Summer Boot Camp’s almost here

MY super Summer Boot Camp starts on June 12! Get set for summer by taking part in my six week challenge – could this be the push and focus you need to get into those summer clothes? Take some action and boost your motivation.

It’s all very simple (of course!) and free!   Every Monday for six weeks I’ll post a blog which contains motivational tips and tasks for you to follow for the week.

I’ll give you a clue, the tips and tasks are NOT about going down to the gym and doing lots of exercise! Believe it or not, studies have proven that exercise only accounts for 10 per cent of weight loss.

You’ll receive a link to the blog by email and you can take part in Summer Boot Camp on your own at home or If you are part of the private  Slimpod Club on Facebook you can join in with the rest of the community.

The challenge contains motivational videos,  tips and tasks delivered every week for six weeks. If you’re joining the fun via Facebook then join the thread beneath the blog post and hold yourself accountable by posting your goals for the six weeks.

Remember, goals are important but they shouldn’t be obstacles.  Use them as something that will give you direction and feedback (my first blog on Monday June 12 will explain more!).

Of course, you can buddy up in pairs or groups and start your own thread – it’s always fun doing this Summer Boot Camp challenge with others.

So let’s get some energy going The idea is to keep listening to your Slimpod  and stay engaged in the Boot Camp for the whole six weeks.

When you do this you’ll create consistently good eating habits, improve your health and be well on your way to achieving sustainable weight loss.

So put June 12 in your diary for the start of Summer Boot Camp and let’s get set for Summer!

92 thoughts on “Summer Boot Camp’s almost here”

  1. I am hopeless at setting targets. Please could you help as I would love to join the slimpod boot camp on the 12 th of June x

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      Hi Carole, on 12th June you’ll get a masterclass in Goalsetting so watch out for the Bootcamp blog!

  2. I need to stop self sabotage- mainly buying and eating snack bars under pretence that they are for family lunch boxes AND reassess the amount of healthy snacks fruit and nuts I eat- the calories a LOT higher than my original estimate

  3. I’m in Italy on the 12th June, but hopefully the hotel will have free WiFi so I can join in. If not I’ll catch up when we get home the following Friday if that’s OK?

  4. Sounds exactly what I need! I’m up for the challenge! Do you just include us all automatically or do I have to sign up?

  5. I’d like to give it a go but am away from mid July – not sure whether I’ll be able to follow from afar, will try! (At beach therefore motivated…)

  6. I’m interested! I sent a request to join the Facebook group a while ago though and have heard nothing more…

  7. Hello i am looking forward to boot camp just one thing i will be away one of the weeks for my 60th Birthday could that be a problem.

  8. Fantastic. The help and encouragement is fantastic and I really appreciate it.I am not on Facebook so this way is great for me
    I am ready to set my goals!!,

  9. Karen Kendrick

    Thanks Sandra. Great idea and confirm I’m up for this. Do appreciate the excellent ongoing support from you and the slimpod team

  10. Sign me up please i need some motivation i started off well but im slipping back into bad habits.

  11. Yes, please count me in for the Summer Boot Camp! I’ll try to keep following during my July visit to the UK.

  12. Desperately in need of help and support as motivation long gone and self sabotage top of the list though in Sicily next week and not got a facebook account will this be a problem ?

  13. Unfortunately I go away on 14th June. Maybe I will catch up when I get back.. I certainly need some motivation. I seem to be going nowhere,,

  14. Brilliant look forward to boot camp. Really appreciate the contact and support with Slimpod. Can check in when time allows.usually early in morning or just before bed?

  15. Looking forward to the boot camp. Need some serious inspiration to stop self-sabotage and feeling sorry for myself!

  16. Would have loved to do this but on a 2 week holiday whilst the boot camp is running. Hope there is a next time

  17. nikki stachini

    hi please can you sign me up, I am not on facebook but can you add me to the boot camp list please,
    I am up for the challenge

    1. Debbie O'Connor

      The bootcamp runs within the Facebook group, but you will find the weekly videos on this blog, posted up mid morning each Monday. So you can find them here.

  18. Hi Sandra thank you for doing the summer camp sounds just what I need as at the moment I’m ina rut even though I’ve set achievable goals and also been signed up for ten thousand step for June and doing a lot more I still feel stuck I’m looking forward to Monday !!

  19. What a great idea. I’ve just made moved so this is a great time to start. I need help with sugar addiction both physical and emotional.

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      Hi Mary. Have you got our Sugar pod? It’s brilliant for sugar addiction. Enjoy the Bootcamp.

  20. Totally up for this. Depression is grinding at me currently and i too am being a queen at self sabotage. I don’t want to gain the weight i have worked hard to keep off and i still have several stone to kick off!

  21. I need all the motivation possible I’m under a lot of stress at the moment and I’m struggling to see the light please help me

  22. Dianne Richardson

    I’m back from my honeymoon on 10th June so looking forward to starting afresh and losing my tummy.

  23. Deborah Morris

    Great to get email link as I do use Facebook and I really need some help to get started also 6 weeks till I go to Majorca so made for me!

  24. Thanks for your persistence – I will try yet again to motivate myself with your help ?? I’m not on FB so look forward to your emails. Again thank you

  25. Am on holiday the 2nd week on a cruise so not sure if I can context but will try if not will catch up when I return

  26. Am on holiday the 2nd week on a cruise so not sure if I can context but will try if not will catch up when I get back

  27. Valerie Langley

    I would like to join in. Look forward to Monday to see what it will be like. I’m a bit unsure what I am meant to be doing other than listening to the slimpods, I have the Gold CD package and am listening to the slimming one and the chillpod one not listened to the sugar one yet as not having an issue with sweet things at the moment. Listen to them both each night if I can otherwise just one of them. I think I downloaded the slimpod app so are there more things on there I should be doing? I have lost a bit of weight but more importantly feel happier about my relationship with food and not constantly thinking about eating the chillpod is helping me feel a little more relaxed which is good as have been feeling very stressed lately.

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      Hi Valarie,

      As long as you’re following the guidance in the emails, and read the info in the online programme, along with listening to your pods then that’s it really. The first Bootcamp email will come tomorrow so look out for it!

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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