Simon’s super-healthy five egg Continental baked omelette

SUPERCHEF Simon Smith loves eggs because they’re such a healthy food. One of his favourites in his eat-well kitchen at Tameside Hospital, Manchester, is this Continental baked omelette, which is packed with goodness. Simon says: “Eggs have had years of bad publicity when they were wrongly accused of raising blood cholesterol levels when really they are the most convenient and quick way of giving your body a healthy boost.

“Eggs are rich in vitamins, high in protein and contain healthy fatty acids and nutrients – the result is that an egg dish keeps you feeling full longer without raising your blood sugars or cholesterol. Add the fact that they’re vacuum-sealed in their shells for freshness and they’re so quick to cook and you can see why I love making delicious omelettes like this one.”

Continental baked omelette

Serves 4


5 Eggs

50ml Fresh Single Cream

50ml Milk

1 med Onion (cut into rings)

1 Mixed Pepper (cut into rings)

75g Fresh Mushrooms (Sliced)

40g small bowl Fresh Baby Spinach

2 Fresh Tomatoes (sliced)

1 courgette (sliced)

25g Watercress

5g Fresh Chive (chopped) optional

5g Fresh Basil optional

½ tsp Dijon Mustard

20g Mild Cheddar (grated)

10g Parmesan (shaved)

5g Butter

5g Olive Oil



Peel and prepare all vegetables, according to ingredients list.  Wash prepared vegetables and set aside in a bowl.

In another bowl add the eggs, cream and milk. Whisk until combined, then add chopped herbs and the Dijon mustard and whisk into the mixture.  Stir in the cheddar cheese and set to the side.

We must treat the pan to give it a clean cooking surface. This is known as “proving”.

On a medium to low heat warm our small deep frying pan for approx. 20 seconds. Sprinkle a light blanket of salt on the base of the pan. Reduce the cooker to a low setting. Place the pan back on the heat for another 30 seconds. When this is complete, using a dry tea towel or kitchen roll wipe all the salt from the pan into a bin and you should be left with a smooth cooking surface in the pan.

Return the pan to a low heat on the cooker. Add your butter to the pan.

Remove the pan from the heat and layer the prepared vegetables in the pan. The order I used was. Watercress, mushrooms, onions, peppers, spinach, courgettes. Cover the pan with foil or a lid then return to a low heat on the cooker.

Pre heat the grill to 200c

Allow the vegetables to sauté in the pan until vegetables are al dente. Remove the lid from the pan and while on the cooker pour in the omelette mix. Fill the pan to within a centimetre from the top.

Take a small spoon and slowly fold the mix in so it reaches all corners of the pan and the base. Sprinkle the top of the mixture with the parmesan cheese, cover the bake with a lid and allow the omelette to cook very slowly on a low heat. After approx. 5 – 10 min the surface should start to set. At his stage remove from the cooker and place under the medium grill. Allow to colour for an additional 5-10 mins.

Mmm! Fresh from under the grill

Remove from the heat and with a small knife pierce the middle of the omelette and if there is no liquid from the middle of the omelette. The omelette is completed.

Take the pan to the table cut bake into wedges with the salad…all that’s left is to say  is bon appetit.

Please leave a comment below because Simon really values your feedback.

6 thoughts on “Simon’s super-healthy five egg Continental baked omelette”

  1. Love this great recipe, not only is it healthy with all the veg, it is really filling. have already tried this one today.

  2. This recipe sounded so delicious that I actually went out today and got the ingredients! I wasn’t disappointed, it’s fantastic and really easy to prepare. I substituted the mushrooms with extra tomato and onion. Will definitely be making this again. Thank you!

  3. Looks great – actually made my own similar one tonight which had some ham and peas in it, but yr veg one sounds really good.

  4. I love your egg recipes! Omelettes are so easy and this one is even better, no trying to slide it off and onto plates to flip. I usually try to flip it in the pan and oops! It breaks.
    I like the idea of using so many vegies too.can’t wait to try it!

  5. Lindsay de Pee

    I love the recipe! So easy to make and very tasty too. I do add extra things as well such as lean chopped ham or even tinned salmon!

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