How Gill rediscovered her weight loss mojo

This week I’m SO delighted to be bringing you a Slimpodder’s weight loss experience with a bit of a twist. It’s one that I’m sure will resonate with lots of you as we all struggle with the ever-changing landscape of lockdown and uncertainty about when it will all end.

Gill Lawrence flew through the Gold programme and joined Extra as a natural progression in her weight loss journey. However, one day she woke up and realised that the magic had just ‘disappeared’ – literally overnight!

Luckily, she recognised it for what it was: a temporary blip. Through her own resilience and with help from the Slimpod community, she was able to recover and get back on track. I just know that her story will help those of you who are feeling overwhelmed by life and things you feel are beyond your control!

Click on the image below to watch my video chat with Gill, which is on The Slimpod Channel on YouTube. Please remember to hit those Like and Share buttons too!

Gill’s story!

Gill says: “Pre Slimpod I had become completely disillusioned about weight loss and getting fit. I had grown to hate with a passion any slimming group which had made me feel like a loser and a misfit.

“I had done Lighter Life twice and the Cambridge diet twice. Each time I successfully lost stones but just as quickly gained them again – with just a little extra too.

“A doctor had advised me to go down the bariatric surgery route and so I went for my appointment. I was half the size of everyone else there and knew how to diet, so decided not to go through with it.

“Exercise was a constant battle due to my osteoarthritis and ruptured inoperable Achilles. I live with pain and walked slowly in agony just walking the dog.

“Even though I’m a positive happy person, the whole fitness situation was bringing me down. I have four young grandchildren and was struggling to keep up with them.

“For a few months I tried to go it alone, mainly by calorie counting, but could still binge and secret eat – particularly if I was bored or feeling lonely.

“I saw Slimpod keep coming up in my Facebook feed and thought ‘what have I got to lose?’

“The magic happened for me from the very first week.

“I’ve done absolutely everything that has been asked of me, actively enjoying following the programme.

“I’ve lost two stones, many inches, walked 100 miles in one month, exercise every morning, walk fast and through the pain. I really feel in charge of my own fitness and I’m keeping up with my grandchildren and feeling happier.

“I suddenly lost the magic!”

“So when the morning came when I felt the magic had deserted me I slightly panicked! What would happen to me now? It did coincide with the second lockdown so was probably my worrying brain overriding the good stuff.

“With support and advice from my Slimpod ‘Buddy’ and after talking to Sandra I managed to reframe my mind. After a few days I can honestly say I’m back on track with my weight loss.

“The main things that helped were faking it until I made it: making myself do the exercise and eating a little more but forgiving myself.

“I jumped straight onto Lynn’s ‘Jump Start January’ challenge from the Facebook groups and started adding in Michelle’s ‘Superfoods’.

“Perhaps the best motivator though is the ‘done by 1’ goal, as this really focussed my activities and means I now have the afternoons for self care.”

Take inspiration from Gill’s story!

If you too are feeling like you’ve hit a bit of a roadblock, watch this video. Gill’s no-nonsense attitude and pragmatic approach to getting back on track is an inspiration to us all!

You can also join me on our Slimpod Club page for a Facebook Live tonight at 8pm UK time.

If you’re a Slimpodder who’s not on Facebook or Instagram, there’s free Zoom support especially for you. Join Kate every Wednesday at 10am at

As always, I love to read your comments, so if Gill’s story has struck a chord, please let me know in the space below.

8 thoughts on “How Gill rediscovered her weight loss mojo”

  1. I really needed to hear this today. I felt the magic right at the start too. I have been podding since May, and also lost 2 stone, excercise every day and try and eat more healthy. However, these last few weeks, have seen me having a biscuit with my coffee in the afternoons and my mind is tempting me to evening snack. Most times I ignore it, but there have been a few occasions when it has beaten me. I recognise that it’s a mix of the season and lockdown, but it’s certainly harder than it used to be.

  2. I love the “faking it until I make it” approach! I am sure that we all go through similar low periods during our weight loss journey when we completely loose our mojo for no apparent reason, and we never really know where the mood came from or when it will go. I always tell myself that it’s not the real me and that the real me will reappear when the mood has lifted. So making myself continue with the healthy eating and exercise until such time as my mojo reappears, when everything will become so much easier, certainly resonates with me! Faking it until I make it – simples!

  3. This was an interesting read and listen for me. I have been hit by depression, big time. I am ashamed to say, I gave up. I have put all the weight back on and hate myself for it but I can now see that I must dig in and start listening to Trevor again and try to get back on track. Thank you for posting this. Keep well and safe, we need you

  4. Christine Armstrong

    I am exactly where Gill was. Inoperable ruptured Achilles, plus 3 fractured vertebrae. Mobility very limited and can’t keep up with my grandchildren. ‘walking through the pain’ seems like a mountain to climb.
    Maybe I’ll just start on the lower slopes.

  5. I found this so useful thank you. Gill offered inspiration to keep going just when I felt I was flagging.

  6. Debbie Stuchbury

    I needed this I think I need to move more I haven’t lost any weight yet nearing the end week 11 feel like I’m slipping

    1. me too, I’m at the same stage as you. too scared to get on the scales but nothing is visible either gain or loss.

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
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Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
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