Slimpod C25K Spring Challenge is off and running today

Slimpod C25K Spring Challenge

THIS may sound like a pretty big claim, but here goes: I’m about to tell you the secret of a happier, healthier life. Not only that, I’m launching a special Spring Challenge to show you how easy it is to make a fabulous change that will deliver enormous benefits that will last forever.

You see, I was reading some research in the British Journal of Sports Medicine the other day which really excited me. It said that a brisk walk even once a week is enough to significantly reduce the chances of early death.

Gentle exercise once a week can cut the risk of heart disease and cancer by nearly 20 per cent, the study said.

Now this got me thinking: If a few minutes of gentle exercise can do that, what would 20 minutes of moderate exercise like running do?


And so, with the help of Slimpodder Nickie O’Hara I’m launching my Slimpod C25K Spring Challenge today. As the weather’s improving and the days are getting longer, I want to encourage you to get off your bum and go from being a couch potato to a 5K runner!

It’s nowhere near as daunting as you might think. Nickie is a community run leader for the Couch to 5K campaign (C25K) which is run by the NHS.

She started doing easy, gentle runs about five years ago – and soon became hooked on them. Now she has progressed to serious distance running.

Slimpod C25K Spring Challenge video explains everything

Here’s a video Nickie and I made in which she tells you all about the Slimpod C25K Spring Challenge and how easy it is to take part.

Last year Nickie lost 2st 4lb and ran over 1,000 kilometres (that’s 626 miles). This year her target is to lose another 28lbs and run 1,000K again.

“I’ve been using Slimpods for a few years now and they provide me with focus and a Positive Mental Attitude that helps me focus on my goals,” she says.

“I admit that I had good and bad days – this was important to me because it’s not all a bed of roses out there and you learn from the negatives as well as the positives. I also found my tribe and they came on my journey with me.

“Some came out on training runs with me and pushed me beyond what I thought were my limits, some ran beside me in races to make sure I was giving my absolute best, some applauded me at my slimming club when I lost a few extra pounds, some let me cry on their shoulder when I wasn’t feeling great and it took the full year to achieve everything – literally to the last day!

Nickie will be starting a special thread in Slimpod Club that tells you how you can join the Slimpod C25K Spring Challenge. I think you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve in the first four weeks.

Slimpod C25K Spring Challenge

We’ll be using the NHS C25k app. You can download this free from your app store (Apple or Google versions available). And here’s where you can find out more about C25K on the NHS website.

Many Slimpodders know the physical and mental benefits that C25K can bring.

Here’s what Helena Doey posted in Slimpod Club recently: “It was amazing as I met a group of people who were in the same place as me (thinking ‘this will never work, but hey I will give it a go’.)

“You soon realise ‘Actually, I might achieve something here.’ Each week there was improvement and your confidence grew with it.

“The team spirit and friendship and achievement that I have gained with this will stay with me forever. Running has become part of my life, I am still slow but I can do it and more importantly I love it.”

So there you have two really inspiring stories from fellow Slimpodders and I’d really love you to give it a go. I’m going to be part of it too so if you’re up for joining Nickie and myself in the Slimpod C25K Spring Challenge let me know by leaving a comment below.

If you’re a Slimpod Club member, join Nickie on her thread!

You can also join Nickie’s special C25K community on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook by using the hashtag #SlimpodC25K.

There’ll be two other exercise threads in Slimpod Club from Monday so if the Slimpod C25K Spring Challenge doesn’t float your boat why not try them.

Come on, let’s do this!

22 thoughts on “Slimpod C25K Spring Challenge is off and running today”

  1. Ms Marian Kelly

    Hi Sandra & Nickie, how I wish that I COULD take up the challenge!. Being disabled makes it very difficult to walk, let alone run…although having a run might actually make the meds’ go down easier. Can I wish all of the Slimpoders the very best of luck and especially to Nickie and her new challenge. x

    1. I feel the same x it’s so hard when your mind is so up for this type of challenge but your body has different ideas x

  2. I was thinking about doing the couch to 5k anyway. This is great because it will give me the push I need to get started! I am definately in

  3. Sounds like a great idea! Unfortunately I have a condition that prohibits me from walking far, so I certainly wouldn’t be able to run 5k So sorry!

  4. Joyce Fairchild

    Yes I would like to give it a go very apprehensive 63 years old and concerned I may not be able to always be free on those times but like to try

  5. C25K is really amazing I started running through this app around 8 years ag since then I have completed hundreds of 5ks including 47 park runs countless 10ks and three half marathons not bad for someone who started running in their late 40s and asthmatic and overweight! I also lost 3 stone in 18 months. I’ve helped many of my family and friends complete the C25K too. Unfortunately due to ongoing knee issues I’ve had to slow right down and go right back to basics so have recently started the C25K again.
    I’m not on any social media so can’t join the group but good luck to all of you taking part if I could do it you certainly can!

  6. I would love to but having had polio and permanently on crutches to help keep me out of a wheelchair I have to look at other options on the exercise front.

  7. Caroline Lockie

    This is such a brilliant challenge, well done Sandra and Nickie. I look forward to seeing how everyone progresses. Doing C25K last year brought to me a love of running, I’m aiming at 10K at the moment and would love to be able to do a half marathon, maybe next year!

  8. Excellent but I live in Cyprus so. Just to mention I do jog round the pool for
    40 minutes about 3 times per week which makes me feel as thought I am doing something
    and improves my mood

  9. Sounds good. I scraped into the couch25k mode last summer, and kept trying to run twice a week. The app is great. I’ve hurt my shoulder but planned to get back to it. I’m in Japan at the moment but will join group when I get back early April. Want another stone off this year.

  10. looking firward to the Spring Challenge…bring it on. wanna be in a better physical place for my holiday in June.

  11. Well done Nikki.i started on the slimpod course 28 days ago and I am now beginning to understand the slimming pod.your article sounds a bit like my own story.i was 15/10 twelve months ago and had a extremely unhealthy lifestyle.i joined the local gym and together with various keep fit classes I was encouraged to try the couch to 5k course which I did.since then I completed the course and joined a running club and now regularly run 5k runs both at the club and organised park runs.i have also recently completed 2 x 10k park runs at tatton park.i joined slimming world last march and being a member of slimming world and the regular exercise I have now lost 5 stone 2 lbs and weigh 10/8lbs.i have joined the slimpod club in an attempt to curb the late evening hunger pains .this time last year I was taking 8 x tablets daily for type 2 diabetes/ blood pressure and cholesterol problems,however,since august 2018 I have been medication free and have reversed my my heaviest 12 months ago I had to catch the bus one stop as I couldn’t walk up the road without being out of breath,and yesterday myself and 3 friends took part in a 5k country wide swimathon for cancer research swimming 200 lengths(50 each) so it just shows what a bit of self motivation can I am 63 years old I feel that if I can do it with my previous unhealthy lifestyle,anyone can.hope you keep up the good work

  12. I currently have a broken foot, when that is better in about 4 weeks then I will join in but I will be well behind .

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Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
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