National Fitness Day 2019 launches my 21-day challenge to YOU

MY task today is to inspire you to make exercise a regular and enjoyable habit (if it isn’t already). We all know a bit of exercise every day is good for you so I’m delighted to celebrate National Fitness Day 2019 on Wednesday, September 25.

Obviously exercise is great for weight loss but it does so much for your health and well-being too.  It reduces your risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some cancers and it strengthens your muscles and your bones.

And if you’re someone who regularly exercises, you’ll know it also improves your confidence, your mood and helps reduce stress.

No matter where I am in the world, I always start my day with exercise – the picture is me in the gym in the USA while attending a conference!  It’s my cornerstone habit and it sets me up for the day.

National Fitness Day 2019

Me in the gym in America!


To mark National Fitness Day 2019 I’m launching a 21-day fitness challenge!

It’s easy to take part. First, you’ll need to set yourself a daily goal.

It could be a distance to walk or run. Or it could be a number of strength exercises to achieve, such as squats, press-ups or sit-ups.

Secondly, set an alarm on your phone every 50 minutes to remind you to get up and move for the next 10 minutes, even if it’s walking around the kitchen or your office desk.


You can share pictures or videos showing your progress too as this really helps with motivation and accountability!

Remember the Slimpod message – all movement is exercise!

If you’re in our private group on Facebook you’ll soon see a new National Fitness Day 2019 thread where you can be motivated and held to account by other Slimpodders.

If you’re not in Slimpod Club then please use this blog post as your accountability thread. Also, connect with me on Instagram and Twitter using #SlimpodSmile!

I’ll monitor how you’re getting on and hold you accountable.

National Fitness Day 2019 is great with Slimpod

Over the past 10 years, Slimpodders have had amazing success and transformed not only their bodies but their fitness beyond recognition.

They’ve discovered they now get so much pleasure from movement and for so many people a love of exercise has replaced their addiction to food, meaning they’ve lost weight and kept it off.

Darin McCloud is one of those people and last weekend this wonderful, inspirational Slimpodder competed in the IronMan triathlon in Weymouth.

What’s so special about that? Well, before Darin discovered Slimpod he was a depressed and hugely overweight 20-stone-plus couch potato.

National Fitness Day 2019

Darin McCloud at IronMan

He could hardly walk down the street without getting out of breath. Now he’s lost over seven stone and runs, swims, cycles and has a completely different outlook on life.

Here he is the day before the IronMan race and you can read more about Darin’s amazing story here.


So let’s get this thing going!  Join me in my National Fitness Day 2019 21-day challenge by dropping a comment below or on the special thread in Slimpod Club or on Instagram and Twitter. I really look forward to hearing about your progress 🙂

6 thoughts on “National Fitness Day 2019 launches my 21-day challenge to YOU”

  1. Do any slimpodders have ideas as to how to do resistance training and HITT whilst travelling in the
    Motorhome, especially when the weather is bad, like today!

  2. Hi my name is Janice I have only just started on the slimpod this is my 2nd day but I your transform your eating habits thank you

  3. I’m in, I have an active job but really need to add exercise even if it’s 20 mins a day I’m going to do it, good luck everyone

  4. Hello Sandra, you are such an inspiration!!,I have been podding for two and a half year and I do know I will get to where I would like to be, small steps, some backwards, but still going!,I aim to ask one mile minimum a day. And will log any extra. Thank you so much for your tireless work

  5. I work 6 long days a week in Healthcare and the NHS. As a result, I’m often too tired to exercise when I’m out of work. I do a 10 minute lunch break walk everyday. Any other ideas?

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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