Drink more water for a healthier mind and body

MOST people know it’s important to drink more water but just can’t seem to drink as much as they would like – so I thought I’d help you with a few tips on how to make it a habit. But first let’s remind ourselves exactly why we should drink more.

Many people underestimate the importance of hydration when it comes to having a healthier mind and body – and of course there’s also the benefit of fat loss.

If you drink more water it’s one of the easiest steps you can take for a healthier body and mind. But it’s surprising how many people still get dehydrated.

Water makes up almost two thirds of our body and it plays a vital role in everything from regulating body temperature to keeping our skin healthy. It can also help reduce injuries when you’re increasing your movement because water helps to keep your joints lubricated.

When it comes to fat loss, hydration aids metabolism, so keeping your body well hydrated is so important in helping it to burn fat.

When you’re drinking the correct amount of water (see below), some of the key benefits include:

  1. healthier skin
  2. healthier teeth and bones
  3. healthier joints
  4. improved digestion
  5. reduced fatigue
  6. increased fat metabolism

Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink more water

Instead of waiting until you’re desperate and knocking back a whole bottle at a time, aim to drink water consistently throughout the day from as soon as you wake up in the morning. I carry a water bottle with me all the time and it’s become a habit now. Water is constantly on my desk and there’s always in a bottle in my bag.

The body loses water through breathing, sweating and digestion, which is why it’s important to rehydrate by drinking fluids and eating foods that contain water.

Vegetables that contain more than 90 per cent water include cauliflower, broccoli, red cabbage, peppers, aubergine and spinach. Carrots are 87 per cent water and green peas and white potatoes are 79 per cent water.

Your body uses water in all its cells, organs and tissues to help regulate its temperature and maintain other bodily functions.

So how much more water should I drink each day?

The amount of water you should drink depends on a few things like whether you live in a hot or cold climate, your age, your body type (slim, overweight, muscular, flabby) and also how active you are.

But as a general rule between two and four litres a day is what’s recommended by doctors. I can hear you say right now, “wow that’s loads – I don’t drink anywhere near that amount!” – and you’re right.  Most people don’t even drink one litre a day!

Let’s do something about this right now! Here’s some tips on how to build a habit and drink more water.

  1. Make water more pleasurable to drink throughout the day; try adding some fresh mint for flavour. You can buy infusion bottles really cheaply and they work brilliantly. Or add pieces of fruit to tap water as I’ve done in the photo above.
  2. Use a water app! These are fabulous and there’s loads to choose from.  One of these can be your trigger – which is what starts every habit.
  3. If you’re a member of our Slimpod Club community, join in the water challenge which will be starting today! It’s always great to do things as a group!

Do drop me a comment below and let me know if you drink enough water already or if you really need to get a good water habit going!

45 thoughts on “Drink more water for a healthier mind and body”

  1. Hi Sandra, having just looked back through my success log I have found that out of my 46 days I have only managed to drink 2+litres on 8 days, that doesn’t include decaf tea and coffee, however my intake of that has dropped since starting Slimpod and change of meds. Must try harder!

  2. Catherine Hamilton

    I really don’t drink nearly as much water as I should. I keep forgetting to take water with me when I go out. A glass of water with a slice of lemon is what I normally drink with my evening meal and I have a glass of water when taking my tablet night and morning but that’s about it.

  3. Whilst at work I fill my bottle up and drink about a litre but don’t keep it up when I get home it’s something I’ll definitely do ,sometimes we forget just how important water is thanks for reminding me

  4. I teach in a fast paced, continuously moving, self contained classroom. I actually forget to drink water even though I keep it right near me. I know I need to drink more.

  5. Hi I really need to drink more water I keep trying but somehow find it really hard I just seem to forget and have a coffee or tea instead

  6. Hi, started at the beginning of the year and it is becoming a habit – for me though it has to be hot water, can’t enjoy cold drinks at all. Thanks for the motivation x

  7. I certainly don’t drink enough water an odd glass in a day. I was drinking 3L of ull fat coke a day before Slimpod but since starting 27 days ago I have drunk any coke or indeed any fizzy juice not even diet. Think I will sign up for water challenge and try for 3L of water instead.

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      Oh my word – that’s fab! Think of all the sugar you’ve stopped consuming! Are your clothes loose?

  8. I do try to drink lots of water I have sparking water with fresh lemon or hot water with fresh lemon. It’s hard to just drink tepture water. I’ve been ill in hospital so have been drinking lots as been unable to listen to trevor as he’s on old phone and I’ve been unable to transfer to new one can you help

  9. Think I need Trevor to create a WaterPod, I really do not like water! I can manage a lemon and ginger tissane but otherwise really struggle to drink water.

  10. I have been in the habit of drinking more water for the past year, and I have definitely noticed the difference. I actually now prefer this and of course it doesn’t cost a thing. I was spending a fortune on diet drinks

  11. Hi,i think i drink enough,since starting slimpod i notice i no more crave for juice(processed of course)but rather water. I just feel thirsty all the time and could have up to 3 glasses at once. I will say i drink atleast 2.5l /day. I am amazed since it winter.

  12. I bought a reusable water bottle from Amazon that is the perfect size and shape (anything bigger/bulkier and it was too heavy to carry around – I did a lot of due diligence before I decided on this one). It’s perfect to slip into a bag and I now find that I drink at least four litres of water a day. There is no way that I would have drunk anything like that amount before.

  13. I always start the day with good intentions IE carry water, have some on my desk etc but I seem to just forget then I take some at lunchtime and forget again. I think I need a buzzer to remind me any suggestions…I Don’t have a fitbit. Thanks

  14. Thank you for the inspiration I always start the day with hot water and slice of lemon and fresh ginger but don’t tend to drink a lot during the day will try and change . X

  15. I’ve been using the plant nanny app for two years now and it’s had a really beneficial effect on how much and when I drink water. It also calculates how much I need.

  16. I usually drink plenty of filtered water because I have found it to be so beneficial… BUT in this cold weather drinking cold water seems less appealing. I have found that adding a small amount of hot water from the kettle helps, also I’m having lots of cups of tea to keep me warm.

  17. Hi Sandra
    I begin the day well. I have 1 glass of water before breakfast. Then I have another 2 during the morning. I can only manage about 3 or 4 glasses in a day. Then I think I have had enough water. (this is not including the 3 or 4 cups of tea I have during the day ) .How can I increase my water intake? Any suggestions?

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      Hiya, I use a water app which gives me reminders. Then it becomes a habit. Also keep a bottle of water close by and drink during the day.

  18. Most of us do not drink enough water but just be careful you check what level of fluid intake is right for you. Recommendations include all fluid consumed, and too much water can be as bad for you as too little.

    1. Sandra Roycroft-Davis

      Hi pat, buy a 2 litre bottle of water from a shop and see how many glasses you get out of it. Or use a simple measuring jug. Then you’ll know whether 5 of your glasses = 2 litres. Hope that helps.

  19. I have been drinking more while it is hot, I keep 2 x 1 litre bottles in the Fridge at work as I like it really cold and make sure I drink both

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
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