Slight Edge gives your weight loss a boost

THE Slight Edge is a way of forming good habits by using simple daily disciplines which you repeat consistently over time. Slimpod Club regular Sarah Woods has used it and has an inspiring story for all of you who want to boost your weight loss. At her biggest, Sarahwas a size 32 and now she’s down to an 18, with her target of being a 10/12 getting nearer every day.

Sarah, a 47-year-old mum from Poole in Dorset, uses The Slight Edge approach to make her Slimpod weight loss even more successful and easy.

Listen to Sarah’s 3-minute interview with me on Audioboo >>

Sarah says: “The secret is simplicity. Don’t try to over-think things, just create those good habits and keep repeating them every day. Make sure you always listen to your Slimpod because that’s the key to opening up a new lifestyle.

Lovely Sarah has agreed to be a mentor for our Slimpod Club autumn project.  Here’s Sarah’s story in her own words…

Inspiring weight loss with a Thinking Slimmer Slimpod, from size 30 to size 18

“My food and weight problems began 40 years ago when I was about 8 and my mum was told by my ballet teacher I was too fat to be a dancer. I was put on a diet so to compensate I started secretly binge eating.

 “Over the years my weight went up and up and the bingeing got worse – I could easily eat an entire box of 24 bags of crisps in one go and I could rapidly gain weight. After going to one slimming club I put on 5 stone in a year!

“I reached size 32 at one stage and my weight was putting a huge strain on my whole body so I decided to try to eat less and eat better food. This worked for a while and I lost 6 stone, but life kept getting in the way and I would yo-yo up and down.

“I found if I exercised regularly I could eat what I wanted, but this really wasn’t addressing my relationship with food. With a knee injury restricting my exercise, I was about a size 22 and terrified of gaining all my weight again when I discovered Slimpods.

“The Slimpod and the Slight Edge have completely changed my relationship with food. One of the first things I noticed was that I stopped wanting biscuits and sweets but the real changes have been taking place on the inside.

“I’ve lost the fear and worry of food because I know I’m in control now, food isn’t in control of me. I’ve stopped self-sabotaging my weight loss and that’s what makes me confident that the changes are permanent.

“Using The Slight Edge to take small steps on my journey has made a huge difference. I’ve got to know myself really well and I’m enjoying the journey. Before it was all about getting to my goal whereas now the Slight Edge is about enjoying the ride, which makes me much happier and improves my confidence and self-esteem.

 “Achieving little things every day helps build up my weight loss momentum and makes it all so easy.

“Suddenly it feels natural to walk everywhere and every day I hit my minimum target of 10,000 steps, which is well over four miles, and I often exceed this.

“I’ve discovered how important it is to know what’s in your food by preparing and cooking it yourself. Every weekend we get the recipe books out and plan our meals for the coming week and the beauty is that it doesn’t matter if you change your plans and eat differently for one day because the Slimpod helps your mind to automatically compensate.

“The three best habits I’ve built up are 1) Listen to my Slimpod every day to keep me calm around food 2) Write down my positives every day to keep myself motivated 3) Take 10,000 steps a day to keep myself fit.

“I also love Slimpod Club because of the support I get from people who’ve been there and done it, just like me. In Slimpod Club we all know what it’s like to be overweight and to feel you are trapped by the way food has taken over your life.

“I’ve also discovered the value of turning off the TV in the evenings because that allows me to get things done. Listening to my Slimpod every night is the best habit there could be and the Slight Edge makes a real difference.

 “My husband and I say ‘Time for Trevor’ and go to bed and listen together. He’s lost over two stone!

“I’m currently about 15st 10lbs and falling. I’m a size 18 now, which is the smallest I have been for thirty years and I’m well on the way to a size 16.

“My Slimpod has set me free and enables me to love my food without fear. I couldn’t ask for more!”

SLIMPOD CLUB is a closed group on Facebook which you can join when you buy a Slimpod or Fitpod. We’ll be kicking off our Autumn Success Drive on Tuesday October 7 at 8pm so I look forward to seeing you there. To join Slimpod Club send an email to and put “Slimpod Club” in the subject field. We’ll do the rest.

Free weight loss ebook for you

[NOTE: Download Sandra’s free ebook 7 Ways Your Brain Can Help You Lose Weight for more information and simple, proven ways you can fight back.]

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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