How happy Hayley went from binge eater to salad lover

I THOUGHT I’d heard most things during the 11 years since I created my programme to help people lose weight. But when I met Slimpodder Hayley Millar on Zoom she managed to make my jaw drop – and brought a tear to my eye.

She told me the incredible story of her transformation from a binge eater, couch potato to a salad-eating exercise lover.

On the way, she’s dropped from a size 22/24 to a 12/14, she’s lost over four stone (25kg), she’s gained massive confidence – and on the first anniversary of starting Slimpod she got married!

stop overeating

Hayley before Slimpod

stop overeating

Happy Hayley now

In the video, Hayley has three great pieces of advice for all Slimpodders, regardless of what point they’re at in the programme.

Hayley, 40, who lives in Ballymena, Northern Ireland, is an inspiration to us all. “A year ago I was the unhealthiest and unhappiest I’d ever been,” she says.

“I was addicted to crisps, I drank too much and I didn’t have the confidence to go out as I thought everyone was judging me.”

You can see her story in full by clicking below:

Hayley says that her Slimpod helped her to avoid making the mistakes she’d previously made on diets. “I didn’t deprive myself. But it was like a flick had switched in my head.

“I told myself that if I wanted crisps or a glass of wine, I would have them. But pretty soon I found out that I didn’t want them anymore!” She stopped being a binge eater and as the weight started to fall off, Hayley was drawn towards becoming more active. “At first I moved about the house more, going up and down the stairs, but then I decided I had to do more.

“So I taught myself to swim the front crawl by watching YouTube videos.” Soon that wasn’t enough for her.

So she would swim a kilometre of her local pool. When that challenge became too easy, she took up open water swimming and now she achieves great distances.

Please leave a comment below the blog to let Hayley know what you think of her achievement.

Follow me on Instagram for more tips 

Follow me on Instagram for lots of tips and motivation while following your weight loss journey. 

20 thoughts on “How happy Hayley went from binge eater to salad lover”

  1. Since Xmas I have lost the motivation to eat well and exercise! After listening to Hayley I feel inspired once more to get back on the path to success! Thank you Hayley and Slimpod!

  2. Heather Campbell

    Hayleys video has really motivated me. She lives in the same town as me although I don’t know her.She is just such an inspiration!! I would love to retry Slimpod. I have paid for Slimpod in the past but don’t have any of the videos etc. How do I reset it please c

    1. Chris

      The Real Person!

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      The Real Person!

      Author Chris acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      Hello Heather, One of the Customer Services team will contact you to sort everything out for you.

  3. What a great story. Its helped me because I sometimes am trying too hard on the food selection and hearing Hatley has made me realise I need to relax a little more about the process. Thanks for the video, wonderful x

  4. What a lovely, happy person with a great sense of humour. I’m so glad she has escaped her previous food trap, although it’s hard to imagine her as a couch potato!
    I started the programme on Saturday and immediately lost my greed, ate smaller portions and felt more like being active. Just like that. I shall be interested to see how it goes, but can feel my mind thinking differently about food. I had ONE SQUARE of good chocolate, loved it, but didn’t want or need any more. Yours hopefully…

  5. Congratulations Hayley what a great interview! I agree with your tips so much – “commit fully to the program and do everything you’re asked” – and “ just keep going”. You’re a great example of trusting the process and going with it. Congratulations also on your recent wedding, how lovely that you were in this lovely happy place to enjoy your special day:-)

  6. Well done. Thanks for taking the time so much of the story resonates with my situation so thanks for reminding me about what is possible. Good luck on your bungee x

  7. Wow! What an inspiration Hayley is and to hear how life changing her journey has been gives me the confidence to think I can do it too. ????

  8. Thank you Hayley for sharing your amazing journey and congratulations on your recent marriage as well as your transformation. You are glowing and look so beautiful and healthy. Definitely a lot of food for thought, pardon the pun!! Hope you have a wonderful honeymoon!

  9. Hi Hayley ,
    I saw your bungee jump post today so brave and amazing !
    Thank you for your tips I do struggle with trusting myself to stop when I’ve had enough and need to not restrict any foods but have them in moderation so I don’t then crave them.

  10. Outstanding achievement, Hayley! Well done. I really love swimming and need to make sure I get back into it. I really want to! I have a wedding to get slimmer for in 4 months and I’m very determined. Thank you for sharing your story and being so inspiring!

  11. oh wow, I’m just at the beginning of my journey as a slimpodder and what an inspiration you are Hayley! Thank you for sharing your story. Keep up the good work and I will look forward to seeing to in a size 12! Xxx

  12. Hayley, you are an inspiration. I hope by sharing the same name I will also achieve similar results. I am feeling positive on day one of listening to the pod.

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
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