Three easy tasks to help you drop a size in just 21 days

THIS WEEK we’re continuing our mission to drop a size in four weeks and the Slimpod #SummerChallenge is focusing on food! What’s your relationship with it? Is it your friend or foe? Do you use it for fuelling your mind and body to give its best or does food have a whole host of other meanings for you?!

In my experience, most people know what they should be eating to lose the excess fat, but they just can’t seem to follow a healthy lifestyle regime consistently. And I speak to a lot of people who just don’t have a deep enough desire to lose weight.

They THINK it’s what they want but at the end of the day have zero motivation to make it happen. So if you’re one of those people, give yourself a big push for the next three weeks of the #SummerChallenge and show yourself what’s possible! It’s only 21 days!

So here are the tasks for this week and the next 21 days – let’s do this!

TASK ONE:  Let’s get really aware of our full signal! All too often we overeat but this can be controlled!

Slimpod helps you do this so if you listen out for it at meal times, you can engage and know when you’re full.  Problems occur if you’re watching television or using your phone and you end up shovelling in food without any thought.

Stop! Enjoy it! Savour the tastes!

And above all let your body yell out to your brain – “I’m full and you can stop eating now!”


TASK TWO:  Focus on what you’re eating. Here’s a reminder of what we recommend in the programme.  Let’s all be really focused on the advice and follow it for just 21 days.

One: Actively reduce bread, pasta, potatoes, processed cereals and rice— they’re a combination of refined and starchy carbohydrates which rapidly turn into sugars in the blood. Try quinoa, whole grains, beans, and lentils instead – they fill you up too!

Two: Reduce or cut out sugar, sugary treats, alcoholic drinks and desserts. With a Slimpod that’s easy!

Three: Eat more vegetables. There are so many wonderful vegetables to choose from. I must admit I’ve become quite a veggie addict. I love stir fries and dishes with lots of colour. Broccoli, spinach, red peppers, pak choi and carrots are in my basket every week.

Four: Eat fruit, two portions a day is good.

Five: Include plenty of high-quality protein such as meat, oily fish, eggs, seafood, tofu and soy. The body doesn’t store protein so you need to maintain an adequate level in your diet to avoid muscle loss. It also helps to reduce appetite. Eggs are amazing for breakfast! Avoid processed meats for the next 21 days

Six: Enjoy dairy products and eat more healthy fats and oils. Until recently people thought they should be avoiding full-fat dairy products. In 2014 a review by the British Heart Foundation found NO evidence that eating saturated fats leads to a greater risk of heart disease.

More recently scientists have said if you drink full fat milk you are 46 per cent less likely to develop diabetes!  So use fats!

They make food taste better. They are an excellent source of slow-burn energy. And although ounce for ounce they are higher in calories than carbs, they keep you full for longer.

There are many, many recipes available in the Healthy Recipes section of our programme which fall in line with the principles above, or you’ll find thousands online.

There are also many recipe books like Dr Michael Mosley’s Blood Sugar Diet – and yes, most of them have the word diet in the title, but ignore that and just follow the recipes!!


TASK THREE: This is one of the most important tasks of all because it holds you accountable! We’re going to share the love, create some great dishes and share recipes with each other in Slimpod Club.

If you’re not in Slimpod Club but you are on social media then share them on Instagram etc using the #SlimpodSmile.

Upload a picture and the recipe instructions for your favourite healthy dish – whether it’s breakfast, lunch, dinner, healthy snacks and even clever sugar-free desserts!

If you try someone else’s recipe and you enjoy it,  tell them in the comments below their post and upload a picture.  We are a fantastic community and I think we can create a very tasty and healthy recipe thread for one another by sharing our favourites, especially if they’re really easy to make.

Whether you’re in Slimpod Club or not, do post them on social, especially on Instagram, and tag us in posts because we’d love to share the healthy food!

As a little incentive to share the love on social, I’ll be giving a lovely prize to the person whose recipe gets the most likes over the next seven days. So get those pics online!

So there you are – as easy as 1,2 3!

  1. Listen for the full signal
  2. Follow the principles of the Med way of eating
  3. Share your recipes with the community online!

I’m really looking forward to this and I’ll be sharing too!  Let me know below how you got on over the past seven days – can’t wait to hear all about it!

11 thoughts on “Three easy tasks to help you drop a size in just 21 days”

  1. Thank you. Have been in Spain for three weeks,( back Thursday), eating lots of food, and not always healthy. I feel that I have put on weight, so this email has given me the incentive to start again and listen to my pods, as not listened whilst on holiday x

  2. Hi Sandra, you’re so right in what you say. For some time I’ve been able to disguise my expanding waist line although I know that I should lose the lbs for health reasons. True to say that my motivation is, as you point out, sadly lacking and so the summer challenge is just what I need!

  3. Elizabeth Lewis

    Already trying to change my eating habits. I’ve been told that i should follow the Med diet anyway.

  4. Diary – and all that means for the welfare of animals, means it is not for me. Vegan options? It’d be nice if they get a mention. Thanks. Jb x

  5. highfield.driffield

    Hello, I’ve just printed this out so that I can have a good read tonight. I think the plan is wonderful and I listen every day to the pods but I have had a terrible weekend, we were invited out for a meal and ended up eating what I didn’t want then felt obliged to have fish and chips on Sunday. Your daily inspirations are just that, I’m sticking to it as best I can, your help stops me from giving up. regards Elizabeth

  6. Did the South Coast Macmillan Mighty Hike at the weekend, so been having a lot of carbs to help me through, the training then the event. Now ready to give this 100%.

  7. Hi sounds really good. I have got a holiday in a month. I need some motivation as I have gone off the rails lately. I haven’t been listening to my pods as often as I should. Of Nick

  8. I went for a walk then bought a slice of carrot cake And tried to justify it by the fact it had carrots raisins and walnuts in it but I have saved some for tomorrow. Slimpod is working

  9. I try and eat healthy most of the time. I eat salad or jacket potato for lunch at work and cook in the evening for my family. I’m just such a couch potato I lack motivation to exercise and I know that’s what I need to do. I’m hoping my slimpod will help me to find my inner motivation.

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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