Weight Beryl lost stays off, two years later

GOT this letter today and it has filled me with pride. It’s from a lovely lady called Beryl Turner who found a new lease life two years ago after losing more than 28lbs with her Slimpod at the age of 71.  “For the first time I’ve got control over food,” she said then.

Now, two years later, she has written to give me an update and I’m thrilled for her that she’s kept all the weight off and is living life to the full. Here’s what she wrote:

“I am very well, in fact having the time of my life, since I began with Thinking Slimmer and using the Slimpod.

“I have lost over two stones since beginning using the tapes on the 15th December 2011 which is great, but the best thing of all is I have kept the weight off without any effort.

“We had a fabulous five weeks holiday in November, sailing transatlantic to Florida then cruising round the Caribbean with the final week in Miami before coming home. This was followed by a wonderful Christmas and New Year and I am still the same weight.

“It is just wonderful being able to enjoy all these fantastic things and not having to worry about putting the weight back on.

“ And David is enjoying everything too. He even went on the zip line on board the ship a couple of times, which he would never have done before losing weight, (yes, he has lost weight and kept it off too while helping me).

“So you see everything is going just great at this end, and we hope all is well at your end, too.

“Best wishes and kind regards to you and everyone at Thinking Slimmer.”

Isn’t that marvellous! Beryl is a shining example of the power of the Slimpods to  create a lasting lifestyle change that means you can lose weight easily and then keep it off for good.

2016 UPDATE: Beryl emailed me again the other day to tell me she’s still kept off all the weight she’s lost!

You can see pictures of Beryl and read her inspiring story by clicking here >>

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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