Five ways to take control of stress during that evening danger time

DO you use food to help you relax after a hard day? Are you one of those people who sits down in front of the TV at night and reaches for the snacks? Has the evening become your danger time?

If you’ve answered yes to any of the above – you MUST watch my latest video because it will help you break the pattern and stop the habit.

Breaking this pattern is vital for your health and there’s no better time to change things than now, as we head into summer.

In the video I look at stress and give some practical advice on how to break the patterns of unhelpful behaviour that stress leads to, especially in the evenings.

Click below to watch.

Five ways to control stress

The key to leading a calmer, more rewarding and much healthier life is to reduce the stress hormone cortisol in your body.

Our bodies need some cortisol and it’s an important hormone because it actually helps keep us alive. But when we’re stressed we overproduce it and this can mean weight gain.

In the weight loss world, cortisol is now public health enemy number one.

So having the right balance is essential.  Here’s those five things I talked about in the video which you can do to take control.

ONE: Exercise is crucial. Give your brain a buzz from doing something physical.

TWO: Use a meditation or relaxation download – our Chillpod is a great way of dealing with it.

THREE: Laughter is fabulous! It stops stress and lowers cortisol.

FOUR: Eat healthily. The Slimpod will take care of that.

FIVE: Get more sleep!

Let me know if you suffer from the evening danger time by leaving a comment below. And do let me know how you get on with my five stress-busting tips.

If you find my free videos helpful you should subscribe to The Slimpod Channel on YouTube! It’s a great free resource for you.

10 thoughts on “Five ways to take control of stress during that evening danger time”

  1. This video was really helpful Sandra . I’m learning a lot about cortisol, it has a lot to answer for !! I think I’m a stress eater , not just in the evenings as I’m retired and at home . I do try to keep busy . I will now listen to the chillpod more of an evening now and see if that helps . I don’t sleep well as I have two cats that wake me up most nights to go out / or think it’s feeding time . Broken sleep . So then I can’t get back to sleep because my mind is too busy .

  2. Clare Ann seward

    Thank you Sandra for you video. Over the past 3 years I have has stress in abundance. My husband had an accident at work and can no longer work, I was at work and an armed robber came in the store I was working and robbed my till. Then last year I went on holiday with a friend and we got run over by a car on a zebra crossing. Last Christmas I reached my heaviest weight ever as I have not been in the right frame of mind to do anything about it. Until now. If I do snack in the evening now it’s on fruit or nuts. And thanks to the alcohol pod I’m drinking far less. Xx

  3. I have had a very stress full 18 months and have put on 3 stone. I have never weighed this amount. It is not helping my mood.

  4. Hi, my problem is grazing all day. I know I am stressed, as my work is unfulfilling and I am also a carer so food is my ‘happy’
    I am doing as much as I can listening to the pods and trying to get to bed earlier but my sleep can also be disturbed. I can’t exercise because i would not be able to commit to the gym or exercise at home as I live in a flat and do not have space.
    I do try to get out at lunch time if I can but most days I have errands to run.
    Do you have any other ideas?

  5. This has definitely been part of my problem. I drink to de stress and that leads to snacking big time! The slimpod has helped me with this. If I do drink I drink less and I have snacked less.

  6. Dorothy Tyldsley

    I shall try your suggestions. They sound very useful to stop me nibbling during the evening. Thank you.

  7. Makes so much sense & gave me a real moment, post dinner sit down
    in front of the tv has totally become my munchie time especially after a stressful day at work so I am now going to make some small changes & see where it leads.

  8. I’m retired but evenings for me are a nightmare. I want to pick all the time. Dark evenings are the worst as it means I want to start picking as soon as it gets dark. It’s annoying as I dislike myself so much for doing it

  9. Hi yes I suffer with evening binging on snacks. I can eat well in day but at night I cave in. I crave salty and sweet things

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About Sandra
Founder of Thinking Slimmer
Food addiction expert
Member of All-Party Parliamentary Obesity Group
Huffington Post contributor
DipCHyp HPD NLP MasterPrac
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