Lose baby fat with ease using Slimpod

WANT to lose baby fat with ease? You’ll be inspired by Suzanne Trisk’s Slimpod success. As a young mother of two, Suzanne barely had a moment to call her own. Before she started listening to a Slimpod she had no time to think about what she was eating or how little she was exercising. But now, in her words, it “just seems to happen all by itself.”

In just seven weeks, Suzanne lost 8lbs of the extra weight she put on during pregnancy and has now lost 11lbs and is fitting into her old jeans! “Now I don’t think about food until it’s time to eat,” she says. “And I’m walking more, too.

“Slimpod is making a real lifestyle change for me. And it fits in with my life rather than me having to fit in with a rigid diet regime.

“I’m wearing a lot of my pre-pregnancy clothes now. Before they were too tight to go out in, but now they’re just nice again.

“I know it’s going to cost me a fortune in new clothes! For the first time in what seems like two non-stop years of being pregnant I’ve bought myself something new – and it was a size 12, not my old 14. Best of all, my pre-preggie jeans now fit me again.

“I ran round the house whooping with joy the day I found my favourite old jeans fitted me again.

“I’m finding that the more I lose baby fat the more my Slimpod incentivises me to keep on losing more. I know I’ll lose another six or seven pounds easily this year if I want to.”

You can see how easy it was to lose baby fat because Suzanne, who lives in Hertfordshire, kept a fascinating diary of her early days on a Slimpod.

“I know I eat too much every day but I can’t seem to stop myself. Usually I have a meal then as soon as I finish it I’m thinking about what I should eat next. A lot of the clothes I used to wear are now so tight that I’m too embarrassed to go out in them.”

“I’m surprised at how quickly something – don’t really know what! – seems to be happening. For some reason I no longer need to eat snacks during the day. The bloke who sits next to me at work has noticed something has changed about me! I used to eat snacks all day – just to give my mouth something to do, I suppose – but he’s realised that I’m not eating anything at all during the day apart from lunch.”

“I’m only thinking about food when I’m hungry. My clothes are starting to feel a bit looser already. This looks very promising. Had a piece of chocolate but just the one – before I used to eat the whole bar in one go.”

“I got a real surprise when I looked at my watch and discovered it was one o’clock already. Lunch time and I hadn’t even thought of lunch up until then. Just realised that I’m starting to walk around town instead of getting cabs.”

“I’m doing a lot more and making a little bit of time for myself. It used to be rush, rush, rush, nursery, train, work, cabs, train, home but now when I walk places I get a little bit of time to think. Quite a luxury, really.”

Now doesn’t that sound like the perfect way to lose baby fat?

Discover how to lose weight by quitting sugar with the Slimpod Gold solution

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
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