Boot Camp week 5 – changing your Summer mindset

SO here we are at the last-but-one week of my Boot Camp and I thought it would be useful if this week we focused on the holiday season because I know this time of year  can throw up all sorts of challenges, concerns and anxieties about food and your weight.

This is hardly surprising since most of the people who come to our Slimpod programmes do so after years of unsuccessfully trying to lose weight and have almost been conditioned to what I call “seasonal dieting”.

Here’s how it goes – let me know by leaving a comment below if you recognise it:

In January the media lures you into the latest “amazing” weight loss revelation (diet).  You’re into it for 4-5 weeks, lose some weight and then lose motivation – because willpower doesn’t last, sadly.

Then you’re feeling a bit rubbish for the next few months until May/June comes and yes, you guessed it – the next revolutionary, all singing all dancing, Summer bikini diet is launched!

You’re on that until your summer holiday (around now) and then you just can’t keep it up because it’s summer and dieting is miserable and boring in the summer holidays isn’t it?!

All those nice things you’re depriving yourself of when everyone else is having fun and enjoying themselves. So rather than feeling rubbish you break the diet and blame it again on your own lack of willpower!

Then you limp along and around October time the media starts up again!  Lose two dress sizes in time for those Christmas parties shout the headlines!  You hop on because basically you’re losing it to put it all back on again over Christmas…and so it goes on!  Nightmare!

Well, the GOOD news is – If you’re on my six week Boot Camp and reading this you’re not on that seasonal rollercoaster any more!

What you’re doing with Slimpod is enabling your eating habits to stabilise after years and years of lurching from one diet to the next.  You’re creating a lifestyle change and enabling healthy eating to become an automatic everyday habit.

However!  I absolutely know that for many of you the dieting behaviour is never far away and the summer diet mindset will be lurking in the background, so I thought I would help you get through summer without putting any weight on – and hopefully even lose some!

  1. First thing to remember is that you are NOT ON A DIET and there’s no wagon to fall off!! This is crucially important.
  2. Summer will put a lot of you into what I call a “Summer diet trance state” – in English, this means you’ll be out of routine and be in a very different state of mind as I highlighted above. “l’ll just put my weight loss on hold and enjoy myself for a few weeks” kind of trance state!!  If you feel this is you – and I know I’ll get lots of comments saying I’m reading your minds – PLEASE PLEASE wake up from that trance and shake yourself off!  You’re not on a diet and you don’t need to be taken over like this.  
  3. You can still ENJOY the summer AND lose weight. All you have to do is continue to listen to your Slimpods and let your subconscious (or automatic brain) take the strain.  It really is simple. There are people coming back from holidays and rejoicing in the fact that they’ve enjoyed themselves and put on no weight when they would ordinarily have pigged out and be at least 8lbs heavier. The lovely Lynn from Slimpod Club just came back from three weeks away and LOST 3.5 lbs! Well done Lynn! 
  4. Keep  up your activity because in the summer we tend to be a bit lazier if the weather is hot. Raise your heart rate for just 15 minutes a day! Research has shown that brisk walking four times a week reduces food consumption, cuts down body fat and lowers insulin resistance

So that’s your task for the NEXT six weeks!

Just listen and do some exercise every day. Exercise  should be something that is automatic now any how. This means you won’t have to feel rubbish, you won’t have to ‘start again and you’ll continue the good work you’ve been doing up until now.

Next week is the final week of Boot Camp so make sure you’re there with me at the end! I’ll be doing a roll call!!


35 thoughts on “Boot Camp week 5 – changing your Summer mindset”

  1. Can you find some physical activities that those of us with arthritis in the ankles and knees can join in without too much pain?

    1. If your knees still hurt doing breaststroke (which can also be a strain on the neck) front or back crawl can be easier. Also crawls are gentler on the joints as a warm up as the rotational movement in breaststroke can be quite demanding on cold muscles and joints! Let us know how you’re getting on!!

  2. You’re right – exercise, regular and frequent, is the answer. Your only point is the weight-loss benefit, but of course exercise, keeping the body moving, working the heart, lungs and core muscles, has many other benefits. Eating a plant-based diet, keeping off sugar and refined foods, and taking regular exercise – these things create good health. Although weight-loss is also a consequence, good health is the primary goal of this life-style. If you listen to the Slimpods and follow the advice you’ll enjoy yourself far more and be in great health and in great shape too!

  3. I am afraid that none of what is in this bootcamp session applies to me. I don’t want to put others off. It’s just that my situation doesn’t apply here. I always eat healthily, cannot exercise much and am on hormone therapy. So……….a few years ago I was on a good food regime and having a personal trainer 3 times a week, couldn’t get below 100kg.

  4. Julie Woodward

    I agree that’s exactly what I do but I am trying now not to use holidays birthdays etc as an excuse to over eat

  5. I am finding it easier to say no to things I really don’t want to eat, rather than ‘I must eat that, if I don’t I’ll miss out’ mentality. I also feel a lot better, and more relaxed with food.
    I also realise I’m very much a work in progress and need to be patient with myself

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      You’re doing really well Lynne and you have a great mindset – that’s more than half the battle! Keep going!

  6. I have just started this and I am finding the listening very relaxing. I am going to listen and hopefully it will help. My husband Steve of 35 years said we are going to renew our wedding vows. And on June 17th my dad died so emotionally I really need this. So here goes day 1

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      Welcome Elke – sorry to hear about your dad. Im sure Slimpod will help you and what a fantastic reason for losing weight! When will you be renewing your vows?

  7. Totally agree that dieting is triggered by certain events. When I went on holiday for 1 week in June I had only just started with Slimpod and listening to the pods really worked

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      Hey Joan. We’ll get happy Mondays going on again in September! No need to be sad – enjoy the summer. Sx

  8. I have been walking up to 2 miles a day on holiday, which for me is a lot. Not very briskly though. My arthritis in my spine as well as 2 surgeries for prolapsed discs means it’s painful. However, I joined Bootcamp and I walked yesterday and today – just got to try to walk faster! It does make sense.

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      You lady, should be really proud of what you’re achieving! You’re amazing! Keep doing what you’re doing! Sx

  9. Myrtlle Lilley

    I am just back from an all in clusive holiday and lost 2 lbs. ! The salads were unbelievable … The animation team kept us moving and the complex of the hotel was so big that we had to walk miles to the dining room. This was in temp of 39C. I wouldnt have a problem if I lived there! However it is the beginning of my weight loss programme.. hopefully.

  10. Of course this is me,or HAS been I should say.
    But…I am noticing less of an urge to snack and I have a new energy.
    Could this be the slimpods?I think maybe my body is fin ally reacting to my better eating.
    Yahoo! Automaticity is on its way I hope.


  11. I’ve just come back from holidays and although I ate what I wanted for my evening meal and had a glass of wine I didn’t put any weight on. Very happy.

  12. christine carberry

    sandra.yes i could have said it with u. this is just what u have been saying all along. we all know it. BUT it’s at the back of yr mind but just wont come forward a kick up the booty and we’re on track. i’m not struggling as much now. i just keep plodding along. that boot will just hit the right spot and bingo. tks. x

  13. Well Sandra I’m laying on a beach in skiathos as we speak and actually have not worried one bit about shall I shan’t I with food or drink , yes I’m eating a little more but honestly feel so much more in control making the right choices leaving food on my plate was unheard of for me now it’s easy and if I’m not hungry I don’t eat , weird lol I will never ever be on a DIET ever again , detest the very word even , I am not losing lots of weight however I’m certainly not gaining either , so I will continue to listen even on holiday thanks again Sandra Trevor and all the team happy holidays xxx

  14. No date as yet but think it will be after June next year. I’ve been reading your books and listening to slimpod I’m sleeping better so feeling better which is making me feel more positive

  15. This is certainly a time which I have been worried about. All support with this has been very helpful. Thanks !

  16. I’m feeling better and better about myself as each week goes by and I really enjoy the blogs and every day I tell myself i can lose weight and I’m not on a diet. I exercise 3 times a week and walk over 10,000 steps a day so once again thank you Sandra and all out there in boot camp for all the encouragement xx

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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