I lost four stone and changed my life in just six months

THE absolute highlight of my working week is hearing the inspirational success stories of our Slimpod members, and I’m so excited to be able to share another wonderful one with you here.

Rachael Buckett started her Slimpod journey six months ago, and is now over halfway towards her goal after losing an incredible four stone in that time. She has gone from a size 26/28 to a 16/18.

She is rightly proud of what she has achieved, and knows the changes she has made are for life.

Rachael’s story offers some valuable lessons that I just know will help so many others, no matter what stage you are at in your weight-loss journey.

I chatted with Rachael on Zoom about how she lost four stone and this is the video we made.

Click on the picture to watch it on The Slimpod Channel on YouTube. Make sure you hit the Like and Share buttons!

I lost four stone – Rachel’s story in her own words

Even before I discovered Slimpod, I had made a list of foods that I knew I had an addiction to and had decided to stop eating. They were sweets, bread, crisps and potatoes.

I was lucky and after listening to the Slimpod only once, I was instantly repulsed by crisps.

Before Slimpod I was more than eight stone overweight, convinced I had some kind of undiagnosed condition. and was walking only about 3,000-4,000 steps a day.

I was working from home and bingeing off buttered toast, crisps and pork scratchings. It was a struggle to move – to get off the sofa, to put on my shoes.

lost four stone

Rachael before starting Slimpod

Then I was made redundant and I suddenly had the time to truly get my eating and exercise in order. It was the best thing that ever happened to me!

I started off quite simply, by restricting the foods listed above and walking my dog for longer in the mornings.

After the first month I had lost a stone and was regularly walking over 10,000 steps a day. I had also naturally fallen into 16:8 intermittent fasting.

I found delaying the first thing I ate in a day restricted the amount I was eating overall. I stuck to my eating window of 12 noon till 8pm and ate far more vegetables and salad.

I found my exercise was also giving me a buzz and took away any hunger I was feeling.

lost four stone

New-look Rachael now

I went on a two-week holiday and walked every morning – I came home 6lbs lighter!

In October I started listening to the sugar pod. This initially made me crave sweet things, but I found that they tasted disgusting.

I started to eat a lot more fruit and now only drink water (apart from prosecco on Christmas day and my 50th birthday).

Another big change I made was to introduce some Lucy Wyndham-Read workouts. Then, in November I was lucky enough to get a new job.

I panicked initially: how was I going to fit my exercise in? It was an 8am-5pm desk job, in an office full of men – above a bakery!

I made the decision that I would get up earlier every morning and do exercise before work. So every workday I set my alarm at 6am and do three LWR workouts before work.

I found that instead of making me more tired it actually really gave me a boost and I started each day with such enthusiasm that I never even yawned at work.

At lunchtimes I powerwalked every day, stuck to intermittent fasting and took my own lunch in two small tubs – one tub had overnight oats, and the other salad or just chicken and oatcakes. I only ate what was in my two small tubs plus a few tangerines.

In December I learned more about HIIT exercise and decided to buy a rowing machine. I started rowing 5k every morning after my workouts. I felt amazing!

At Christmas I hit just over three stone weight loss. I enjoyed lovely food at Christmas and some treats – but religiously kept to my exercise and intermittent fasting.

In January I decided to sign up for the challenges of rowing 100k and walking 175 miles – both of which I easily achieved. I started walking home from work (2.5 miles).

I also bought a mini trampoline – a great way to start couch to 5k – and I also use weights.

In February I decided to start walking to work – some days I walked and ran! My goal was to maintain an average of over 14,000 steps a day throughout the month, which I achieved.

During March I have continued to get up at 6am, do two lots of 20 squats, row 5k and then walk to work every day – a power walk for a mile at lunchtime and then the walk home. My goal for the month is 200 miles in total with 100km of rowing, and I have just started cycling.

I consider now that my eating has been “fixed” – my diet is spot on, varied and delicious. I love every meal I make. I no longer emotionally eat or eat because of stress.

My exercise is definitely what gives me the buzz – every day. I always feel better after exercise. I never yawn at work – and usually sleep brilliantly and it completely stops any feelings of hunger.

Sensible eating and good exercise habits go hand in hand for success, together with meal planning and being organised.

If there is something I fancy eating, I never deny myself, but plan it in for the next time I go shopping. Delaying the gratification makes such a difference and puts you in control.

Last week there were two days that I couldn’t walk at lunchtime at work (due to icy conditions) and I felt so sluggish and hungry – it was obvious what a benefit the lunchtime walk is.

I do still obviously listen to Slimpod every night, and always write my three wins. I have lost four stone so far and Slimpod has made this process easy…I just needed to add my determination and planning.

If I can achieve this, while working full time, anyone can do it. The main thing is making a start!

What I eat now I’ve lost four stone

  • I still practise intermittent fasting and don’t eat until after my lunchtime power walk.
  • I never snack after 8pm
  • I still haven’t had potatoes
  • I have had three takeaways and really enjoyed them
  • I very occasionally have bread
  • I have a very small bar of 85% dark chocolate every night
  • I have at least three vegetarian meals every week
  • I meal plan and only buy what I need.
  • I’ve only had two bags of crisps since September
  • My shopping trolley is mainly fruit and vegetables.
  • I don’t eat low fat versions of any food – they have more sugar
  • I am 95% sugar free
  • I don’t eat pasta
  • I choose wholemeal rice, grains, lentils, chickpeas, quinoa
  • I don’t worry about eating cheese.
  • I love broccoli, avocado and spinach and have them every day
  • I have never been to the bakery downstairs at work.
  • I still only drink water

She’s lost four stone – let her know what you think

Please let Rachael know what you think of her achievement and how she lost four stone by leaving a comment below. And do please tell me about your successes and how Slimpod is changing your eating and exercise habits.

Come over and say hello by following me @sandraroycroftdavis on Instagram . I’ll be talking about Rachael in my Slimpod Club live chat at 8pm this evening (Wednesday March 24) so if you’re a member I look forward to seeing you there.

52 thoughts on “I lost four stone and changed my life in just six months”

  1. Elaine Altuccini

    Wow. Well done Rachael. I am really pleased for you and you can hear how happy you are. I will use you as an inspiration. What a great success.

  2. Absolutely fabulous congratulations I have restarted my journey listening to my Slimpod nightly and after a few days feel less hungry so very happy also do the three wins every day , thank you for the encouragement x

  3. Rachael you are thin-sperational! What I love is that you have completely changed your life and in doing so your body, which is what Trevor says – your new life reflects your new body or something like that!! You are honest about the hard work you have put in – I think sometimes I hope the pods will do all the work when we all know what we have to do to lose weight. It is good to see your new rules which have worked so well for you – well done, an amazing achievement!

    1. Thank you! I have worked hard to achieve what I have…. But slimpod has made it easy! In the beginning I used to listen to Trevor in the day and write down any phrases that stood out to me.. Really helped to engrain the positivity ❤️

  4. Well done Rachel, very impressive. If I lose four stone I will be delighted, I am on my 3rd week and already feel the benefit. It’s amazing what can happen when you are not dieting.

    1. Thank you! Slimpod is truly amazing… Its changed the way I look at so many things! Not only have I lost weight, but I’ve changed from the inside out!

    1. Rachael Buckett

      Thank you I put in a lot of effort and consistency, but slimpod makes it easy to make good decisions

    1. Rachael Buckett

      Thank you & enjoy your slimpod journey! Remember just to post in the slimpod group if you have any questions. Everyone is really helpful!

  5. Sally-Anne Griffiths

    Well done Rachel – you continue to be an inspiration in this video as well as on our Facebook group and I have to thank you for the intro to banana bread!

  6. I think you’re amazing, I have the same amount of weight as you had to lose and I think the exercise you’re doing is almost Olympian! I have mobility issues, so I’m not expecting the rate of progress you’ve had, but I find your progress on Slimpod inspirational. Thanks for sharing. X

    1. Thank you! Just remember to listen to your body…. I might do a lot of exercise, but I have never pushed myself so I am sore the next day. Do what your body is happy with. The most important thing is trying to do a little every day… Build the habit so it becomes second nature ❤️

  7. Rachel is a real inspiration for what can be achieved! I’ll say it again though Well done Rachel you’re an absolute star

  8. Mrs Susan Nicholson

    Rachael is an inspiration. What a motivated lady, well done for what you are doing and congratulations on all that weight loss.

  9. I messaged Rachel a few weeks ago after seeing one of her Facebook posts. I found her to be a real inspiration and she spurred me on. I have since changed a few things, upped my exercise (although I don’t do as much as Rachel), and I am feeling the same determination that she talks about. She is a true inspiration and I love that she’s been featured here.

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comments and your message last week. I am so delighted that my story has helped you ❤️

  10. Fantastic achievement- well done!! Shows you what determination and dedication can do. A star ⭐️ !!

  11. Valerie bennett

    Fantastic achievement very well done. Your story will spur me on to keep going with the changes I have made. I would like to lose four stone in total. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Wow! You really are an inspiration! I have only just started slimpod but reading your story gives me hope that I can replicate what you have! Thank you for sharing, I hope one day I will be able to share a similar experience!

  13. Thank you Rachel, this was so good to watch. I love your posts on Slimpod’s facebook page so it was very good to watch your video. Well done for your achievements and hope you continue to be as awesome as ou are now x

  14. Rachael Buckett

    Thank you for all your lovely comments. I am delighted to have been able to share my slimpod journey so far. To have been able to rewrite who I am, and give myself a future to be excited for is just amazing ❤️ Xxx

  15. What fabulous progress, Rachael, well done! You are demonstrating the power of a change in mindset, how inspirational. Thank you ❤️

  16. Christina Impey

    Wow Congratulations Rachel, you have done amazing, so focused great achievements, you must be so pleased, loved listening to your interview with Sandra and reading here how you achieved this super inspiring Thank you

  17. Hi Rachael

    Very impressed – sooo well done! You should be really proud of this great achievement..and feeling so much better in yourself. Enjoy!

    Slimpod really works!

  18. Rachel, what an inspiration. You look a teenager in the second photo. Particularly liked the food list at the end. I too am building up the exercise and having fun. Limited because of my age but fun all the same. Thank you for your story. Xx

  19. How absolutely brilliant!! Reading this has made me realise I really need to get my head back in the game. Its been a tough few months for me where I haven’t actually been to bad I’ve maintained my weight loss which I’m pleased about, but I need to start losing again x. You are an inspiration well done xx

  20. Lorraine Russell

    How inspiring Rachael is to all the new podders like me 14days in who çant see wood for trees, well done for everything you have achieved, I’m now going to make my own list.

  21. Lotte Worthington

    Wow, Rachael!! Your story is amazing, and so inspirational – you’ve really changed your life and it’s just lovely to hear how positive and fulfilled you are now! I’m right at the beginning of my journey, but I hope to catch you up soon!

  22. Reading this is so inspirational. I have about 5 stone to lose and not sure I will be able to do all the exercises you have done but I am doing Lucy Wyndham read and I love them. Am 9 days in and am feeling really motivated. Not thinking too much about food so am hopeful. Thank you for your inspiration ????????????????????????

  23. What an inspiring story, well done ???? I’m so pleased for you. I’m on my 3rd week and determined to make it work

  24. It is nice to read about a product that is such an emotional hangup for so many and actually hear how successful the results and hard work paid off. Congrats Rachael I wish you all the best in the future. I will look into Slimpod after reading about you

  25. Wow, Rachel, thank you for sharing your story. Its my first day on slimpod and you’re the first story i have read. Thank you, you have inspired me.

  26. Thank you for sharing. You are doing amazing and look fantastic too. I can feel your determination.

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Founder of Thinking Slimmer
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