I quit sugar and lost 11lbs in 17 days

IF you want to lose weight and quit sugar by giving up chocolate then you’ll be inspired by what Lauren Goodchild achieved with a Slimpod. “Yes, I was a chocolate addict,” confesses mum-of-two Lauren. “I’d put my children to bed and then leave the baby monitor with my husband so I could go out and get my fix.

“I’d buy a big chocolate bar and sit on the drive eating it all before I went into the house. I was spending at least £5 a day on chocolate and finding it impossible to lose any of the weight I’d put on during pregnancy.

“I just had to have chocolate every day. If my husband was at work and I couldn’t go out to buy any I’d feel extreme disappointment. It was so bad that sometimes I’d walk the boys down to the shop before their bedtime so I could stock up for my evening.

“I tried to use willpower to stop me eating all the time but it didn’t work. My husband even used to take my money away sometimes so I couldn’t go out and buy my next ‘fix’.

“I was suffering from all the bad side effects of too much chocolate – the sugar levels peaking and dropping, the mood swings and of course the weight gain. No matter how much walking I did, I just couldn’t shift the three stone I’d put on during my second pregnancy.

Then Lauren, from Plymouth, Devon, discovered Slimpod. “I was a bit sceptical,” she says. “I’d tried diets and exercise and they didn’t stop me from eating all the time, so how could listening to a recording every evening make any difference?”

To Lauren’s amazement it did. In the first 17 days of listening to her Slimpod – a nine minute voice recording that retrains the brain to eat less – she lost 11 lbs and her craving for chocolate just disappeared. After five weeks she went from struggling to tug size 14 up over her legs to a getting into a size 12 pair that zipped up and buttoned up with ease. “That makes me smile from ear to ear.”

Lauren, who is 5ft 11in, weighed 11 st 6 lbs before she started her Slimpod. After barely two months she had gone down to 10 st 5 lbs. How quickly did Lauren’s Slimpod work?  “After about 10 days of listening I realised that I hadn’t eaten any chocolate for a couple of days.

“I’d had a bag of my favourite M&Ms in my bedroom that had been there untouched for over 24 hours. That was unheard of. I was so shocked that I automatically reached for the bag to calm myself down.

“After about two mouthfuls I sealed the bag and put them back in my drawer. I have never not finished chocolate before but I just didn’t fancy it any more and that bag of M&Ms lasted me five days instead of the usual five minutes.

“Then my Mum said to me that I’d lost a fair bit of weight. I hadn’t really noticed it myself so a bit hesitantly I stood on her scales. When I looked down to see what I weighed I nearly fell off the scales. I’d lost 11 lbs.

“That was just the start. I’m finding my eating habits are changing dramatically and I no longer spend my days grazing on crisp, biscuits and all the other yummy goodies in the cupboards. Now I reach for an apple or a glass of water. I can’t believe how I’ve stopped my craving for chocolate almost overnight.

“For years, chocolate had been irresistible. If it was in the house I had to eat it all, even if it made me feel bad afterwards. But not any more. Now I can have a small piece or two of chocolate and stop. I can hardly believe the change in me.

“Before the Slimpod I think the sheer amount of calories I was eating through chocolate were counter-acting my body’s natural ability to shed my baby weight. Now that I’m not binge eating every night my body has found it easy to start shedding some of the excess weight I was carrying.

“I do still eat chocolate. Yesterday I ate a Yorkie. But I ate one bar not three – and I enjoyed it. I love my Slimpod because it also helps me to relax and get to sleep much more easily. In fact, I usually fall asleep before the soothing voice has said more than a couple of sentences to me.”

Discover how to lose weight by quitting sugar with the Slimpod Gold solution

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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