Stop self-sabotage by being positive about your body

SELF-SABOTAGE is one of the biggest obstacles people face. So let’s talk about ways of knocking it on the head through body positivity!

The past three weeks of the Summer Challenge have focussed on creating effective goals, healthy eating and exercise – but healthy eating and exercise are no good if you only stick to them for a short time and you don’t stay on track to achieve your goals.

So this week’s video is going to help you overcome self-sabotage and will enable you to stay on course so your new habits become lasting.

At the end of the day, making those habits stick is what we all want! 

Self-sabotage is one of the things that prevents people achieving their dreams and one of the reasons people self sabotage is because they’ve got negative self-talk going on in their head.

This negative self talk can be very powerful and destructive. Watch this video – it will help you to stop self-sabotage and move past the obstacle so you can achieve your dreams!

self-sabotage video

Key points about stopping self-sabotage

If you love your body you’ll automatically begin to care about what goes into your mouth and how you look after your health.

Pay attention to your language. Be really aware when you talk about your body, or when others around you do it.

Show yourself kindness and compassion. If you slip up, don’t berate yourself.

If a colleague makes a critique about their weight, you DON’T have to join in with your own “me too” insecurities.

Affirmations help keep you in a consistently positive mood that gets Nature’s happy drugs dancing in your brain.

The more you practise, the more you notice what aspects of your life are most important to you – as well as things that may be holding you back from being happy

Leave a comment below to let me know how you’re getting on with stopping self-sabotage. I love reading all about your success!

3 thoughts on “Stop self-sabotage by being positive about your body”

  1. Sandra’s videos always hit the nail on the head. Slimpod is great for changing how you relate to food. I have so many lightbulb moments when I realise why I’m doing something.

  2. wendyshenton1960

    Sandra I feel if you want to lose your weight you would not sabotage your self. Positive thoughts and goals should always be the secret to success. X

  3. The “me too” comment really struck a chord with me Sandra! I’m trying to repeat the positivity mantra to myself and go to great pains to repeat what I’ve learnt to friends because each time I repeat it I’m telling myself too

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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