Social media study: Testers wanted

Wanted:  Fanatical Facebook, Twitter or Google + users to take part in a habit changing challenge using the power of social media…Are you fanatical on Facebook, talkative on Twitter or like a good gossip on Google+?  Are you looking to do any of the following?

  • Lose some weight
  • Enjoy exercise a bit more
  • Change some bad habits to good ones
  • Cut down on sugar, chocolate or alcohol

.If you are, then are you willing to do it in public in front of your social media friends?

We’re conducting a big study to see how much the power of social media can be harnessed to strengthen and reinforce the changes in eating habits that our clients notice when they use our Slimpod weight-loss  and habit changing products. So we’re looking for a group of people to help us.

A Slimpod is a 10 minute download you can listen to on your computer, your phone or any MP3 device. It tunes your mind so that you eat healthier, eat less and become more active. And everyone knows that if these lifestyle changes become a habit, it’s the key to sustained weight control

Take a look at some of our many success stories on

Katie Price cured her grazing and snacking habits with Slimpod

read Katie’s story here

An important part of using a Slimpod is that people are asked to write down 2 or 3 changes or differences they notice in their eating and/or exercise at the end of each day. This is important because the little changes and choices we make every day can easily be overlooked and seem insignificant, yet they are actually the key to building sustainable habits.

So now we’d like to take this one stage further. We want to see whether people do better on the Slimpod programme if they also commit to publishing one of their little changes each day on Facebook or Twitter or Google+, in front or their friends and family. It’s a proven fact that making something public enhances your chance of success. This is why people make goals public and talk about their weight-loss on their blogs.

So we are looking for some people who haven’t tried the Slimpod method before, but are keen to lose weight or make progress towards changing an eating or exercise habit. You will be provided with a Slimpod of your choice and asked to listen to it every day for 28 days. You can obviously carry on after that if you’d like to.

You will be asked to set your goals, note down 2 or 3 changes each day and tweet or post on Facebook one of those changes you’ve noticed. An example would be:

I left some of my dessert tonight;


I chose to take the stairs rather than the lift and felt good about it.

What we are looking for are the changes to your habits over the 28 day period. When you are using a Slimpod you don’t have to diet, rather you need to pay attention to the small changes in your eating and exercise routines and watch them become new habits and big lasting changes.

If you want to blog, photograph your progress, vlog, tweet more than once a day or do anything else to share your progress, that is totally fine. Please let us know if you do blog because we will share your opinions all over our social media networks and send you some traffic. If you don’t notice a change every day,  feel free to skip a day or two – then post more frequently when it does start to happen.

If you want to follow the hashtag #MySlimpodMoment, and support the other people in the group by retweeting or commenting on their successes, that would be amazing too, and will probably come back to you tenfold as people support you in your habit changing efforts. You can also join our Facebook Slimpod Club and be supported in your efforts by our friendly community of podders.

At the end of the experiment we would love some feedback from you as to how the social media element has impacted on your success in meeting your objectives. And if you have any nice stories and/or pictures to share with us, then we would love to have them and share them. We’d obviously like you to carry on with your Slimpod after the 28 days because that’s when your new habits will really begin to make a difference to the way you look and feel. We may even be able to rustle up some prizes for any amazing transformations…!

Please email if you are interested in taking part in this study. Please include details about what your objectives are and also some social media links. Priority will be given to those with bigger objectives and those with more active social media presence.

This is not just a blog product review or even a test of whether Slimpods work. We know they do because they’ve been clinically tested. We want people who are going to actively engage with our programme for one month and who will commit to making lasting change in their lives during that month. The daily tweet, Facebook post etc that we ask you to do is part of this programme.

There are no monetary rewards for taking part in this study (apart from the free Slimpod), but we hope that you will see the reward of a lasting change in your life.

Free weight loss ebook for you

[NOTE: Download Sandra’s free ebook 7 Ways Your Brain Can Help You Lose Weight for more information and simple, proven ways you can fight back.]

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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