Stop falling off the wagon and keep your weight loss going

IF you started the New Year full of good intentions to commit to Project YOU but now find yourself struggling to stay motivated, you are not alone.

The thing I’ve noticed most during over a decade of helping people to lose weight is that after a few weeks the excitement and buzz wear off and fear and panic set in.

So many people then start blaming themselves for sabotaging their own weight-loss journey. They say:

“What’s wrong with me?”

“Why can’t I just do this?”

“What’s my problem?”

The destructive little voice in their head starts up again:

“You’ll never succeed”

“You always fail, what’s so different this time?”

“What if I don’t lose weight?”

“What will people think if I fail again?”

Well, if this happens to you, I can tell you that you’re not alone, and it’s not your fault.

I’ve created this video on The Slimpod Channel to give you some helpful guidance:

How to stop falling off the wagon

The first thing to do is stop blaming yourself. Negativity and self-sabotage are common problems but they CAN be stopped.

This has probably been happening over and over again for many years because things that you’ve put your trust in have let you down.

But it becomes a huge stumbling block for so many people.

So I thought I’d explain why people do this  because I think i will help you to stay on track.

It’s well documented that people who follow diets or other strict eating regimes only last about four or five weeks,  if they’re lucky, and then they stop. This is mostly because they’re depriving themselves and their brain has said “I’ve had ENOUGH.”

If you do this repeatedly – and the majority of people do – it  becomes a destructive habit and creates a negative anchor.

This destructive “giving up” habit is why people fail at dieting because you lose motivation and it just becomes too much effort – mainly because you’re depriving yourself of the food you enjoy and then you naturally want those things more.

How to stop falling off the wagon

BUT the great news is that falling off the wagon doesn’t happen when you’re on a Slimpod because unlike diets there’s no wagon to fall off.

The programme is actually working with your mind not against it and if you’re one of those people who constantly stops a weight loss effort after four weeks, then please be assured that this is something completely different and you really don’t have to repeat that behaviour any more.

You see, around this point in a traditional weight loss programme the old behaviour creeps in because it’s conditioned behaviour and people just can’t help repeating the cycle.

This deep-rooted conditioning really frustrates me because I hate seeing the repercussions.

SO if you think this is happening to you, the most important thing you need to do now is to keep listening to your Slimpod every day.

The people who do this come out the other end and feel great because they know they’re on the road to lasting weight loss – and you can be one of those people, too.

Watch me live for more guidance

I’ll be on Facebook this evening at 7.30 talking about how to stop falling off the wagon! Tomorrow night I’ll be on Instagram at 7pm .

Do leave me a comment below AND on YouTube after you’ve watched the video on The Slimpod Channel. Please help me spread the word by smashing the YouTube Like and Share buttons.

By the way, if you hit the Subscribe button on The Slimpod Channel as well you’ll get priority notification every time I post a new video.



5 thoughts on “Stop falling off the wagon and keep your weight loss going”

  1. It’s cold, it’s wet and we turn to food for comfort. We can’t go swimming , we can’t go to gyms, we can’t meet with friends but we can try and change our mindset. Spring is around the corner and we need to get motivated to be able to wear our shorts and summer clothes and this is what I’m trying to do. I’m walking every day and trying to eat sensibly.

  2. I started on my Slimpod journey after my birthday on 4 January, fed up of losing weight and then putting it on again (even if this was over a 3-5 year period), size 18-20 and in danger of losing my breath when tying up my boots, a new strategy had to be found! I haven’t been on the scales and it is TRUELY liberating. I had fish and chips last night (small portion and couldn’t finish it) but no desire to follow up with cake or chocs in the evening – my downfall. I seem to have lost my sweet tooth… but don’t beat myself up if I do have a biscuit. I don’t sabotage a day and feel down because I had a treat. My self control is returning and it feels good. I still need to move more but, again, I am not beating myself up – as the days get longer/weather improves the time for long walks and cycle rides will come : ).
    I am a couple of weeks in now and I believe (don’t want to speak too soon) the reset is happening. I certainly feel less bloated/lethargic and, dare I say, my clothes are feeling less snug! I am definitely not going on the scales and I recognise these were the instigator of bad eating habits/self discipline. They are still there in the bathroom but I am using them as a measure of my self control by not stepping on them! Very happy so far and, as Sandra says, no waggon to fall off!

  3. I cannot believe you have just posted this. I have just finished a tough shift at a GP surgery (Receptionist) and now sitting in my car waiting for my 89-year-old dad coming out of hospital after a procedure. M&S next to hospital .. bought and scoffed THREE walnut whips (pack of three)!!! Had a great morning . Ginger tea and fruit then I do this! Opened up my emails and up you pop about Falling Off The Wagon ….. you are some woman! It is as if you were watching me!!! I will be watching tonight ….. why do I do this? I have absolutely no discipline…..

  4. Lesley Jo Anne (Charnick)

    Thank you Sandra for this helpful well timed video!
    Very helpful!
    I’ve realised that 8 yrs ago ( the last time I lost a lot of weight doing lighter life for the second time) I kept telling myself ‘but nothing has changed’ I didn’t get what that was about but inevitably the weight went back on.
    Now I realise that SO much has changed in my life and I can let go of that thought now!
    Can’t believe this belief has kept me so stuck for so long ❤️

  5. Yes this is what i have done many times, but now I’m always stopping myself thinking negative thoughts and changing to positive thoughts and this really helps.

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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