How nurse Julie’s life is totally transformed in just 10 weeks

ALMOST every week I get emotional when people get in touch and share their stories – even though the Slimpod programme has been helping people to lose weight and live happier lives for over 10 years.

It makes me very happy to hear how Slimpod has turned people’s lives around and the first question I ask when I reply is:

“Would you PLEASE allow me to share your story on my blog so I can help and inspire your fellow Slimpodders?”

Last week I received a truly remarkable story from a lovely nurse called Julie and I was SO excited when she agreed to share her story.

But better still, she was happy to have a conversation on video 🙂

If you’re struggling with everything we’re going through at the moment and getting bogged down with all the negativity in the world, I urge you to watch this video.

I know it will really help you. Just click on the picture below and you’ll be taken to my Slimpod Channel on YouTube (while you’re there, hit the red button to subscribe to the channel):



Julie’s inspiring letter

This is what Julie wrote when she first contacted me:

“I want to say a personal thank you for the Slimpod programme and everything you do on a daily basis to support us all.

“I am a 56-year-old nurse working in the private sector. For years I have been a typical yo-yo dieter, like so many of us.

“In 2007 I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and consequently I had to drastically cut my exercise down because of chronic pain and extreme fatigue and obviously my weight increased as a consequence.

“I joined up for the free trial on January 23 and within days found that my relationship with food immediately changed.

Try Slimpod free for 10 days

“I still weigh once a week but even when my weight stayed the same for two weeks I just shrugged it off as my body readjusting with no risk at all of self-sabotage (100% opposite to what I used to do).

“Now I have lost 1 stone 11 pounds.

“But other benefits that weren’t expected are:

1) for the first time in my life I look at myself in the mirror and am no longer disgusted

2) I am happier, less stressed and feel more positive than ever before

3) by setting myself small goals I have been able to gradually increase my exercise…I now do 10 minutes on my exercise bike and 20 minutes jogging on my trampette THREE times every day.

4) My chronic pain is reducing

5) I am sleeping better, only waking 2 or 3 times a night instead of 20+ times a night

6) I feel normal.

“As I am asthmatic I am currently on a 12-week lockdown at home. I live alone and I know that in my pre-Slimpod days I would have become very isolated and depressed, taking comfort from food.

“Instead I am going to come out the other side as a far better version of myself.

“This is because of you and the wonderful Slimpod community. So THANK YOU again.

“Those two words are totally inadequate to express my gratitude to you. Thank you for Slimpod, your compassion, your enthusiasm and also your team including Debbie and Trevor.”

23 thoughts on “How nurse Julie’s life is totally transformed in just 10 weeks”

  1. There is an interesting link between pain reduction and listening to Slimpod – I wonder if when suffering chronic pain as Julie describes we become full of fear with regard to moving. I completely understand Julie’s perspective and agree with her about how Slimpod can help to reframe thinking.

    1. Thanks Lesley. I think once you start moving the physical activity actually eases the pain. However doing too much too soon causes a major flare up. This then becomes a vicious circle. Slimpod sub consciously encouraged me to start moving more and once I worked out how to get moving without exacerbating the pain I was ok. Thank you for your comments x

  2. Christine Penhale

    What an up- lifting interview. Thank you to both Julie for sharing and Sandra for our renewed zest for life from Slimpod. x

  3. What an inspirational story and one I can definitely relate too ! You and your team are amazing I’m so glad I found you

  4. This was brilliant. Julie you are doing a fantastic job and it’s made me think about my life. I wish you all the best. Stay safe. I also work for the NHS normally as a Senior Health Care Assistant but I’m on secondment doing Holistic Needs Assessments with Newley diagnosed cancer patients. I’ve restarted Slimpod just this week and I have started logging everything which I did not do in the previous 12 weeks. I am trying to be more aware of any changes. One day at a time, my mum used to say, so that’s my plan to take one day at a time. Thank you again for talking to Sandra xx

    1. Hi Faith. I appreciate your kind comments. I don’t normally do things like this but wanted to do something to show my appreciation to Sandra for Slimpod. Stay safe out there. X

  5. Lisa Coppel-Rose

    Julie’s story is inspirational. Like me the scales have become non threatening and instead act as a gentle reminder that I’m doing ok.

  6. I no longer worry about my weight, I don’t lie in bed at night mentally counting my calorie intake and fretting over what I’ve eaten that day. Also, as soon as I started listening to Slimpod I noticed I ‘wanted’ to do housework, gardening, etc, rather than ‘had’ to do it. When I slip back to my old ways I just listen to my Slimpod a few times until I’m back on track.

  7. A very inspirational Lady! Some of things Julie said, has made me realise, that I don’t think I’ve been mindful enough while doing the slimpod. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Amazing. I have started my not yet completed Slimpod program again. I started and didn’t finish the program almost a year ago!

  9. I’ve added a comment on Julie’s video.Very inspirational and just what I need at the moment as a fellow nurse working on the frontline with this awful vurus.Im so glad I watched this video.Ive not had much time lately due to doing extra shifts but I decided to go to bed early last night and start listening to slimpod again.

  10. Hi Karen. I am having trouble as I cant see any comments on the video. Thank you for your kind words. Stay safe x

  11. Such a lovely story. So heart warming & I understand completely how she feels. Slimpod affects us in so many ways not just with weight loss but how it changes us mentally & helps us find ourselves.

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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