Blow the cobwebs away! Are you up for our Summer20 Challenge?

NOW that life’s moving on a little, there’s nothing like a challenge to blow the cobwebs off and help get the motivation pumped up! So this week I’m inviting you to take part in the Slimpod Summer20 challenge, which could be the push and focus you need to get into those smaller summer clothes – what’s not to like?!

It’s all very simple (of course!) and free! Every week for the next four weeks I’ll post a blog which contains the tasks for the week.

The word challenge can sometimes be scary, so first of all I want to assure you that the next four weeks are going to be a hugely positive, enjoyable and motivational experience!

The only condition of joining in is that you stick with it!!  We’ll be doing our bit to help you with that part!

You’ll receive links to the next four blogs by email and you can take part in our Summer Challenge on your own at home.

Or if you’re part of the private Slimpod Club on Facebook you can join in with the rest of the community. Just search for #Summer20

The Summer Challenge is all about having clarity about what you want to achieve and then focusing on the process which will get you there.

It’s about taking action and being accountable.

Now I know some people struggle a little with taking consistent action so there’s a very simple and effective way of holding yourself accountable and that will involve simply posting pictures or videos either beneath this blog or in Slimpod Club.

summer challenge

I know videos can be challenging, but the staff at Tameside Hospital found it incredibly useful when we did this project with them.  They found it enhanced their results – so if they can do it I’m sure you can too!

Like most things with Slimpod – this Summer Challenge is different.  It’s not just about what you eat or how much exercise you do.

It’s very much about being kind to yourself,  body positivity and feeling good about yourself, because this is at the heart of our Slimpod system.

Therefore, following the guidelines on these blogs and within the programme, are very important.

First week is about clarity and working out what you want to achieve by July 1. BE CLEAR and realistic about this! No wishy-washy goals please.

You must connect with your special goal in order to make it happen.

So many people worry about goal-setting because it sends them into a negative place.  But if negativity creeps in your very first task is to reframe the problem.

Look upon goals as a good thing because you need a direction in which to travel.  They’re also there to give you feedback if you don’t achieve them at first.

Use them as a positive tool to discover what needs to be done next if you don’t quite reach them.

Remember, goals are important but they shouldn’t be obstacles. Use them as something that will give you direction and feedback 

If you haven’t created a goal map yet – now’s the time!!  Here’s a video I filmed with Brian Mayne and I know you’ll find it useful!

summer challenge

Task one:  Get clarity on your direction.  What would you like to achieve in the next four weeks?  Measure your progress with your clothes and aim to avoid the scales.  Take a picture, too!

Task two:  Listen to your Slimpod  and write down your wins! These are SO important!

Task three:  So many of us have been overeating during lockdown for all sorts of reasons.  Let’s call a halt!  Yes, the Slimpod helps you to instinctively control food, but you can give it a little extra nudge too!  So let’s see how we could eat a little less over the next four weeks.  Are you consuming too many refined carbs?   Could you help yourself by getting a smaller smaller one?  Are you listening out for your body’s natural full signal?

So let’s crack on and do this!  I’ll be live on our main Slimpod for Weight loss page this evening (Tuesday) at 7.30pm discussing this and you can ask me any questions you have too.

A reminder: The hashtag we’re using in Slimpod Club is #Summer20.   Post your pics on Instagram too and tag me in.

If you haven’t got a Slimpod – now’s the time to grab yourself a free trial and join in the free challenge!!

Remember – weight loss doesn’t have to be hard – that’s a myth!!


Comment below if you’re up for this!

102 thoughts on “Blow the cobwebs away! Are you up for our Summer20 Challenge?”

  1. Count me in…I’ve kinda fallen out of my pod over the past week due to stress (looking after a terminally ill cancer friend & an alcoholic with lots of medical issues all under the same roof!) I kinda need help

  2. I’m interested. I’m going back to the workplace this month so I could do with something to focus on and stop me stressing about it 24/7. I’ve just finished my 12 weeks and while I can just about wiggle into my 12 week goal dress, it’s still too tight to actually enjoy, so I’d like to get in it comfortably at the end of the challenge.

  3. Looking forward to doing this, started yesterday printed sheets off and the water intake sheet bring it on
    Thank you Sandra xx

  4. Annemarie Fitzgerald

    This is so what I need now. I’m doing well with slimpod week 4 starting and doing good . So this will give me a boots

  5. Patricia Pearson

    Yes I am. I have had my favourite dress hung in my bedroom where I see it on waking and going to sleep. It is rather tight due to lack of exercise but I am due to have steroid injections in my knees on Thursday so by Sunday ( my birthday ) I should be more mobile and raring to go. I’ll be there tonight. X

  6. I would like to fit comfortably into my black dress and to help me achieve this I am going to eat healthy snacks.

  7. I’m in. I have fallen off the wagon over a year ago and now I am the largest I have ever been. I want to get back on the horse and this will help me kick start me slimpodding.again.

  8. I am soo ready for this, although have a zoom meeting at 7, so may have to catch up with the page later.

  9. I have only just started slimpod, i am feeling hopeful that it will help after yrs of yo yo dieting, my challenge is for my uniform to feel looser by 1st July

  10. Joanne Stinton

    OMG You are a psychic too!!
    I only thought yesterday that I needed to listen to Trevor again. I joined in 2013 and lost about 20 lbs which for the majority of this time I have kept off. I got on the SCALES 1st time in a year. No my clothes aren’t shrinking I am growing all due to this lockdown. Unable to be chasing my grandson around 2 days a week as usual but sitting sewing scrubs and masks for 6 weeks….eating biscuits and chocolate. I will try and accept the challenge. I have downloaded app to my latest phone and will listen tonight Fingers Crossed.

  11. I need all the help I can get please, been doing slimpod for 12 weeks, listening every night, writing wins down and I’ve put on weight, I know its unusual circumstances, I just dont know what else to do, so count me in . Many thanks.

  12. I’m definitely up for it. Started listening to sugar pod after week four, now all I can eat is 1 square of chocolate after dinner.
    My goal is to get into a size smaller jeans by 1st July

  13. Annette Hawkes

    I think this is just what I need as I am struggling. I dont go on Facebook but I am sure the blogs will help thank you Sandra x

  14. I’m on week 9 of the plan and have dropped a dress size already – yay! Would love to drop another size too, so I’m up for the challenge

  15. I need this , perfect timing for me working on a Covid Ward for the last 12 weeks we have been inundated with gifts mostly of food from biscuits to full on Chinese takeaways ! Rediculous! So hard to stop picking

  16. Yep, I’m up for it, I’m struggling with myself a bit, wanting chocolate and letting my bad side win, feeling tired and fed up

  17. I think this is a great way to push me to do a fasting diet I was going to do before I had even heard of Slimpod.
    I would like to drop a dress size with this challenge.

  18. I was doing great at the gym before lockdown and went from that to zero. I also let slimpod slide. I have lovely clothes in my wardrobe that I can’t fit into and want to drop a dress size.

  19. Gillian Faulkner

    I’m definitely up for it! My challenge is I want to wear my pink summer crops as at the moment they are way too tight. So I’m cutting out the 4 rich tea biscuits I have with my evening cuppa

  20. I am up for this. I have already started a 60 mile challenge with friends for the month of June so I can add this. Main objective is to get fitter and enjoy exercise. Weight not too much of an issue and the slimpod has definitely helped me with my attitude to food.

  21. Yes I so need this. I’m eating like I’m on holiday everyday. Right I’m listening to my pods. I’m writing my goal by the end of today and I’ll record my daily wins. Thanks this is just the email I needed this am x

  22. Jacqueline Maher

    I am up for this. I have just restarted my slimpod so am feeling very motivated. I had already decided on one month goal so this challenge has come at the perfect time

  23. Wendy chesterman

    I’m in … on wk 6 not seeing much change at all at the moment but not giving up so I’d like to see some change really anything would be nice x

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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