Floral omelette recipe that’s packed with goodness

NHS superchef Simon Smith says: “One of the joys of cooking in a  hospital is that every day I know that by giving people nutritious meals I’m helping them to enjoy a more healthy lifestyle.” Today he’s got a delicious idea for a weekend brunch that will absolutely fill you with goodness – it’s called a floral omelette, and the picture shows you exactly why.

This recipe contains nearly 100 per cent of your daily requirement of Vitamin C thanks to Nature’s wonderfood the red pepper. Adding the cheese (the harder the better) means it is also high in calcium, Vitamin A, Vitamin B2 and Vitamin K and contains magnesium, iron and potassium.

The protein in the eggs helps to make you feel full for longer, so it’s a great late breakfast/early lunch on a busy day like a Saturday, when you know you’re going to be on the go. By the way, it only takes about 10 minutes to make.

Floral omelette


(amounts are per person)

Two eggs

One red pepper

Seasoning and herbs to taste

A few slices of your favourite cheese

A few cherry tomatoes

A bit of greenery for garnish


Whisk up two eggs, add seasoning (herbs and spices, salt and pepper or chives and spring onions).

Chop 3 slices of red pepper, fry in a pan for about 1 minute then add the beaten eggs, pouring them inside and outside the pepper flowers.

Sprinkle the cheese inside the flowers (in the picture we used camembert because we like it) .

Fry on a low heat until the base of the omelette has set, then transfer the pan under a hot grill and grill the top until it has cooked to your satisfaction.

Garnish with greens and cherry tomatoes in the middle of the flowers.

18 thoughts on “Floral omelette recipe that’s packed with goodness”

  1. We do the cook and flip omelets in the USA but this is a pretty option. Thanks for sharing…I cannot eat cheese due to migraines so I use bits of cooked ham to fill me.

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Founder of Thinking Slimmer
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Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
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