70-day challenge will keep you on track through the summer

JULY and August can be really difficult when you’re trying to eat healthily and still lose weight  because these months are full of temptations and distractions. It’s that classic ‘Fall off the wagon’ time!  But it really doesn’t have to be that way. You absolutely CAN stay on track and I’m going to help you do it!

Last week I spoke at a conference in Manchester to mark the 70th anniversary of the NHS, where a 70-day Ditch Sugar challenge was issued to 250,000 people in Tameside. One of my fellow speakers was the leading cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra, an expert on healthy sugar-free eating, and as we chatted during a break I had a light bulb moment…

Why not issue a similar challenge to readers of my blog and all my Slimpodders! So that’s what I did last week and this week we’re taking it a giant step forward!

If you’ve been listening to your pods for a few weeks or more, chances are you’re already losing interest in sweet things. But you’ll no doubt be grateful for some extra motivation and guidance.

If you’re not on my Slimpod programme yet, it’s no problem – you can still experience the remarkable benefits of healthy eating and this great challenge.

Towards the end of this blog I’ll be giving you a link to an article about the foods that can give your body an amazing boost.

If you belong to our wonderful Slimpod Community – I’m launching a very special summer project for you and I’m SO excited about it!

Before I start telling you how to get involved in the challenge, here’s a bit of background.  On 11th June we started filming a project  with the Channel 4 programme How To Lose Weight Well and Tameside Hospital in Manchester.  As part of the programme, the staff had to record a short video each day and upload it to their own private FB group.

This was originally so the programme’s producers  could track progress but it’s had a whole host of other benefits too which have been quite remarkable.

One huge benefit is that it has held the group members accountable. They’ve really got into the habit of doing their daily video because it helps them to reflect on the positive things in the day and they get a huge sense of achievement.

Crucially, they can hear themselves speaking the positives out loud.  This has a dramatic effect because seeing and hearing is believing. It also really builds self-esteem.

But, one of the best things is that it helps you to focus on the process NOT the scales. As you know, it’s the repetition of small daily actions which creates the results and when you get in the habit of focusing on the daily process, it becomes very motivational.

And finally, it’s truly inspiring for other group members watching and creates a lovely positive and motivational effect all round!  Everyone gets to experience natures happy drugs!

So to help you be truly successful and to help motivate you during the 70 days of the Ditch Sugar challenge, four members of staff at Tameside hospital have agreed to lead the challenge in our very own Slimpod Club group.

They’ve been posting videos for the past four weeks in their Channel 4 group so they’ll lead by example by posting in Slimpod Club and I know they inspire you with their success so far!

Here’s all you have to do:


Make a short video every day on your phone (it literally can be 30 seconds to a minute long!) telling everyone about your wins and positives, how you’re cutting down on sugar and what you’re eating.

We’re not looking for a food diary, but we all have to eat every day and the changes to what you WANT to eat are important.

You can also talk about the way you feel and any other changes to your lifestyle habits.  Some people have been talking about how they like themselves more. This is such an important win too!


Post your video up in Slimpod Club if you’re a member. Add the hashtag #70daychallenge


Now, as promised, here’s some expert guidance from Dr Malhotra’s ground-breaking book The Pioppi Diet, which I’m always raving about.

The simplest way to ditch sugar is to stop buying processed food such as ready meals, takeaways, things in tins and packets.

Buy fresh food and cook it yourself so there’s no danger of hidden sugar creeping in, which is the real danger with non-fresh food.

You might be surprised how good you feel after just a day or two on healthier food because it creates a virtuous circle in your body and your mind.

Once you start to get your buzz from eating fish, lean meat and vegetables instead of pizza, pasta and curries it just becomes easier and easier to keep up the good work for yourself and your family.

Ten Great Foods To Boost Your Healthy Lifestyle

Do leave a comment below this blog to let me know how your videos are coming along.

If you’re not part of our Slimpod Community on Facebook, how about asking a friend to get involved with the challenge and share videos to hold each other accountable.

Or simply post your video below my blog below and I’ll hold you accountable!

I’m really looking forward to this challenge – it’s going to be a lot of fun!

13 thoughts on “70-day challenge will keep you on track through the summer”

  1. I’m not very good with ‘blogs’ and uploading videos from my phone but I like the idea so I will get my daughter to be my ‘buddie’ and hold me to account – she can be very critical but also honest and supportive.

  2. Fell badly off the wagon 3 weeks ago -all inclusive holiday. Came home straight back on it,Had no sugar and only fresh produce for last 2 weeks ? and lost 7lb, love slimpod x

  3. Hello I don’t have a phone that I can use to take videos Zi use a mini I pad all the time for slimpod. What I will do it tell my daughter my daily positives and also put some of them in my slimpod extra blog

  4. It’s my first week and posted video on Facebook group looking forward to a good challenge to get me going

  5. Maureen Robertson

    Very interesting, ten great foods to boost health should be given out by GPs. It is so true you are what you eat. Thank you.

  6. Rosemary.jones43

    I am a very new Gold Programme member and I love the idea of the challenge. However I’m not quite ready for the video as I’m still trying to get my head around the modules & videos.

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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