Bone broth has been around for years and years but it’s all the rage right now as more and more people are discovering its amazing health benefits. It really is one of the most nourishing broths you can snuggle down with and really packs a punch in the vitamin and minerals department.
Here’s a nice infographic of the health benefits of bone broth:
You can find out more about bone broth here
Now for the recipe…

The good news is it takes no time at all to prepare and generally doesn’t cost anything extra than leftover bones and veg! And another bonus, it cooks while you go about your day. Quite possibly the lowest maintenance recipe on this blog!
You can use any leftover bones you like. I like to make this after a roast dinner on a Sunday. It’s a great way to use up leftovers and make your food go further. The long simmering allows the bones to release compounds like collagen, glutamine and glycine, which are very hlpful for your bones and joints.
Animal bones also contain glucosamine and chondroitin, which many people take in supplement form for their joints. They are also rich in ready-absorbable minerals such as magnesium, silicon phosphorous and calcium.
Ingredients for Bone Broth:
- 2–3 kg beef bones, chicken carcasses, lamb bones
- 2 handfuls of any onions, leeks, carrots or celery ends
- 1 tbsp black peppercorns
- A glug of apple cider vinegar – this will help extract the minerals from the bones.
- Put the bones and other ingredients in a slow cooker and cover with water by a few centimetres.
- Turn on high and leave for 12 hours for chicken or 24 hours for beef bones.
- Once cooking is complete, allow to cool a little and strain the liquid through a sieve.
- Cool completely before storing in a container in the fridge.
See more recipes from Slimpod right here on my Pinterest Health Meals Board