Action in Slimpod Club

I’ll be posting a video every Monday throughout January and we’ll be very active in Slimpod Club, so look out for the special Boot Camp thread. Slimpod Club is all about positivity, inspiration, encouragement and support. If you need any tech help with your programme or have any problems simply email customerservices@thinkingslimmer.com and help is available. If you’re not a member of Slimpod Club, join in by commenting below and showing me you’re part of it. Enjoy the Boot Camp series and let me know how you get on!

32 thoughts on “Take these simple steps and start thinking like a slimmer person”

  1. Thank you for the video. I found it really helpful. I was feeling anxious about how much I had eaten over Christmas & how I was going to get out of the habit. So I felt reassured. Also I haven’t been doing my Slimpod very well, as I missed a video & haven’t taken a photo of my body or written down small wins. I was beating myself up but have just decided to be kinder to myself & just do those things today & get on track. Thank you.

  2. Hi, I’ve deleted my social media as a New Years gift to myself so sadly I will
    No longer see the Slimpod club! I’ve reset my thinking a couple of days ago and back listening daily To slimpod and exercise pod. In gave I’m
    Just about to do a pump class at the gym. Looking Forward to the boot camp challenge; hopefully not being on Facebook won’t matter!!

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      It wont matter too much, but you do miss out on the support if you’re not in Slimpod Club. I did a Facebook Live video last night which helped a lot of people. You could just use FB for Slimpod Club and not bother about anything else. But up to you!

  3. A bit of a tear in my eye watching this Sandra!
    It’s so me, the self sabotage and expectation of failure. But this mindful approach is the way for me.
    This is my year.
    I am ready!

    Just a quick question; will my brain try to outsmart the Slimpods as this is not the first time it’s heard them? #slimpodworks

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      Your subconscious will only work against you if there’s something deep down inside that it doesn’t want to change. If it doesn’t want you to lose weight because there’s a fear of something then it might cause trouble. But it won’t ‘outsmart’ the Slimpods otherwise. it’s like someone who’s had gastric surgery but hasn’t sorted out the brain! Hope that helps.

  4. Thanks, I have had a really difficult time personally since the end of October and totally eaten myself into depression. I want to pick up where I left off. I was really enjoying being in control of my eating – but this situation has derailed me. I am going to be part of the boot camp and do some goal setting for this year.

  5. Been doing slimpod for a year now and apart from 11 days listen every night but got out of the habit of writing down my wins but since 1-1-20 I’m back doing them. No scales for me I just go by how my clothes fit

  6. Jennifer Cornick

    Really need to do this! Need to get fit and healthy for myself and my family – as a mother of 2 year old twins I struggle to find time and it’s so easy to pick at snacks… need to stop making excuses.

  7. Your videos are very inspiring and though I’m a die hard nibbler I am at last getting to grips with my eating last night a tin of chocolates was put in front of me which I refused without the usual pain how good I feel today

  8. Thanks I am having problems I only eat carbs in evening now as I feel sleepy and want to eat sugar after carbs any advice, I don’t want to give up carbs totally
    Thanks for video real boost

  9. Hi it’s Alison here. Can you just quickly explain to me what you would count as a win. Not been this a week yet. I’ve been reading all your email. They all really good.

  10. I am having trouble writing down 3 successes a day and setting a long term goal and interim goals. I have never enjoyed or been successful in keeping a journal of any kind. I agree with you that this is most definitely due to fear of failure. So I have made a goal to take a look at Brian Mayne’s goalmapping Wednesday during the day when I am not working. I have serious mobility issues and have since November. I have inflammatory arthritis and fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, Type 2 diabetes (no meds) controlled by healthy eating so far. I am a Size 22. I am waiting for a GP appointment this Friday because my arthritis in my knees has now got the added problem that my leg is swelling at any amount of sitting, standing or walking. My long term goal is to be able to walk, drive, play with my grandchildren, live a mobile life basically, a healthy one. So the goalmappingis importantfor me this week. Now to fit that in to what is a very stressful time for me for lots of reasons not even mentioned in this very long winded comment.

  11. I love reading the blog and watching your video, I am only thinking positive thoughts since joining Slimpod. Thankyou xx

  12. Have just started Slimpod and have watched the videos. I am 79 years of age and really need to loose some weight. I am not very good with diets so hope this plan will help me.

  13. gaynorsoutherton

    6th February 2020
    Day two of my 10 day trial but I already know that I will be continuing
    I have had multiple sclerosis for nearly 20 years and my way of dealing with it has always been self imagery and telling my brain that my body moves normally although it doesn’t and I am mostly in a wheelchair. I have never accepted the chair and try to see it as a “necessary tool” and Inever have a photograph taken of me in it if I can help it
    Not every one gets it but it works for me and hopefully it will continue to do so
    Exercise of course will be an issue but I am lucky in that in just two days I can imagine what I looked and felt like size wise before my illness and I have the feeling and image of a skirt I use to wear which is great. I think I was a size 12!
    Hopefully I don’t sound weird but I am looking forward to great things
    Thank you

  14. Hello Sandra/Debbie,
    I am hoping you might be able to help me, I am going away to Cyprus on Thursday & I was quite looking forward to trying some of my Summer wardrobe out ready for my trip, but to be honest it turned out a bit of a nightmare as although I had thought that I’d been doing really well listening to my Slimpod every evening, trying to do a LWR 7 min workout at least every other day, it appears that I don’t seem to have shifted any weight & the whole experience has kind of sent me into a negative spiral, I have kind of lost track, but I think that I am starting my 6th week & I know that the system has really stopped me from continually snacking of an evening, is what I’m experiencing normal? I suppose I just thought that I would have lost a few more pounds by now! I just don’t want to feel that I have failed with yet another weight loss programme I have started!
    Please can you help me?
    Kindest Regards

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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