Diet pills are a curse, not a cure

DIET PILLS – two words that give me the shivers. I was asked to comment on the effects of diet pills recently by a national newspaper and I didn’t mince my words! In my view, too many desperate people are lured into thinking weight loss is something that can be achieved overnight with the help of a wonder cure or pills. We’ve become a generation who expect everything to be instant but healthy weight loss doesn’t happen overnight.

Obesity is so much in the mind not the body. Pills are like diets, they don’t address why a person is fat in the first place. People need help to regain control of their eating, not pop a pill.  You need to change your relationship with food.

I’ve seen first-hand in my Harley Street practice the damaging psychological side effects of diet pills. A teenage girl came to me because every time she tried to come off diet pills she became depressed and anxious

To make herself feel good she’d turn to food – so she was trapped in a vicious cycle of diet – eat – fail, diet – eat – fail. She’d become fatter that before she started taking the pills.

Her mother listed the frightening symptoms she was witnessing, including anger, violent mood swings, impatience, insomnia and aggression. She told me her daughter had undergone a complete change of character, telling lies and seeming to have lost all grasp on reality.

By enabling her to gain control of her eating naturally not chemically I was able to help her regain her confidence and be happy about herself and her body.

What’s your experience of diet pills?

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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