New Year weight loss Boot Camp – no pain, lots of gain, plenty of fun

New Year weight loss boot camp

THE New Year is here so let’s attack 2019 with gusto in my four-week fun Boot Camp! There’ll be no pain but lots of gain – and most of all, I’m going to make it really enjoyable. At Christmas so many people completely lose the plot with food and drink and daily routines go out of the window. So here’s the chance to slip back in the groove and get motivated to shift some more inches with my New Year weight loss Boot Camp!

Work with me over the next four weeks and we’ll get you achieving your goals!  This first blog is a quick recap on goal-setting and a couple of tasks to kick you off. Then we’ll follow this with lots more advice and tips.

This year I’m involving two of my expert friends in my New Year weight loss Boot Camp and they’ll be helping you succeed – so there’s NO excuse!  The first expert is Brian Mayne, who’s a goal-setting expert.

For over 20 years his Goalmapping system has been helping companies and individuals worldwide to achieve huge success. Bryan’s also an international speaker on the subject.

He’ll be helping you to create amazing goals using his Goalmapping system. I’ve been good friends with Brian for nearly 15 years and his system helped me transform my life so I thought I’d share the magic around a bit!

Brian will be taking you through the Goalmapping process and his system is free to use. You might like to take a look here . I’ll be recording a video with Brian later this week and I’ll be sharing it with you.

So firstly – let’s kick everything off by quickly revisiting the whole reason for setting goals.  A goal provides a target on which to concentrate your effort.

Our brains are like goal-seeking missiles – they love it!  Goals give you direction and allow you to focus on what you want to achieve.

And a hugely important part of this process is that it helps you KNOW specifically what you want so you’ll be aware when you’ve achieved it.

If you have a destination in mind, you have to know what it will look like when you get there!

By setting goals you’re also able to measure your progress because you have start and finish dates. They make you accountable.

New Year weight loss boot camp

So we’ll kick off my New Year weight loss Boot Camp by thinking about the big goal.

When you’re creating your goal, please make sure it’s meaningful – getting attached to the emotion of WHY you want this goal is essential because that’s what’s going to help to drive you!  Here’s some possible goals:

* A size goal.  These are the BEST goals because one of the major aims of losing weight will be to get into smaller clothes and you’ll FEEL GREAT when you do! You could easily set a goal to drop a size during this four week Boot Camp.

* A health goal.  Some people want to get their diabetes under control…great goal!

When you’ve worked out your goal, the next step is to break it down into baby steps.  This is the key to consistency and habit formation.

Habits give us the results we want but the real reason habits matter is that each action you take is like a vote for the person you want to become. And we become what we repeatedly do.

Small daily actions and small wins take you towards your goal, enabling and empowering you to form good eating and lifestyle habits which will result in sustainable weight loss.

And this is where the importance of small wins comes in. Small wins help you feel like you’re regularly accomplishing something.

You need the big goal but the small wins motivate you to keep on going – and eventually that big goal is reached.

The small daily wins trigger a shot of dopamine, the pleasure neurochemical, and this is crucial for motivation.  If you have dopamine working with you rather than against you then you’re on to a winner.

This is why it’s important to jot down three small wins at the end of each day because that’s the power that will help motivate you to succeed.

The small wins can be improvements in what you’re eating, your movement or the way you’re feeling. How you’re feeling is fundamentally important to your weight loss journey because that’s what’s going to give you the fuel to keep going!

So the task for the first week of my New Year weight loss Boot Camp is to identify your goal and during the week you’ll have Brian’s help if you choose to create a Goalmap.  It’s a lot of fun and can be used in every area of your life, so I thoroughly recommend you do it!

New Year weight loss boot camp

For the next week I’d like you to identify those baby steps which will take you towards your goal and make sure you achieve two or three of them every day.  Here’s a suggestion:

ONE: Listen to your Slimpods EVERY day. Obviously, listening to your Slimpod (and other pods if you have them) is crucial if you’re to lose some inches!  It’s only nine minutes (and you’ll be asleep in two!) so make it your first task to focus on this.

TWO: Complete your success log and write down your wins at the end of the day. This is easy to do if you’re following the habit plan and have identified your baby steps because all you have to do is block out a little time each day to complete your action and there you have the win! Couldn’t be simpler. And of course Slimpod makes habits so easy to create that soon you’ll notice you won’t even have to think about what you’re doing.

THREE: Could be to consciously change your diet slightly and buy fewer processed foods or refined carbs.  You’ll notice you won’t miss them at all. OR you could do 15 minutes exercise every day (or you could do both!!)

So now’s the time to get to it with my New Year weight loss Boot Camp and lose some inches! For the next seven days, feed back every day by using the comments section below or post in Slimpod Club on Facebook.

I’ll be looking out for you! If you have any questions for Brian, please post them below and I’ll make sure he answers them in the video.

If you’re a member of our private Slimpod Club group on Facebook, then we’re running some special motivational threads in there for the next few weeks.  If you’re not on Facebook then watch out for my blogs/vlogs over the next four weeks because they’ll really help you.

Do let me know how you’re getting on with my New Year weight loss Boot Camp. I love reading your comments.


32 thoughts on “New Year weight loss Boot Camp – no pain, lots of gain, plenty of fun”

  1. Kate Davis-Holmes

    Ages since I was involved with Slimpod but would like to get involved in this challenge. Can you point me in direction of the private FB group and so on? Thanks Sandra

    1. I’m planning to drop a dress size this year. I’m a slow loser, I always blame my age but I’m beginning to realise I also have too much slimming world lack of portion control in my life! I’ve bought a portion control plate to help me address this issue, I’m also seriously restricting booze and sugar in January. Have bought a big wall planner for my exercise plan: 3 3mile runs a week, 3 3 mile dog walks, one 30 minute swim and one Zumba class scheduled. First goal for January, drop the 2llb I put on over Xmas.

    2. I’m at the tight end of my dress size and do not want to go up a size so my goal for the next 4 weeks is for my existing clothes to fit better.
      I’m going to do this by focusing on my diet.
      I also want to start exercising, I aim to walk more and join a running group.
      Day 2 into boot camp and I’m already feeling more positive about myself.

  2. Goals for January:
    2 5k Parkruns (well, walk for me!)
    Drop a dress size – currently mostly 22,
    Listen to Slimpods every night
    Ditch some carbs!

  3. My goal is to fit into my size 14 jeans which I can get on but not do up.
    I plan to listen to the pods daily, drink more water, exercise 3 times a week. Drink less wine!

  4. I haven’t weighed myself, but I really feel that my clothes are a bit tighter after Christmas. It could have been worse I know, as I consciously took Sandra’s advice to exercise more. My goal now is to get to a slake dress size (10 in a generous shop like m and s, or 12 anywhere else). I think I can lose the weight by just getting back to non snacking behaviour and exercising more, haven’t cycled as have a flat tyre, so getting that sorted out will be great as well.

  5. I’m a classic yo-yo dieter and had just given up but I’ve just started my Journey with slimpod and so far really really enjoying it .

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      Hey Ally – Welcome aboard! Lovely to have you here. So pleased you’re enjoying it and look forward to hearing all about your success soon. What’s your goal?

      1. My short term goal is get into my black jeans within 4 weeks and power walk at least twice a week . Long term goal is to get on my horse by 12 weeks 🙂

  6. Hi Sandra , yes totally ready listening to my pods everyday now is now a strong habit ,some form of exercise every day including some weights, walking and hit sessions. Feeling very positive, still want to drop that dress size is my goal

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      Well done Carol! Give the smaller dress size a bit of emotion. Think about how you’ll feel when you get into it and make it THE most important thing!

  7. Hello Sandra, I have been gone a long time and am really looking forward to getting back into it and it would seem boot camp was meant to be as I chose today as time to get a grip. Do I need to do anything to be part of this ?


  8. I have some HUGE goals to achieve. For the four weeks I will concentrate on eating healthier and trying to build strength in my legs and also increase flexibility. I would like to drop a dress size.

  9. I nearly threw away a warm jumper that was too big, but glad I didn’t. No, not what you think! This cold weather I have been wearing a thick jumper underneath it! And thermal trousers under trousers that were a bit big too. In the Spring I’m hoping to shed my chrysalis and emerge as a butterfly! I’m finding it hard to make firm goals under all these layers though!

  10. My goal is going to be to try and work out an exercise program/routine that will not adversely affect me. It’s a tough one. I realise I will probably only be doing a dedicated ‘exercise’ session possibly once a week, I will have a good long think and see. I feel I need to get this in place before I can move forward as I’m not losing any weight just controlling food. Will let you know how I get on.

  11. Elaine MacDonald

    This is just what I need. My goal is to drop a dress size; feel more energetic by a combo of brisk walking and beginners HIIT workout from YouTube. Also to manage my binge drinking – which happens at least once a week.

  12. As I have said before I am a very slow loser of weight and being hypothyroid and on drugs that induce weight gain doesn’t help but I am determined to fight through this barrier. Whilst on Christmas Cruise I felt fat and hated it. I am putting a picture up on my kitchen cabinet of me in evening dress that I felt uncomfortable in. I wore a shawl every night to cover my midrif. My aim to lose at least a stone by end of the summer.

    Trevor, you have your work cut out with me! I know I can do it with everyone’s help

  13. I am well up for this Sandra. I know how effective Slimpod is for me and together with the boot camp will get my motivation back again. My targets are to drop a dress size; feel more comfortable in myself and to be more active. Thank you once again Sandra for motivating me.

  14. I’m aiming for the goal of dropping a dress size. Thank you for your support!
    Looking forward to getting back into good food habits and setting my new goals

  15. Drop a dress size by restricting portions, drinking more water and cutting down on alcohol. Exercise 5 times a week (aerobics, walking the dog and plenty of stretching). Also I want to get more sleep and generally take a bit more time for myself.

  16. Hi, I’m new to podding (day 3!). Im severely overweight & am a classic stress eater. My goal for January is to drop a clothes size (currently a 22). I plan on listening to my slim & stress pods daily, doing 30 mins consistent exercise (walk or step) & drinking 2 litres water daily.

  17. I have only just joined. I need to lose about 17lbs on Doctors advice! Had started the Cambridge weight plan stage 2. I am hoping that between both, I can achieve the weight loss. Put the weight on munching my way through nursing my husband through cancer. He is now in good health. I gave up smoking. So time to concentrate on me….

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
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