How to step over obstacles in life and reach your weight loss goals

THE journey to thinking like a slimmer person is always going to be an interesting and eventful one. Just when you think it’s going so well, bang! An obstacle appears which throws you off course and you stumble.

Obstacles are a real pain but they need to be looked at for what they are – an obstacle and not something that’s going to make you fail for the umpteenth time!

Life is full of ups and downs and obstacles – and so is your journey to sustainable weight loss.

Recently a lovely lady called Catherine posted a message in our Slimpod Club and it helped so many people.

So with her permission I’m sharing it with all our lovely people outside the group because it’s so useful and enlightening. This is what she wrote:

“Apologies in advance for what is bound to be a long post. I’m going to use this as a way of working out all the many complex feelings I’ve been having this week. Spoiler alert – it has a happy ending!

“I’ve just started week 10 and it’s been two weeks since my last update. Some of you may know that I’ve been one of the lucky ones who noticed changes very quickly but I’m also one of those who has been happy to take this journey slowly.

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“I don’t weigh and haven’t since the end of week one. I have lost 7 inches from my waist and have noticed quite a change in my body shape.

“My wins have been largely based on my transformed attitude to food – I’ve gone from being a serious binge eater who would secretly raid cupboards to being able to enjoy treats without guilt and in moderation.

“I listen to Chillpod and Slimpod every night before bed and have just introduced Fitpod. Last Monday I woke up feeling dreadful. Not ill, just inexplicably miserable and down.

“I soon realised it was the dreaded PMT but it hit me like a train and I began to feel what I haven’t done since starting this – like I was going to ‘fail’ and that, once again, I would not be able to sustain the excellent start I’d enjoyed.

“Same old, same old  

“I commented on a previous live chat that this programme has helped me to be a more positive person, that by nature I’m quite cynical. When I first heard Sandra talk about the need to keep things positive in the group, I knew I’d find that a struggle.

“I’m used to having a good old whinge when things have ‘gone south’ as they have always done.

“So, mindful that I couldn’t come on here and moan (although I did post a brief message at the start of the week and really appreciated the support I got) I have waited until today to come on here and write my update.

“I’ve kept writing in my diary, trying hard to write three things I’m grateful for and my three wins even when I felt like I just wanted to give into the slump and give up.

“At my lowest point this week the only win I could come up with was ‘I did my best’. But it was better than nothing.

“I’ve still come on and interacted with people – liking their wins and giving support when I felt I could. Having to stay positive for the sake of the group has been really good for me.

“So, I kept going and this morning, although still not feeling great, I got up and prepared to face the day. During a phone call to my mum this morning, who I’m going to be seeing later this week for the first time since the beginning of December, I was telling her about my progress and, as I was talking, something clicked in my head.

“I told her all about my wins and my inch loss, about the clothes that fit better and about no longer finding myself eating all the biscuits, about my changed attitude to food and my new found walking habits (thanks to Heather for organising the Fitbit challenges!) and I realised something important…

“This week does not define me. It is not the end of the journey nor have I reached my destination or come as far as I can. I don’t have to ‘give up’ or ‘throw in the towel’.

“I can keep going. I can keep putting one foot in front of the other. In fact, when I think about it rationally, I haven’t even been that ‘bad’ this week. I haven’t gone back to bad habits or wiped out all my good progress.

“I’m still ‘winning’.

“So, storm Dennis is raging outside and I’ve finally cleared the ironing pile. Then, feeling more motivated than I have all week, I finally got around to trying a Lucy Wyndham Read workout and – guess what – I finished one 7 minute ab workout and loved it so I did the next one that popped up – 7 minute legs. Then I found a 20 indoor walking and toning workout and did that too.

“So I suppose what I’ve learnt – and the message I want to share – is this. It’s normal to have ‘off days’ – even a number of them. But they don’t have to turn into off weeks. Even off weeks don’t have to be off months.

“We are human and life throws so much at us. Sometimes we have to roll with the punches, pull up our big girl pants, step over the bump in the road, pick ourselves up, pat ourselves down and keep moving forward. Only that way will we ever reach our destination. “

I’m so grateful to everyone here who has supported me. If you’ve given up half your life to read this ridiculously long post, thank you. I hoped reading it has helped someone. It’s certainly helped me to write it .

“Stay safe everyone and keep podding.”

How has Catherine’s story resonated with you? How do you step over the obstacles in your way? Please leave a comment below – I love reading them all and they inspire everyone else more than you could ever imagine.

86 thoughts on “How to step over obstacles in life and reach your weight loss goals”

  1. I’ve just started Slimpod and I know it’s early days but I am not sure where the message is getting across to my psyche. This story is inspiring however.

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      Hiya, the process does take a little while sometimes – especially if you have years of unhelpful eating behaviours to unravel.

    2. Hi Joanne the wins I experienced were not always what I expected. Have patience and let the magic happen! Wishing you all the best

  2. I have only just started Slimpod ( 2 days) so nothing to write about yet, except that listening to the pod tends to send me to sleep, win! This was very interesting and I wondered how one went about reading the other messages in the group? Thought it might help me.

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      You’ll be invited to join the Slimpod Club Facebook group via the programme and your emails – hope that helps.

  3. I read this when Catherine posted it, but oh boy did I need to hear this again today. I’ve had a really anxious day, not over anything specific, have just felt on edge. This is the sort of day that would usually send me into a self sabotage spiral. But as Catherine says it’s ok to have an off day. Sure I’ve eaten a bit more today but my meals have been super healthy. My anxious day is just a tiny little bump in the road. Off to relax with some sewing… busy hands and busy mind always eases my anxiety.

    1. Hello Debbie and I’m glad it helped. Well done on not letting yourself spiral – I love the idea of the sewing, I must get my cross stich out again. See you in Slimpod club!

    2. Hi Debbie, I’ve tried to reply once but got an error message – hopefully you now don’t get two messages! I wanted to say that I hoped you were feeling better and that you’ve inspired me to get my cross stich out! See you in Slimpod Club x

      1. Thanks Catherine, I had a much better day today lots of positives to note down tonight. Enjoy your cross stitch.

  4. It reminds me that the word resilience keeps popping up in my head these days, now I need to feel it, get over obstacles safely and carry on, if the same obstacles keep popping up, then examine them and deal with them, they might include negative people…Let go and bypass them. Keep on keeping on.

  5. Wow what an inspiring read And just what I need, I am keeping listening and reading posts which help me to refocus!, I also relate to changed attitudes! Thank you so much for sharing x

    1. Doh! Replied to you in the wrong comment – see your reply under Joyce below 🙂 Bit overwhelmed by all the feedback tbh!

  6. This is wonderful I had my birthday this weekend and my husband has been spoiling me but back to work tomorrow and New start no shame just new start thanks for the sharing and helping me to allow myself to fail just for a few days then back to it

    1. Gosh Helen, no need. 11 weeks ago, before I started Slimpod, I would never have thought like this. Slimpod has literally changed my life. Honestly, if I can do it then anyone can!

    2. Happy birthday Joyce! Being able to enjoy celebrations and special occasions with ‘diet guilt’ is one of the best things about this journey x

  7. What a wonderful post- so real, so down to earth and so positive.
    I am persistently a ‘starting over’ type person. I do fairly well, then revert to old habits and my journey stops again, only to start up again another week, month or even year later.
    Before reading this post I would have said that I was starting again in my weight loss and feeling better journey. But after reading Catherine’s story, I can see that, although I can have massive breaks in what I am trying to achieve, I am actually revisiting good habits that I’ve learnt and adding new ideas – the good habits almost second nature.
    So I’ve decided, I’m not starting a new momentous journey this time. Rather, I’ve had a bit of a break, I’ve reset my internal satnav and I’m taking a challenging route I know I can face because I already have the skills to help me face the various crossroads and hurdles along the way.
    I think I just need to believe in myself more and keep the slimpod faith! I know it works !

    1. Hi Lizzie, thanks for your comment. Before Slimpod I tried everything and always did well for about 6 weeks before reverting to old habits. This time is truly different. Good luck on your journey x

  8. What a inspiring post , I felt ok after reading this as I have been listening to my pod for the last twelve weeks, writing my wins , but have had lots of binges which have put them nagging negative thoughts back in my head . So I will try and push them away and hope it will click soon as Catherine said roll with the punches. Thankyou for your reality check great post.

    1. Hi Janice, thank you for your lovely comments. I’m glad my post helped. Slimpod has made me look at life from a very different viewpoint and I’m loving it! Good luck on your journey x

  9. Hi and thank you! This certainly resonates! I dutifully did the 12 weeks of Slimpod and saw NO CHANGE aside from the fact that I stopped snacking so much. But then, I just kept listening and listening and being positive and listening to your videos and blogs and now I am happy to say I have finally lost 15 pounds over the past 2 months! I have a million to go but at least I have started. (I like the scale…it motivates me when I see the pounds going down…but I don’t obsess over it!) I will keep on listening to those pods for sure!! Thanks!!! Also, your link that you emailed is broken but I figured it out….you were just missing the period in .com!

  10. I am really grateful to Catherine for her honesty and her encouragement. I am only on day 4 as a podder and feel very positive at present but I’m not daft enough to think that I won’t have times ahead of me like hers. I’ve failed on enough diets to recognise those feelings. But if I do I know I can come back and read her post and be strengthened by a kindred. Thank you Catherine and keep on keeping on. Xxx

    1. Hi Alison Thank you for your lovely comments. I’m glad my post helped – it really helped me to write it. Good luck with your journey x

  11. I find this inspirational – from a card I found in a shop. “A year from now what will you have wished you started today? “

  12. Great Thanku , just a blip but we are tough on ourselves. Instead of beating yourself up … what advice or encouragement and praise would you give a friend ? Give it to yourself

    1. I often remind myself of that and find myself advising people in Slimpod club to do just that. We are so hard on ourselves and wouldn’t dream of being so tough on our friends – or even our worst enemies!! Good luck with your journey

  13. A wonderful story and so helpful. I’m a week in and have just started to feel some small changes around food such as not feeling that I have to finish everything that is on my plate, not feeling guilty if I have a small amount of chocolate, being able to say no to a cake, I’m not raiding cupboards late in the evening to find a sweet fix! Looking forward to seeing what the rest of the programme will do.

  14. Catherine is a truly lovely lady with a hunger for life! And that is something for us all to aspire to. Such an eloquent post. Honest, heartfelt and inspirational

    1. Cheers lovely lady. To be honest I think Slimpod has taken away my hunger for chocolate and replaced it with a hunger for life!

  15. This is such a great tale of enduring courage that so many many of us can relate to. It serves to inspire when life gets tough, to refocus on what’s really important to us, to remind us to check back on our progress and realise that we are in a much better place than we were when we joined this programme. We do not need to wait for something magical to happen: it already has and we are on an exciting journey with no limits.

  16. This message helped me. I’m feeling low and need my positivity reinstated. I needed to hear this today as a reminder that my journey is far from over.

    1. Sooooo far from over! Sorry to hear you are feeling low Carolyn. After I posted this in Slimpod club I had the best week ever – it felt like a rainbow after the storm. I hope that happier days are around the corner xx

  17. Great to hear somebody else has had struggles and picked herself up. I seem to have been watching food all my life I am not that big but really need to loose a couple of stone, had two strokes last September and luckily no lasting problems just very tired. I really need to get exercising and reading Catherine’s article will look at Lucy Wyndram-Read. I will be 70 next year and would like to reach my goal by then

  18. Hi Catherine
    What a great post and it’s really resonated with me and where I am now. I’m just starting phase 2. Last week I felt blue and just generally not happy with my ‘lot’ so began over eating again and all the sweet unhealthy stuff (after 3 weeks of feeling fab and not wanting to eat rubbish). I am in a small group of 3 of us podders on WhatsApp and braved owning up yesterday, and lovely Ann gave me a lovely reminder about not being a diet and not ‘fallen off the wagon’. So I’ve just read the last 4 days emails and am going to start the phase 2 properly. It’s so good to put that feeling of not being ‘on’ a diet so I haven’t failed ~ just a wee blip in the road. Here’s to all of us and our Slimpod journey. Mo

    1. Hi Mo, thanks for reading and posting a lovely comment. I’m glad it helped. I’m sure there’ll be plenty more bumps in the road but together we will get over them xx

  19. This is so inspirational. I am an instant win type of person, I like immediate results and get disheartened quickly. Slimpod is really helping me to remain consistent. I had a blip last week when I mistakenly weighed myself. I immediately felt all the old sensations of negativity, I won’t be doing that again. I’m in this for the long haul and posts like this really help to keep me going. Thank you for sharing Sandra.

    1. Thanks for your comment Trudie and I’m glad you are getting over your blip! I hid the scales away at the end of week one – nasty little mood hoovers!!

  20. Catherine what a brilliant post. Being quite a reserved person i find it hard to give my vulnerability to strangers, but the more i read from the podders i can see the strength that comes from us all being in it together. My resolve is to try and say more, maybe this will help with my conversations with my other family. Lots of love and well done you xxx

    1. Thank you for reading and for your lovely comment Jill. I’ve surprised myself to be honest! Slimpod has given me more strength than I thought possible. I feel like a different person – inside and out! Good luck on your journey

  21. Thank you Catherine, I have had an “bad/off/upsetting” week, my little dog took ill (he’s 15 and the furry love of my life). So as usual, I started to eat lots of things I haven’t even thought of in weeks, after your post I noticed I had started to eat healthier again and not noticed!!!
    I feel brighter, lighter and much more confident since I started Slimpod on 29 December 2019 and there is no will power or feeling of sacrifice.
    Still to get into the exercise yet but I’m working on it 🙂
    Fur Baby is much better too.

    1. Dear Eleanor thank you for your lovely comment, I’m so glad that your baby is ok. I started on the 14th December and have only really got into the exercise over the last two weeks although I increased my step count in phase two. Good luck with your journey xx

  22. I love to read everyone’s personal stories I find they inspire me, and this lovely lady has come such a long way it can’t fail to make us all feel we can achieve the same.
    I’m just starting week three, and I’m also one of the lucky ones that have seen instant results, but in life I know I’m going to have obstacles along the way, reading this makes me feel Bring it on, I can do this

    1. Hi Amanda, thanks for reading and taking the time to comment. It’s been a whirlwind 11 weeks and I can’t believe I’m still here! With every day I feel stronger and more equipped to deal with the bumps – Slimpod has changed my life and you can most definitely do it!! Good luck xx

  23. A lovely message which I hope is going to inspire me as been on the programme 4/5 weeks and only seen small change to my mental health which is great as I m normally quite a cynical negative person, no weight change as yet but keeping my fingers crossed for good things.

    1. Hi Karen I hope things are going well for you. Please look out for wins that are not weight related – there are do many more benefits to be had than what the ‘sad step’ can tell you. Wishing you every success xx

      1. Hi Catherine my enthusiasm is dipping a bit as I ve gained 4 lbs and am listening every night to my slimpod & sugarpod and and now stress pod and haven’t lost a pound will keep going through as my mental health has improved.

        1. catherinenash72

          Sorry to hear that Karen. Are you on Facebook and in Slimpod Club? Lots of fabulous support, ideas and encouragement there. I have a fb profile purely for it and I find it invaluable. The other thing I would say is please get rid of those scales and find other, kinder ways of measuring your success. If you give yourself over the the programme 100% and do everything Sandra suggests, you’ll increase your chances of success immeasurably. Hope to see you in Slimpod Club! Xx

  24. Love the ‘ pulled up my big girl pants and stepped over the hump ‘ that really resonates with me, so that is what I will do. A BIG thank you for the post and yes it does help x

  25. I’ve read this again as I’m having a slight bump on the road this weekend. It was really helpful for perspective setting so just wanted to say thank you! I’m on week 7 and the programme has been really helpful. I’ve lost about 5 lbs , a few inches but most of all have stopped thinking about food the whole time x

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
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